
The golden armor men's four arms have simultaneously wavily hammers, and the four sorts of hammers have formed a straight line, forming a straight line, and the sword is unparalleled, these four streams, every way is strong, give The feeling of can't stop.

"Last fierce battle, on attacking power, you are almost crushing me, but this time, it is not necessarily."

The sword is unbreaking, and when I saw the four golden streams, the blood peak sword in his hand moved.

With the strength of the ancient ancient god, the blood peak sword broke out, and then it was also rapidly waved.

The sword is swung, and the golden thunder of the Taiyin Shenmine's third level is in the middle of the long sword.

clang! clang! clang! clang!

In the four hits, the sword is unparalleled and there is a golden armor man, which is almost shocked.

"The front of the power collides, actually fighting with me, is it quite?" The golden armored man has a shocking.

"Come again!" The sword is unparalleled is a battle, and the figure is stable, but it is again riped.

"Hey, who is afraid!" The golden armor is also hidden in the man, and it is immediately stepped out.

Two people are in the void, collide, the sword is unparalleled, the giant hammer of the golden armor is played.

Both people all made their own power to achieve the ultimate.

!!! boom! ......

I only heard a terrible roar. In this empty, I continued to connect, and every roaring is accompanied by, it is a large number of void and smashing, the horror of horror, the remaining wave of the horrible, even the endless mountain group below. Make some mountains directly be bombed, or is crushed into a powder.

"Haha, happy!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is full of exciting light.

And the golden armor man, but the more beat it.

"How is it possible? The last battle, he can only be entangled with me with speed. In terms of strength, it is completely crushed by me, but now ... in just a few decades, his attacked power, it has already Isn't we weak? "The golden armor man murmured.

He and the sword were unparalleled to the present. The two sides were all the collisions on the power of power. Although they also used the killing skills, but they still had a hard time, but they can't hit it many times. He didn't take a little wind?

"For decades, he has not broken through the road, how can it be so big?" The golden armor man is full of horror.

Tips, Tianzun level, strength every step, all is very difficult, like him, even after tens of thousands of years, the strength is just just barely refined.

The sword is unparalleled. In just a few decades, the single attack is incomparable to the huge improvement.

And don't forget, the sword is only just a good world.

"This little child is a monster." The golden armor is cold, and the bottom has also risen.

I immediately waved in the four arms. I broke out the amazing power, and I barely put the swords unparalleled to the shock. Take the opportunity, his body shape is immediately detonated, and then the head is not returned, and it flees directly.


The sword is unparalleled to look at the golden armor, but only can do it.

He still has some means that there is no way, like his speed, but he has not completely played it, but he knows that even if you go all your best, it is impossible to kill this golden armor.

"On the strength, this person is in the high-level", it should be in the top, but now I, because the relationship between the Taiyin Shenmine, my overall strength is slightly better than him, now I am in higher In the sky, you should be able to have a straightforward. "The sword is unparalleled.

When he started, he didn't plan to leave this golden armor.

He wants, just a fight with this golden armor, so there is a definite judgment to his strength.

Although he also appeared in the battle with the purple burly man, the purple hammer is also a high-day, but the war is obviously a big truncation, and he is going to flee it with him. I have no war.

And the man who has just been the golden armor, the sword is unparalleled.

"Continue to swear!"

The sword is unparalleled to start to sway in this mountain group, continue to search for God's soul Dan.



A golden flowers have passed through the void, but it is not long for a mountain. It is just the golden armored man who has just had no double fierce.

This golden armor man, famous as a lan, in many days of gold, also have a great name.

The Golden National High Day is very much, and the curved sheep is in which the top five is definitely standing on the top.

At this moment, the color is very unexpected, "the sword is unparalleled ... How long does this have been, and his strength has improved so much?"

"If you have been in this speed, isn't it the second Rising Sword Emperor?"

"No, there is no pair of swords, you must pay attention to it."

Immediately, this Lu Yang gave the high-rise power of the golden country.

"I found a peerless genius of the green palace, he called the sword and unparalleled, the appearance looks just a eternal body, of course, does not rule out that he cultivates special secrets, hidden the possibility of the breath, but his talent is really high, I last visited When he arrived, he made a decree to spend a quite quite, and his attack is far less than me at that time! "

"In just decades, I have encountered him again today. His attack Weon is not weak, and its factories have improved several grades before."

"So talent, it is best to remove him as soon as possible, otherwise he will wait for him to full, it will become another power of the Qinglu Palace."

The news of this song is soon being known from the high-rise power of the golden country.

The high level of the Golden Guo is also quite emphasized. When it is, even if it will soon be infiltrated into the strong in the green fire, the detailed information of the sword is unparalleled.

However, those who infiltrated into the fire community, there are many constraints, although there is a certain intelligence ability, but this intelligence capacity is used, but the speed is very slow. After all, they can't be seen alone.

In a short period of time, the high-rise of the Golden Kingdom can't get the detailed information of the sword.

However, the high-rise of the golden country is still giving a strong in the battlefield, which conveys a message, letting them be alert to the Sword of the appearance, and the command, let the battlefield, let the battlefield If there is a chance, the sword is unparalleled.

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