Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1115 for seventeen years

Many golden powers who have fallen on the battlefield have also known the existence of swords.

"A appearance looks just just the swords of the eternal bodies? The strength is comparable to the high-level Tianzun, even even the songs are all advised by him?"

"This sword is unparalleled, it should be Tianzun, can it be just eternal?"

"It's hard to say, this world is not hilarious, although he is just a eternal border, but maybe he got some big firms, or there are some special means, and there is also a strong battle force, it is also possible."

These golden powers have known the news, and the ideas are different.

Just in the endless mountain group of the soul Dan, those golden Tianzun strongmen knew the news, and the feelings were very delicious.

"The sword is unparalleled, and it comes to this area, it is very likely to experience it with us, we have to be careful."

"Say, the sword is unparalleled to make the songs", the act is never more than the curved goat, and even more stronger, with the power of our two, it is careful. " Two golden secondary day strong people were discussing.

Of course, there are also some powerful golden national Tianzun, but it is nothing.

"The sword is unparalleled. Hey, he is really eternal, it is best not to meet me in this area, otherwise I want him to die, the slag is not left." A rough man stands in the mountains of the mountains. .

"Peerless genius? Oh, if it is dead, the talent is also useless." A beautiful gold armor girl also said cold.

In short, as the Golden High Skille puts this news, the name of the sword is in the golden protesters, and it is not relatively sound.

For these, swords are unhealthy, he is still alone in this area, searching for the traces of those gods.

On the way, if you encounter the golden country, he will directly shoot with the other party. If it is possible, he will find a way to leave the other party thoroughly, but if you can't stay, a fierce battle is used to abrasive your own sword, it is also good s Choice.

With his current strength, as long as you don't touch the sky, or join hands, no one can threaten him.

And it is a full of Tianzun, and the top can only hurt him. If you want to kill him, you still hope.

Just because the life is very strong, the sword is unparalleled to his own strength. He dares to be unscrupulous in this area.

Time passed, blink, swords are unparalleled to this area, there is already a seventeen years.

Since the seventeenth year, the two major camps that have just begun to arrive in this area, and the sword is unparalleled is difficult to encounter the strong people in the golden country, but the chance of the soul Dan is bigger. A lot.

Later, there were more and more strong people who arrived in this area, and the chances of swords and unparalleled, and the chances of fighting also increased.

Now, the basic sword can be encountered in a golden strong, once encountered, as long as the other's lineup is not strong, the sword is unparalleled will choose to go.

In the seventeenth year, he has encountered a big and small trip to dozens of fierce battles in this area, but the golden trumpet of him is killed by him, but only two, and these two. Still because it is too much to die in his hands.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled in these seventeen years, in addition to dozens of fierce fights, I also got the eleventh gods!

Eleven Soul Dan, eight is what he found, and there are three, it is obtained from the two golden powers who have killed him.

Eleven Soul Dan, enough to create eleven Tianzun, if you put it in the fire point exchange, you can redeem 1100,000 fire points, absolutely harvest.

"Eleven Soul Dan, although the value is extraordinary, but the biggest gain is not these soul Dan, but the sword is slowly plunged in the void, and it is also Turmall with Kings.

The sword is unparalleled with a smile, it is obviously very happy.

"Three differentiation levels have become, then you should find a way to take one of the way, improved to the most powerful level." Said the King said.

"The strongest sword ..." The sword is unparalleled.

He was entering the battlefield, and his sword, the speed of the sword, is already the way of the campaign, and the third Jianji, the third Jian Dao, who opened, still staying in the heaven and earth level, but he is too clear. When the temple, I found the breakthrough route of this Chung Keard.

In these years, he is alone in the battlefield. He has been in the process, especially in this area, fighting with many golden powers, dozens of fierce battles, on the Chung Rover, he finally welcomes Come broken.

Now, this sword has completely yin and yang combined, and has achieved yin and yang swords.

And the yin and yang swords, it belongs to the granulation level. Since then, the three ways of opening up have reached the level of the campaign. He is able to use the sword power to improve again, overall strength, and there is a lot.

"I opened up a grade-level sword, I spent so long time with energy, but I have to upgrade the sword to the strongest level, I don't know how long it takes?" The sword didn't shake his head.

"The strongest sword, the scorpion of the Jingjing-Deficiency Level, I want to achieve nature, it is not easy, like your father, the reason why you can open up the strongest sword, that is also a difficult time and space, in the inside After 100,000 years, this is because your father itself has a sword spirit, the sword is very good, and you, maybe the sword talent is not weak than your father, but the final cultivation time is too short. ! "

"You don't worry, come slowly." Said the king said.

"I am not anxious to just, but the key is to open up a strongest sword, my realm can not break through, I can break through the road, but these years, but always deliberately suppressed, this The taste, natural is not good. "The sword was unparalleled.

Breakthrough demand, he has long reached, just his ambition, wants to open up the strongest swords, with the strongest swords as the foundation, and break through the road, so that no matter whether it is potential or strength, it is more powerful. .

"Take it, if you want to go farther, you must suppress your realm now, but you don't worry, you open up three swords, just one of the swords, you can break through the strongest level, you can break through "The King said.

"Dao Zun, only need to break through with a swordway, since your sword has made a foundation, then there is no way to improve again, but the other two roads are still ongoing."


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