In the top of the midpere mountain group, the sword has no doubles to swear in front.

At this moment, he still showing the secret surgery of the sky, making his vision more vast.

"The Soul Dan, there is still this strange medicinal medicine?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Hey, the district Shen Soud, which is so shocked?" The king didn't be curious. "I said, your eyes are too small, this gods, put them in the chaotic world, found Don't, even if it is higher than its higher level of medicinal herbs, the ancient chaotic world is also all. "

"That's that, I am still in the fire world, this Shen Soul Dan is indeed a lot." The sword has no double.

A Shen Soul Dan creates a Tianzun.

If it is possible to get a hundred gods in this area, the green palace is enough to have more than 100 Tianzun, the overall strength will skyrocket.

"Yes, since this goddess, since it can help people will integrate many ways, condense immortal,, isn't it to say, wait until I have to break through Tianzun, can I borrow this goddan?" The sword was unparalleled.

"You? Don't think about it." Yu Wang smiled.

"Why?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The Soul Dan, can help people break through the sky, the chance of breakthrough is also based on the road to the other side, if the three ways you open, it is just a normal level, then lend to the soul Dan, it is definitely a hundred By a hundred breaks through the sky. "

"You can open the three ways, one or two are the heaven and earth level, Tong Dynasty, the soul of the soul, let you break the chance of getting the sky, the top more only eight nine-centered, if you open the road, also contain the level of the chemicalization level Tao, the chance of breakthrough, will be less than 50%, even less! "

"And if you want to break through Tianzun, you caught immortal forever, then you have to open up a strongest sword, the integration of the strongest swords, this gods Dan is effective for you, almost no effect, if you want more By a few rates, it is a luxury. "Said the king said.

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled.

He didn't know that this goddess is also related to the strength of the road.

"No matter what to say, this soul Dan is still trying to get more." The sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled in this mountain group, and the trace of the soul Dan is searching.

Five days later.

"Well? This flavor ..."

The pace of swords and unparalleled swords were suddenly stopped, he can very clearly, a Dan medicine fragrance comes from one direction next to him, this fragrance is a faint bloody taste, not quorbievance.

"There." The sword was unlocked in an instant, and then immediately opened the past.

After just a moment, the sword was unparalleled to see the scarlets that float in the void in the void.

"Two? It seems that my luck is good?" The sword did not have a double-faced, and the body was placed directly in the hands.

Looking at the two Dan medicine in his hand, the sword is unbounded but quite quite weird.

"This is the soul of the soul Dan? Good bloody." The sword is unparalleled.

"The Soul Dan, this is to use the blood of the military, so the medicinal herbs will take a blood atmosphere." King said.

"It turns out." The sword is unparalleled.

And the two of the two gods, the incomparable breath, attracted, not only only the sword is unparalleled, and a handsome man wearing a golden armor, this handsome man is rushing, but unfortunately his speed It is obviously slowly.

But when he came to this void, he just saw the sword unparalleled with the two gods.

"Two God Soul Dan?"

"The death, the first is the first, and it is still the strong people of the Qinglu Palace!"

This golden armor man is sinking, and it has also emerged in an angry.

But very quickly, this golden armor reads the sword unparalleled look.

"Is him?" The patron of the golden armor is in the empty, the brow is also frowning.

Just put the sword of the Soul Dan in the Qiankun ring, I also missed the arrival of the people. After seeing this golden armor man, the sword is not bilayer, but it becomes an old.

This golden armor man, Helhi is the sword unparalleled. At the beginning, the golden country that was seen under the stone column of 'kill' words, and the sword was unparalleled to this giant battlefield. The first golden country!

This golden armor man has the strength of the high-level respect, and it is extremely weak in the high-level Tianzun, at least than three days ago, the purple man who is repelled by him, is stronger.

"The Soul Dan, falling into this small child." The golden armor is staring at the sword, the mind is moving, but the long time is slightly shaking.

At the beginning, he didn't have a pair of hands with the sword. At that time, he didn't have a difference in the sword. The sword was unparalleled at the time. He also lost his arm. , Lighted him, you want to get rush from snatch, obviously unrealistic.

After thinking clearly, this golden armor man turned directly and was ready to leave.

But he just prepared to make your body ...

"Haha, so urgent, where is it going?"

The cheerful laughter sounded, and the sword was unparalleled to brush it directly to this golden armor.

The golden armor is stopped again. He is a trace of anger, staring at the sword and unparalleled. What do you want? "

"You ask what I think?" The sword is unparalleled and cold, "I have a deep hatred between the Green Palace and your golden country, the two sides have long been not dead. Since it is now, you can let you go so simple. , Pick it up! "

The voice is falling, but the sword has no double shape is yet turned into a stream of flow.

A shangled sword, and it was also in an instant.


The golden armor is burned to the raging fire. He knows that I can't sword is unparalleled, so I know that the sword is unparalleled to get the soul Dan, but still choose to leave.

But he didn't expect that the sword is not a double plan to leave him completely?

Where is this courage?

"The last time I don't want to get rid of you, I am really afraid of you?" The golden armor man sounded cold, and the golden light shouted, the four arms extended, these four thick arms were scratched. Handle of golden hammer.

Football giant hammer, under the waving of his four arms, directly in the sword, there is no double, his body is also like lightning!

Just dozens of years, the sword is unparalleled once again, with this golden armor man fierce!


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