Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1102, the first battle!

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword has already appeared in his hand.

And the golden armor man who rapidly brushed from the stone pillar, and it was a murder of the sky.

"Seeing me to kill, I am still stupid to stand there, can't escape, I really don't know the life!"

The golden armor men's scorpions are cold, and the two arms have a golden giant hammer, and each hand has a hundred million pounds.

When there is no double in the sword, this golden armor man waves both hands, and the golden giant hammer in both hands came.

No nonsense, two people met, when the other party was not a person, this golden armor man directly shot, and it is the killing.

The green fire palace and the golden country stalemate five million years, there have been countless times, the two sides will not die.


The sword is unparalleled. At the same time, while this golden armor is swinging, the blood peak sword in his hand also carries the majestic power, anger.

Swordsmanicing in a sword ... Jian Yuanbo!

"!" "!"

Connected two giant sounds, the two handles of the golden armor were simultaneously on the blood peak sword, and the powerful power broke out, and the sword was unparalleled, and there were some numbers.

"Explosive!" The sword was unparalleled.

The darkness of the sword is carried out, forming a second heavy power, broke out.

"Well?" The golden armor man has a slight change, and his body is not retired after the end.


The sword is unparalleled, the power of the ancient gods, the source of the ancient gods is constantly flourishing, with the bloody sword, the swords of the sky, which carrys the sword of the Thunder Wanjun, and suddenly.

The golden armored man is like electricity, the body is suffocating, the strength of the higher Tianzun has also completely broke out, and the same hammer is like a hammer.

This hammer is easy to smash the void, and smash everything in front.

The two offensive, all containing an amazing gentle, directly colliding together, as a result, as you are roaring, only the sword is not a pair of stones, and this golden armor man However, it is just a step back.

Obviously, this positive collision, the golden armor man takes an absolute upper.

"After I came to the Qinglu Palace, after the end of the Taiqing Temple, I opened up the speed of the sword. The strength did so much, but the speed of the sword, the speed is the speed, but it is not good at attacking the power, hard hard Now I, the top of the top more than the general high-level respect, and the golden country in front of him, the power is in the high-level, and it is absolutely top. "The sword is unhealthy.

That golden armor man is a strange look at the sword. The sword is unparalleled. "Look at your breath, just the event, but the power, it is so much, why? Why do I have before I am on a green? The palace is inside, haven't you heard of you? "

"My name ... sword is unparalleled!" The sword was unparalleled.

The voice is falling, and his pace is directly movable.

The void under the sword is immediately destroyed, and I saw a ghost-like figure lightning in front of the golden armor man.

Subsequently, a floating swordsmanship, rushing.

"This speed ..."

Seeing the sword without a double sword, the golden armor man is a shock, the speed of the sword is unparalleled, the sword is really fast.

The golden armor is also immediately waving the giant hammer. He uses his hands to use, and the two hungry will continue to sway.

And swords are unparalleled, it is the speed of their swords, completely.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

Only heard a metal crowded voice, the void of the two people had completely collapsed, and a sloppy wave was still crazy, and the lower part was a ruined ground. It was again affected by the second injury again and became more embarrassed.

The golden armor has been trying to wavily waving, although he carries the strong powerful power, but the impact of the two collides, the sword is unparalleled can easily resist, and even if it is not affected, At the speed, the obvious sword is unbolded.

"Hey, don't play with you!"

The golden armor man snorted, and Xi Xi saw him on his body, followed by his shoulders, and there were two thick-turn arms, which joined the two arms. Holding a golden hammer separately.

"Four arms?" The sword is unparalleled. "What is this secret?"

Four arms in the foot, each arm holds the same golden hammer, while shocking ... The sword is unparalleled. Some hands are in trouble.

Before, only two arms, two handles, swords unparalleled with their own swordsmanship, but also able to compete easily.

But now, the four arms, four handles hammers, together, swords have no differences, even if they resist them, they are extremely difficult.


The heavy sound rises through the horizon, the four-handed golden giant hammer lights, the sword is not double-finished, the figure is first leg, avoiding this hive attack, but the next moment, a lot of money Brush.


The sword also issued a cold whistling in the double mouth.

It's a beautiful, screaming sword light.

When this sword launched, he immediately covered all the light between the world, so that the golden armored man can't help but observe.

At this point, the golden armored man's eyes fierce.

In his naked eye, this sword was too slow, slowly swallowed with snails, but his consciousness knows clearly, this sword is a quick and incredible.

And the moment of sword light is bright, and the voice of a faint Jian Ming also rises.

Instant a horrible awareness attack directly.

The awareness attack is not only the attacking means of swords, but he still uses the part of the beads, which is part of yourself!

Consciousness attack, plus the impact, the two combined, directly act on the golden armor man.


The golden armored man's head is painful, but it turned over in an instant. He immediately lifted one of the palms immediately. If you want to wavily resist the sword that blocks the sword, the sword, but the sword speed is too Fast, he was attacked and paused again, and he couldn't completely prevent the sword.

In the end, this beautiful, scorachable sword light is on the arm of the golden armor. The strong tear force, the gorgeous man's armor is broken, then he is half The arm is directly smashed.

The arm was being cut, but the golden armor didn't care. His figure has already retired from the distance, and it is very complicated to read the sword.

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