Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1117 is born!

"I just got the news, I have also rushed to this day pit." Yi Tianzun suddenly opened.

"Silver Tianzun? He has also arrived?" Dream Dragon Heavenly blingently.

"Silver Tianzun, that is, the strong of Tianzun is a full level, plus the younger you have arrived, dark Tianzun, our green palace rushed to the Tianzun near this day, there is already a feet three "" Jinqu Tianzun shocked.

In the sky, standing on the top, it is a strong person who is a full level.

This strong person is very low in the birth of Tianzun.

Like the many days of the green palace, it is not enough to achieve the sky, it is not enough, now there are three Tianzun Dazun, and now.

"My Green Palace brings to so many people, the golden country will definitely be too small, and the treasures will be truly born, and they will compete, they must be very crazy!" Yi Tianzun said.

When you hear this, the sword is not strong.

He seems to predict the two big camps in advance for the treasures of the treasures.

"The sword is unparalleled, is this competition not just right?" King said.

"Just? What does it mean?" The sword was unparalleled.

"You are in the green house, isn't you never been to be seen? Most of the strong palace is a little exclusive to you. And if you want the strong people of the Qinghuo Palace to be careful You, like Yi Tianzun, Dream Dragon Day, then you have to pass the shammed record, or simply is bloody killing, let the green palace's strong workers! "

"And the upcoming crazy battle, maybe you have proven to have a great opportunity!"

When I heard the king, the sword was unbentered.

Because of his mother's relationship, he is indeed rejection in the green house.

Even if it is Yi Tianzun, Dream Long Tianzun is still a little on his own, just because he revealed the absolute strength, let Yi Tianzun, dream dragon Tianzun looks at it, these two Tianzun will convince yourself.

Obviously, in this world, whether it is, it will always rely on strength.

Yi Tianzun, the dream of Dragon Tianzun, and the other days of the Qinglu Palace are nature.

"You are right, the next battle, maybe I have proved my best opportunity!" The sword is unparalleled.

"This is right, just in the three swords, you have reached the granulation level, the strength is much stronger than before, your sword is amazing, if it is full of killing, it will definitely be very horrible, what is achieved It is also not to us, enough to make the Tianzun of the Qingquan Palace. "Yu Wang smiled.

"I understand." The sword is unbolded immediately and immediately became incapacitated.

The two major camps in the Qing Dynasty, and the golden countries are still waiting near the day.

Vision ...!

The atmosphere that is full of enthusiasm between heavens and the earth is very angry. At this moment, this moment is once again skyrocketing.

At the same time, the golden light in that day pit is also getting more and more glaring.

Booming ~~~ The whole land began to crazy shots, this tremor also has become more intensified.

"The treasure is going to be born!"

Many Tianzun, who waited near Tiankeng, all excited, and a hot eyes saw the past.

And between this big earthquake, a stunned gold palace is slowly rising from the pit, and ultimately it is completely separated from the Tiankeng, suspended to the upper void.

This golden palace, the rush, the top of the temple in front, the Dragon Fei Feng danced three words hot.

"Danxin Palace!"

The rich Danxiang, there is also the magnificent breath that is full of heaven and earth, is from this Danxin Palace!

When I saw this Danxin Palace, after this day, nearby Tianzun's eyes were all red, the next moment, from all sides, there were numerous figures with amazing speed, directly Dan Dynasty heart flutter. go with.

The whole world is also thorough.

"Walk, we have also hurry!" Yi Tianzun opened, just want to make it.

"Don't worry." The sword is unparalleled, and several people will stop the Tianzun.

"What happened?" Yi Tianzun, NMONG Tian Zun, Jinqu Tianzun all frightened, swords and swords.

"This Danxin Palace, is not simple, you see." The sword is unparalleled.

Yi Tianzun also immediately saw the Danxin Palace. I saw the strong who walked from the four-sided eight-party Danxin House. Just appeared in the 10% of the Danxin Palace, but immediately was blocked by a heavy golden ban. Down.

When you have a strong person, you will break this, but the result, no matter whether he is a person, it is still a hand, bombardment is on that ban, and the ban does not rise.

These strong people can only stop the body with helplessness.

"what happened?"

"This treasure has been born, how can I have a ban?"

"This ban, we can't open!"

Many strong people have worked hard.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it is a laugh: "Sure enough, the Danxin Palace is the existence of the unique spirit, and the ban on the outside is also subject to the control. If you don't want, I am afraid that no one can enter the Danxin Palace. "

"No one can enter the Danxin Palace? Isn't that this time we are busy?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Don't worry, the spirit of the Danxin Palace will choose to be born at this time, and have made so much movement, naturally there is its intention, and peace of mind is."

"Well." The sword nodded, and then watched the three people next to Yi Tianzun, "Let's go, we also go."

Immediately, the sword is unparalleled with Yi Tianzun, the dream dragon Tianzun, Jinqu Tianzun has also passed up.

, quietly suspended in the void, and in other than the hundred miles, there is a heavy golden ban, in the many days of the two camps, all blocked it outside.

The strong faces of the two major camps face each other, there is no good choice.

It is at this time ...


The Danxin Palace is open.

Many Tianzun people outside the ban are all moving, and I will immediately take the open temple through the opening of the hall.

At this point, some people in the scene are fierce.

I saw a paint black in the hall, and in the dark void, I was floating a scarletan medicine, and those scarlets also exude a faint bloody breath. It is God's soul Dan.

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