Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1119 kills!

"So fast?"

"How can it be?"

In the sword where there is no double surrounding green palace, the golden national strength saw the scene of the cold youth and the girl who was killed, one by one shocked.

It's too fast, just a short instant, a high-level temple is killed in a medium-sized day, and they have never reacted.

And the sword is unbentented is cold, and the body is suddenly killing, and the time is coming again.

The sword is unparalleled directly behind a golden country of gold.

The golden country, is also a genuine high-class high-level, and just got a soul Dan, now being besieged by two green palace strong, this is a few wolves.



A low and drink, this higher world is turned immediately.

I saw a beautiful sword light, and this sword is slow and the snail is like snail, but he can give him a feeling that can't avoid.

At the same time, the horror of consciousness attacks, entrained with a hempering impact, and directly act.

This high-level awareness is not strong, and it is a slap inactive attack. His consciousness is a slight pause.

It is this slightly stopped, so that the beautiful sword is directly in the hole, wear his throat and smashed his life.

Wink, it is another high-class temper to kill directly.

"This this……"

The people around, including the two green palace powers that were originally coupled to the hi-Tianzun, were shocked.

"This is a high-level, not an ordinary goods, one blink, is it killed?"

"How can it be so strong? Even if it is a full of strong people, it is impossible to kill a higher-level feet."

"It is a conscious attack, this sword is unparalleled, very terrible!"

An angry voice is issued from the strong mouth of the golden country.

"Sword is unparalleled ..."

Yi Tianzun, Meng Long Tianzun, Jinqu Tianzun three people are also surprised.

They have some understanding of the strength of swords, but they can only be able to defeat the high-level Tianzun, but now ... sword is unparalleled, high-level, this strength is obvious In the past seventeen years ago, it is much more powerful.

"His strength, improved, and the improvement is very huge!" Yi Tianzun.

"When you really monster!" Dream Long Tianzun, Jinqu Tianzun also couldn't help but admire.

On the battlefield, a crazy, that hundreds of Shen Dan fell into the crowd, in order to compete for these soul Dan, the many strong people in the two camps nature are desperately smashed, almost hard in the Qing Dynasty, high high Sorps, you can don't value money on this battlefield.

Just instantly kung fu, two major camps, there are more than ten days of Tianzun.

More than a dozen Tianzun in the fall, Jin Guo accounts for eight, three of whom, is dying in the hands of swords.

"Kill!" The sword was unparalleled, and the beautiful sword light lit once again.

"Be careful!"

"It's sword!"

"Be careful with his consciousness!"

"The sword is unparalleled, hurry!"

However, if the sword is unparalleled, it is a chicken flying dog jump.

After the sword is unparalleled, the three swords will be improved. After his overall strength has skyrocketed, it is better than a big truncation than the seventeen years ago. Now, he will go all out, even if you encounter Tianzun, Can wrench wrist, and most importantly, his sword is too surprised!

His shadowless and sword, the consciousness attack pinch with a suffocating attack, and the speed is incredible, a sword, the second day, unless it is very strong, it can be unaffected, otherwise there is only a dead road.

Even in the high-level Tianzun, some consciousness is weaker, under the attacker attack of the sword, there is a huge impact, once the reaction is slow, it will be killed directly by the sword.

The strong people of the Golden Guo also see that the sword is unparalleled and attacked, and it is also careful, but it is difficult to prevent it.



The sword is unbelievable, and the golden stroning that is not dead with the Qinglu Palace is not in love.

His figure is ethereal, and in the crowd, he flips in the crowd, or to grab the nearest demon soul Dan, or go directly to kill golden powers, or to help some of the crisis.

The sword is unparalleled, it has completely played his strength.

On the battlefield, he collided with the road, leaving the corpse bones, the blood peak sword in his hands, has also been thoroughly dyed.


Even ruthless slaughter!

This slaughter, making many golden countries in the battlefield for the cold.

Of course, this crazy killing will soon also attract the attention of the top of the golden country, and I saw the Tianzun of the Swordless Nesti-Nazhi, which has been blusted.

"Small generation, repairing crazy!"

The arrival is a smaller who is also wearing golden armor. This burly old man is heavy in his hands. This handle is full of ten feet long, I don't know how many pounds.

Such a huge heavy sword, was held by this burly old man, waving, the sky is instantly rolling a storm, the giant sword is like a tsunami, and the front face is unparalleled.

"Tianzun is full?"

The sword is unblocked in the bright spot, and the corner of the mouth is a smile of bloodthirsty, followed by step.

In an instant, the blood peak sword in his hands suddenly surprised, and the same skyrocketing is long, and the time is also directly swing.

The strongest attack sword ... Tianda!


A deafening and terrible roaring fiercely fried in the battlefield, the remaining waves produced by the front confrontation of the two were crazy, and many of the surroundings were forced to explode.

After the collision, the shape of the sword is unparalleled is some of the rear.

"It is worthy of Tianzun, the power is really strong."

The sword is unfamed, and it is excited. It has not been discouraged, but he has no discouragement. On the contrary, he still burst out again.

"Small generation, death!" The burly old man was in the eyes, and the sword in his hand was once again bombarded.

"Tianda!" The sword is unparalleled, and the moment of swords, the sword, and a golden Thunder have poured into the sword light.

Both, then collide again ... !!!!

The horror, the roar of the horizon, and the crazy roots.

Just in this battlefield, the sword is unparalleled with the sky, and it has reached the fierce battle of the Tianzun Big.

When the two fought, it took directly into the stage of white heat.


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