Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1118 Crazy!

God Soul Dan, these young fire palace, the golden countries of the golden countries have been searching for the treasures of this area.

Ten years ago, there is a lot of gods from the two major camps.

If you only have a soul Dan in the main hall, just one, even if it is a few, it is impossible to show such a horrified expression.

So, that's because of the soul of the temple at this moment, there is a hundred!

Hundreds of Shen Soul Dan, this is equivalent to creating hundreds of Tianzun, and even there is.

Two big camps, many Tianzun strong, one of them immediately became scarlet.

"So many souls, this is to be gotten by my green palace, enough to make my green palace overall strength sharply!" Yi Tianzun was very scarlet.

"A soul Dan, equivalent to 10,000 fire points, this hundreds of gods, it is a million fire point." Dream Long Tianzun also lick, lingering lips.

"This soul Dan, must get as much as possible." Jinqu Tianzun is hot.

The sword is not standing outside the ban, and the surroundings of Yi Tianzun, there are also the expression of the people around the world, and the face is not comparative.

Suddenly ... The original place is quietly suspended in the big temple, as if it is pushed by a piece of power, at this moment, it has been rigid in the four sides of the four sides.

In the foot of the sacred sacred soul, while shooting, the speed is so fast, and the moment is wearing the heavy fly golden ban. It appears under the eyes of the two major camps, seeing this scene, many Tianzun in the scene. A smoked heart.

Time ...


"Quick grab!"

"So many souls, my day!"

"It's mine, it is mine!"

Throughout the world throughout the world.


Many Tianzun, many of the two major camps, all crazy at this moment.

I saw a strong and unscrupulous broke out, these Tianzun have come up with their own gods and directly participated in this crazy battle.

Yi Tianzun, Meng Long Tianzun, Jinqu Tianzun three people also become crazy.

"Three, you are be careful!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peaks have appeared in his hand. His eyes are eye-catching from the nearest neighborhood Dan, the next engraved shape is directly rushed, as pressed from nine days. The eagle, in an instant, it has appeared before the two gods.

At the same time, I stared on these two gods, and there were two golden powers.

These two golden powers, one is a high-level, and there is one of the second day.

"The breath is only eternal, he is a sword!"

The two golden protesters have been brought out in the first time.

"Hey, even if your strength is comparable to the curved sheep? I will join hands, kill him!" The frowning, the fierce youth with fire clouds, was filled with fire clouds.

"Good!" The young girl told that young girls.

When the sword did not have a double, when the two gods did, this cold, the goddess of the girl was still coming.

The cold youth hand holds a huge bloody sickle. He is bloody and clouds, carries the bloody bloody breath, with its eyebrows, the fire cloud pattern, his right hand is also a fierce, the bloody sickle whistling Out, in the void, it seems to have been able to have a long blood river.

In an instant this bloody sickle has appeared in front of the sword.


The sword has no doubles, and with the constant ancient gods of the ancient gods, the bloody sword in his hand broke out, the sword was directly cut out.

A very horizontal sword, carrying the power of the three campaign levels, suddenly broke out under the amplitude of the blood.


A great ring.

Directly dissipated from the blood river, the bloody sickle whistling, and it was also thrown out of the shock. The terrible power is not reduced, and it is still impact on the cold youth.


The cold youth is directly sprayed out of a blood, and the face immediately became a miserable.

At this time, a strange sword shadow suddenly lit, I didn't know when it was still in the sword.

The elderly cold sword light, the carrier is destroyed, as if the spirit snake in the void is general, the sword has no double skull.

"court death!"

The sword is unparalleled to the rear of the cold style, and the murder is killed, and it is too lazy to see it.

~~~ The sound of the faint Jian Ming sounded, in the moment of listening to this Sword, the excitement of swordsman sneaks the sword unparalleled brunette girl has encountered a horrible consciousness attack, this brunette girl is just just The strength of the second day is not strong, and immediately caught in a state in the state of .

And the sword is unparalleled, the sword is not hindered, and this brunette is directly killed!


"Is it so strong?"

The frank youth that was quited by the sword was not double-injured, and immediately shocked.

A sword was seriously injured, and then a sword immediately killed a second day.

This strength, obviously beyond the common and higher levels.

Put the brunette girl, the sword is unparalleled, and the two gods are collected, and there is a Qiankun ring of the brunette girl. Then the cold scorpion has seen the cold.

"You have to die!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the figure has appeared in front of the cold youth, and the blood peak sword is fierce.

" !"

Contains a dark horror kill, immediately display it.

"not good!"

The cold youth has a large change, the Huangzhong, and even the blood sickle is resistant.


It is also a big sound. The whole body shape is all sinking, and the arm is also a hemp, and the second heavy power in the swordsman is directly outbreak.

This second heavy power is hardly hindered, shocks to the cold youth, and the cold youth is full of eyes, and the eyes are still incredible, but the next moment is completely dissipated.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the cold youth's Qiankun is retired.

Said slow, but it is actually unparalleled with the sword. When you are with the cold youth, the brunette girls are handed over, and then the two people directly kill, all this is only completed between electric light, before and after adding It's less than half a breath.

In such a short period of time, a high-level contest in the Golden Guo, a second day, and it is dead in the hands of the sword.

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