Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1121, Nirvan

"Bloody myth? €

The sword is unparalleled, but "I want it is not to cast a myth, I just want to let the green palace accept me from my heart."

"Your purpose is already reached." The king smiled.

The sword has no double eyeliner, and I also found that the strong people around the surrounding Venean are also more complicated to their eyes.

"Too strong, this is the sword is unparalleled?

"I heard that he cultivated, but only for more than two thousand years, in such a short time, it actually raised the strength to this place, simple!"

"His father is south, it is already terrible, but the South is also because of the cultivation of the time and space, which will have the same strength, and this sword is unparalleled, perhaps in strength than his father is still slightly different than his father. Some, but the difference is absolutely not much, but his cultivation years is really short! "

The strong people in the Qinglu Palace are secretly mad.

The potential for the sword is unparalleled, and it is convincing a bit.

Perhaps, the sword is unparalleled to grow up, complete his mother's mission, becoming a real leader of the Qinglu Palace!

at this time……


The Danxin Palace within the ban, the open hall, but it appeared a deep purple light.

This deep purple light is six, and it is a deep purple, and there is a pigeon egg size.

These six deep purple Dan medicine also exude a rich and delicious, and the people who have smell them, they can't help but die.

The eyes of all people in the scene were immediately transferred from the sword, and transferred to the six deep purple medicinal herbs.

"Na Dan ..."

Looking at the six deep purple Dan medicine, many of the two camps in the game, including some of these people who have a certain attainment on the alchemy, all frown, don't know what this is Dan.

In the sword, there is no double body, I saw the king of these six deep purple medicinal herbs, but the weird smile, "this is what is interesting."

"Kings, do you know what Dan medicine?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Of course, I know." The king smiled, "I didn't talk to you before, the soul of the soul of the chaos, even if it is more than one level than the level of the chaos, it is also all is it?"

"The six Dan medicine you see in front of you is a higher level than the Soul Dan!"

"Nirvana?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Nirvanan, there is a meaning of Nirvana, its role is to help those who are strong, and crossing the most important step." Kings smiled.

"Take out the most important step? You are said that Nirvana can help Tianzun breakthrough, reach the void of the Hall of the Temple, the main level of the temple?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, but the effect is no gods, you are very huge, under normal circumstances, this Nirvan Dan can only make a chance to break through the step of the step." Yu Wang smiled.

"30%?" The sword did not double the cold air.

That step is ... Virtue Temple, Ren Temple, Tang Huang, etc.

The entire fire community has been mixed for 4 million years, or because of the relationship between this giant battlefield, it can only be born with the strong, as for the sky, it is a lot of birth.

That step, the gap between the Tianzun is like the gap between the ancient world and the ancient world, it is too great.

Whether it is a green palace or a golden country, but even the whole dramatic chaotic world, there are countless days to have been trapped in the bottleneck, and they can't break through the life.

And this is Niridan, but it can make a chance of Tianzun break through the step, increase 30%?

What horror is?

Don't say that it is more than a few rates, even if it is only a few rates, the sword is unparalleled. This is still a madness of countless days.

"This is Nirvan, put it in the chaotic world, it is indeed nothing to have too much sturdy, but put it in your green circles, it is extremely precious, and it is this gold country, think about this Nirvan It will also pay very attention, of course, this Nirvan is not used by you, but there is no use. "

"I understand." The sword has no double nodding, but it is still hot.

This is Nirkan, maybe he is not used, but the green palace is used!

Football six Nirvana, even more than three% of the rate, can be all got, can not have more accidental green palace, you can have more than two new palace owners, this will make the top of the green fire palace to produce The transformation of the quality.

On the field, the strong people of the two camps were puzzled at the beginning, but how long did it, or I will give this Nirvan.

"Nirvana, is it turned out in the legendary Nirvana?"

As a few speakers sounded, only a moment, the strong people of the two camps understood the role of Nirvana, and the time a night became abnormal scarlet.

Most of the Tianzun strong, it is also conceivable to see crazy.

This is a madness, and it is more rich than just seeing the hundred souls of the soul.

After all, the soul of the soul is only useful to Daozun. If these days, even if they get it, they have not used them, but for their own camps, they want to get more as much as possible, but Nirvan Dan is different.

This is the one-time step that can help them take the dream?

This is too attractive to them.

"I am ready, staring at the six Nirvanan, as long as this Nirby Dan is thrown out, no matter any price, they must get them!" The Qinglu Palace camp, a whole body's icy icy woman issued a low Drink, ring on the ear of the green palace.

This black robe woman is a dark sky from the Qinglu Palace.

This competition, a total of three Tianzun of the Qingquan Palace arrived, this dark day is one of them, and it is the strongest power.

Everyone, the gods, god, dead, staring at the six deep purple Dan medicine floating in the Danxin Palace.

Suddenly ... Six Nirvana, one of them has been promoted by a force, and the time to fill it into a deep purple stream, directly exploding.

This deep purple stream is instantly penetrating the ban on Danxin Palace and appears in the crowd.

With the thrown of this, the entire battlefield, the whole battlefield is now riot.


"Quick grab!"

"Don't have all the price, you must also get this Nirvana!"

A crazy drunk sounded through the sky, and it was immediately broke out immediately.

Many of the two major camps, for the sake of Nirvanan, killing it again.

And this war, only continued for a moment, it is over.

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