When I heard the king, the sword was unparalleled and nodded.

His ambition is great. If it is possible, he even wants three swords that open up to reach the strongest level, then the three strongest swords are integrated, and the immortality that has never been unprecedented.

However, he is clear, you want to achieve this step, it is not easy, so he only wants to open a strongest swordway as soon as possible, then take this stronger swordway as the foundation, break through the road, so that his strength will skyrocket.

It is not easy to just a strongest sword.

"You can't worry, come slowly." The sword was unparalleled.

And just as he sinks ...

! ! !

A full of breath, suddenly burst into this endless mountain group.

This breath is full of breath, accompanied by the unparalleled scent of Dan medicine, in which the area is completely spread, so that many Tianzun strong in this area, instantly vibrate.

"what happened?"

"Good rich Dan fragrance, the diffuse range is this vast?"

"This is moving, too big!"


The sword is unparalleled, and the movement is noticeable.

"This kind of scene, no accident, should be the treasure of the treasure, and it is seen that the treasure related to Dan medicine, the sword is unparalleled, and the passing of the king."

"Well." The sword never had a double heart, and even if the source of the shares is rushing.

At the same time, in this area, many Tianzun people from the two major camps from the Golden Vendor, the two major camps, are also the first time to bring together the source of Danxiang.

No one is clear, can cause such a huge movement, inevitably be very good.

Lenoving the many gods that scattered in this area before, it is very likely to be related to this treasure.

These strong people are naturally hot.

The source of Danxiang broke out, and it was the most central in this face of this face.

When the sword was unparalleled, it was already three days later, but the shares had spread throughout the mountains, and he continued for three days, and it still did not dissipate.

On the empty, the sword has no double standing there, looking at a ground in front of the ground, the ground has been completely sinking, forming a great Tiankeng, but it is in this day, but there is a very concealed. Jin Guang, the rich Danxiang, is from the bottom of this day.

"Sure enough is the introduction of treasures." The voice of King said.

"It has caused such huge movements, and it has not been dissipated for three days. I don't know what treasure will it be?" The sword is unparalleled.

At this time, the three shadows of the swords were unparalleled, and they quickly appeared in front of the sword.

"Yi Tianzun, Meng Long Tianzun, Jinqu Tianzun." The sword didn't smiled and greeted.

"The sword is unparalleled." Yi Tianzun three people are very enthusiastic.

The three people were also spotted, this is immediately coming, but the positions of them are in the position of the swords. Naturally, there is no double to arrive here.

"For the seventeenth year, the little friend swayed in this area, but I have harvested?" Yi Tianzun asked.

"Not bad, what are you three?" The sword has no double.

"Three we have just started to gain a few years, but later ... no way, more and more strong people, the chance to find the Soul Dan is getting smaller and smaller, even if it occasionally found one or two, then It will cause a turning to kill, but fortunately, we will join hands, and it is reluctant to have a few times in a few killed, or ... "Yi Tianzhao.

The sword is unparalleled, he also knows that in the past seventeen years, with more and more strong people enter this area, the competition of the Soul Dan naturally is more intense and crazy, Yi Tianzun is three people teamed up, but in this The strength can only be considered in the area.

"Yes, you have come first, you have known what happened during the daytock? Is it a treasure for birth?" The sword is unparalleled.

"It is indeed a treasure to born, but now it is still brewing, and it is not completely coming, and it is in front of a time, and a strong person in my green palace has built into the day pit. I want to explore. After he entered the Tiankeng, he could only see a glare of golden light. What else did not see, he wanted to approach the golden light, but he had just rely on it, he encountered a heavy barrier, and he shook him directly. Yi Tianzun.

"Oh?" The sword has no double look, "Jin Guang? Barrier?"

"Since there is a barrier, then this treasure is a generous spirit, and such a rich Danxiang is, maybe it is used to store the palace of the Dan medicine." Said the king said.

The sword is unparalleled.

"The strong in Jin Guo has also tried it, but the result is the same, so until now, whether it is my green palace, or the strong people of the golden country, it is honest, staying in the dark, waiting, etc. This treasure is completely born, and it will compete in again. "Dream Long Tianzun.

"In this case, then we are waiting."

The sword is unparalleled, and it can only be like Yi Tianzun, Dream Long Tianzun, Jinqu Tianzun, waiting in a void, quiet waiting.

Time passed, blink in a month.

In this month, the Danxiang flavor at the bottom of the day is still never dissipated, and the shares are angry, and they have been flooding in the world.

The treasure under the Tiankeng, but it is still not born.

In addition, in this month, all the two major camps in this area are almost all come together.

Going to now, staying near the day, waiting quietly.

"A lot of strong!"

The sword is unparalleled to stand in a void, and it feels a strong breath in the scope of our consciousness.

Within the scope of his sense of consciousness, there is already more than 30 Tianzun existence, you can know that he is just a goodness, the sense of consciousness is not wide, and it is only a part of the Tiankeng near Tiankeng. There is no way to induce many places.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but through the governing, he can clearly know the number of green fire palace in this daypit.

"The light, my green palace came to the strong near this day, there is a foot and forty-two?" The sword is unhed out with a shock.

These forty-two people can be the real price of the real price!

And this is only just from the green palace. It is necessary to know the battle between the Green Palace with the golden country in this battlefield. It has always been an absolute upper wind, the number of strong people, and the golden protesters are on the green palace.

The green fire palace came to forty-two Tianzun, the Tianzun strong in Golden Guo, is definitely more!

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