Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1120 killing and casting the wealth!

On the battlefield, a crazy, a killing!

It is too much to attract it by the Danxin Palace, it is too much!

The light is a green palace, and the golden country is more!

The two major camps added, more than one hundred Tianzun strong, has been involved in this crazy battle.

Moreover, these two major camps have accumulated morality, and they will not die, and they are more crazy.

However, the soul of the soul is only hundreds of people, and after leaving from the Danxin Palace, it is only the same as the two camps, and there is no gods, this crazy battle, it gradually calm Down.

On the battlefield, the strong people of the two camps have almost returned.

Only in the most central, the two figures are still cramping in crazy crazy.

These two people, it is a smaller that the sword is unparalleled with the golden country.

The strength reaches the sword, the unparalleled, how is the speed of the fierce battle, the kung fu in the short moment, the sword is unparalleled with this burly older, it has been positively killed more than a hundred times!


It is also a big sound of a shocking, and it has been crazy and fighting the fierce sword.

Above the void, the sword is unparalleled, and the battle is iv, and the rich essence is also looked at the old man.

And the old man, this is a little pale, and his mouth is also a hint of blood, but it is an angry.

This scene, the strong people of the two major camps were seen, one by one horrible.

"how come?"

"This is a big success, this sword is unparalleled with Tianzun, and the results of this Tianzun were hurt, but he intact?"

"How is it possible? Kids?"

The Tianzun of the Qinglu Palace, one of the heads.

They all know that the sword is unparalleled, knowing that the sword is unparalleled to the Qinghuo Palace, but only reluctant to have a medium-sized battle force, and because the relationship between the sword is unparalleled, they are still very unparalleled to the sword.

But now ... How long does this?

Even the Tiansheng is full, why can't I not have him?

One flipped battle, Tianzun is full of injure?

"How is this possible?" The golden camp is also a horrified, an incredible.

"This died of the dead!" The burly old man shakes, and it burned the raging angry. He is also an abnormality.

Yes, it is wrusive!

If the sword is not bored, it relies on the strength to hurt, then he also recognizes that the sword is unparalleled to him.

But the key is that the sword is unparalleled, but it is not more than him!

It is indeed more than.

At this point, the sword is unparalleled.

Because the three swords have improved the relationship of the chemical level, he has skyrocketed, but it can only be barely barely with the general Tianzun big wrench wrist. It is really a fierce battle.

I just fought with this burly old man, he has all made all efforts, but it can still take the wind.

The reason why a fierce battle is like this, that is because the sword has no sinister collision, but the burly old man is hard, the front collision, the burly old people are naturally not afraid.

The two are handed over, the anti-vibration is mutual, and the two are affected.

Don't forget, swords are unparalleled defense against the sky!

Even if the anti-vibration is unparalleled, it is also impact that he doesn't matter, but the burly man has been in vibration, although it is small, it can hurt hundreds of times, he is injured first.

"This little child, clear strength is not as good as me, but his defense ability is much better than me!" The old man is holding hands, drinking low.

At this moment, as the sword is unparalleled with the burly old people, the entire battlefield is completely fixed.

After the calories, the two major camps have begun to pay attention to the loss of the enemy.

One turned down, the golden camp is an angry!

"It's impossible, how can this?"

"I have a golden country, I have more than 60 times before, more than 20 more than the green fire palace, and the quality is also stronger. According to the truth, the golden country will inevitably occupy the absolute upper wind, and the power of falling is also It should be less right, but why ... Why is the Golden Congress fallen so many Tianzun? "The golden country is another Tianzun big greet.

Other strong people in the Golden Country are also angry.

As for the green fire palace, it is a stunned.

Indeed, under normal circumstances, this battle, the loss of the Qinglu Palace must be better than the Golden Country, can you

They just have to count, they have a green palace, falling to 13 Tianzun, which is definitely a huge loss.

However, the golden country is much more miserable than the green palace, and there is more than twenty-nine Tianzun! Just one, it has reached 30!

"How could this be?"

"what happened?"

A voiced voice was sent from the golden national camp, and the next moment, these golden powers have wore the young man who watched the bloody sword on the bloody, the eyes, the sword, and I saw it. !

"It's him!!!"

"It's this sword!"

"It is him, raging in the battlefield, crazy slaughter, I am golden country!"

"I just stayed near him, I see the clear, this sword is unparalleled from the war, only a moment of Jung Fu, and he is ruthlessly slaughtered, and the golden country is nearly 20 Tianzun strong. If it is not a fog, it will stop him Next, I don't know how many people will die in his hand! The reason why my golden country is so big, all of them are caused by him !!! ""

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"Because of him!"

"It's this all over, a person, in that short time, killing my gold near 20 Tianzun!"

A scarlet, with endless grievances and anger's eyes, parsing, unparalleled, unparalleled.

The strong people of the Qinglu Palace camp, heard this horizontal sound, but the head is some.

Has your own power, in the short film, the slaughter is nearly 20 Tianzun?

This is what the sword is unparalleled?

And the sword stared at the body is unparalleled, and the body is hunting. It is bloody blood and sword. Because the relationship between contaminated blood is more scarlet, the sword is faint and blood is low.

His face is cold, the scorpion is cold, and the body is killing, still hesite!

"The sword is unparalleled, from today, whether it is in the green fire palace, or in the golden country, your sword is unparalleled, it will represent Herkwei name!" The knife of the King is in the sword.

"This is the prestigious, it is cast with ruthless killing!"

"You That's the slaughter, it will become a bloody myth of the fire world!"


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