Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1122, three!


It's cold, with a pound of breath, like a storm swept in the battlefield, so that the strong people around them are exaggerated.

A middle-aged man wearing a golden dragon armor, and a bloody Lei Yun in the forehead stands in the center of the battlefield. He holds a double-edged giant ax. The whole body is covered in a bloody Lei Yun, it is like heaven and earth. War God.

In the other hand of this middle-aged man, it is a deep purple medicinal medicine, which is Nirvan.


"Let him pretreate!"

"This first Nirvana, falling into him."

The many Tianzun strongrs in the Qinglu Palace saw this scene, they all bite their teeth, and they also secretly secretly.

The sword is unparalleled.

Just poured out from the Danxin Palace, the place where the appearance is, it is too far away. He just came over. This, the competition of Nirvana has been over, and it ends into the golden country. Year man in hand.

The middle-aged man of the giant ax is a true and full of golden people in the Golden National, and the burly older who is killed with swords before.

Nirvanan has fallen into his hands, the green palace is obviously the possibility of no competition, after all, no one has a grasp of this middle-aged man.

"Six Nirvana, this is the first one."

The strong people in the Qinglu Palace are also comforting themselves at the end, and the eyes are still looking at the heart of Dan.

On the void in the big temple, there is still five Nirvana Dan quietly suspended. Soon after the first Nirvana's competition, the void of the hall flashed, but it was two deep purple. The stream is exploded.

I only flew out of the Nirvana before, but now two, and the two throwing it, or thrown from two different directions, one of the directions of Nirvana, the direction of the sword nearby.


The sword has no double shape instantly, and it will go directly to the recent Nirvana.

The Nirvana has just flew out from the ban, and immediately wanted to absorb the Niro Dan immediately before the nearest golden country.

It can be sharpened, as if you can develop everything, but appear in air.

"What?" This golden protector exposed a horror.

He is just a second day, and this shot of this moment is definitely a strong person who is a full-time level. This long gun is still rapid. This golden country is not coming to resist. Kill.

Then, a big hand appeared in the air, and the Nirvana Dan was in his hand, and the stream was dissipated, and a shadow appeared.

This is a big young man, he is wearing an ancient bronze armor, which has a thick breath, apparently a treasure of a good body.

"The Green Wolf is a good." The cheerful voice came, the sword of the blood peak sword was unparalleled, and it appeared next to the empty.

"Sword is unparalleled?" The young man of this bronze armor is another Tianzun, another Tianzun, which is another Tianzun of the Qinglu Palace. "These golden countries will not give up, help me."

"No problem." The sword nodded.

Nirby Dan fell into the hands of the green wolf, although there were many golden powers, and they also tried to snatch, but there were swords and unparalleled Wolf Tianzun two Tianzun big success, plus other green palace The sky is helping, and the Golden Guo will soon give up.


A horrible and horrible must have an explosive explosion from the far away.

In the void, the black robe is cold ** people dark Tianzun, holding a concise spear, but it has been shocked, but it is a slightly fat bald teenager, the bald teenager Hand hold a golden big knife, and the body is ignorant.

"Dark Tianzun, you will be with you, I want to fight with me."

The bald teenager is cold, and the Nirvana who just got his hand has incorporated in the Qiankun Ring.

When you hear the teenager's teenager, the darkness of the darkness is green, but there is no way.

This competition, the strong people who came to this Danxin palace were very much, but the overall strength of the golden country was obviously stronger, and the light is full of war, and there is a four-bit, these four Tianzun. The big is full, the other three are not in the eyes, only the bald teenagers before their eyes, the strength is still above.

Just, she fought in front of this bald boy, but the result is slightly in the wind, Nirvana is also income from each other.

"Fortunately, two Nirvana, at least I got one." Dark Tianzhi watched the direction of the sword where the sword was unparalleled, the green and the sorcerer is easy to tone.

From the Danxin Palace, it has been thrown out of the three Nirvana, and the green palace has got a good.

If there is no one, it is true bad.

"There is also three Nirvanan, no accident, these three Nirvana should take a one-time, no matter what to say, the remaining three Nirvana, I have to get two at the very least." Tianzun said coldly.

If you have two Nirvana, then it is equal to all three of the Golden Palace, which is still within the acceptance of the green palace.

"The last three!"

On the battlefield, everyone's eyes were also staring at the main hall and suspended the three Nirvana, and he didn't blink.

Just under the eyes of everyone, the last three Nirvana, as well as they expected, all of which flew out.

Three Nirvana will throw three people in one time, and these three Nirvanan actually throw a direction!

This makes the eyes of the two major camps look straight!

"Do you have three pieces to throw a place?"

"Three Dan medicine?"

"That is to say, you can get three Nirvana!"

There are many days of being in the middle of the scene, and I can't take care of everything in this three Nirvana.

In that direction, a bloody friend is standing there.

When I saw three Nirvana, when the pen moved to him, the sword was unparalleled.

Before the three Nirvana, the first flying direction was too far away, and he did not even compete for the opportunity, and the second one was thrown at the same time. He also participated in it, and helped the green wolf Tianzun. A Nirvana.

But did he think of it, this last three Nirvana, even gathered together, throw it directly to him?

Although it is wrong, the sword is unparalleled or immediately reached, and the three deep purple flowers are passed.

That three Nirvana, immediately fell into his hands.


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