Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1123, private heart?

"Three Nirvana, is it easy to do?" The sword has no double will be in the Qiankun ring, and some can't believe it.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are not happy too early, Nirvana, although it is hand, but the strong people of these golden countries, you will not stop this!" Yu Wang reminded.

There is no double expression in the sword, and his eyes are around, and it is possible to detect a hot and crazy eyeliner.

These eyes, there are many, which can all come from those golden powers.



Two low drinks are almost simultaneously, I only see the two wearing golden warfare, I don't know when I appear on the side of the sword, and the attack is unparalled. These two people are just a nearest from the sword. It is also the first golden strong in the first shot.

"The neutrality of the district, also want to kill me?" The sword was unparalleled and smiled, and it was a flash, the blood peak sword in the hand floated.


The sound of a faint Jianming sounded.

There is a beautiful, scream, and intoxicated sword light, suddenly lit.

In the moment of seeing this sword, many golden nationals around the surroundings rushed out.

"It's the sword!"

"Before, this sword is unparalleled to rely on this sword, slaughter, I am nearly 20 Tianzun strong!"

"Be careful, be careful to attacked!"

Some golden nationals have already opened a reminder.

Two medium Tianzun, which can be unparalleled to swords, but it has been caught in it, and it is directly cut off the head.

Two medium Tianzun, instantly were killed.


This is even more angry in the surrounding other golden powers, and the murder of the sword is even more.

"The sword is unparalleled, and I escape from me!" A petitude sounded, passed through the battlefield, passed to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and I saw the darkness of the dark sky from him, and the fastest speed came towards his direction.

In addition, many of the strong people in the Qinglu Palace also shot, stop some golden country, and some strength, and rushing to him.

"The dark sky is very strong, as long as I ran to her, I will join hands with her. The golden country will take me some way." The sword didn't have a slight smile, the bottom has been made in an instant, and the figure is moving. , Go directly to the direction of the dark sky.

Those golden stroning along the way, naturally the block of law, and the few Tianzun of the Golden Guo, and the madness of the sword is unparalleled.

"Kid, you can't escape!"

A bursting on the sword is unparalleled, and the smaller who has not paired with swords before, and the first sword is in front of the sword.

"Is it you?" The sword has no double-faced micro-change, this burly old man can be a great war of goods, and the strength is better than him.

"Hey, kid, I haven't kill you thoroughly before, but now you can't escape from the old man!" The old man in the hands of the hand, the sword in his hand came again, and the sword was squatted. .


The sword is unparalleled, the sword in the hands of the sword also burst into the wind, and also greeted it.


The two positive collides, the sword is unparalleled, and then the power of the anti-earthquake, the sword is unparalleled, but the lightning is shot, and the burly old man opened the distance.

"The little boy!" The smarter of the old man was extremely angry, and the figure was plunging.

"The sword is unparalleled, hand over Nirvana, otherwise ... death!"

A screaming in the world, the voice just sounded, a vast, and the hot ax appeared in front of the sword.

This ax seems to be able to open the heavens and the earth, even if the sword is unparalleled, I can't help the feeling that can't be resistant.

The person who is shot, and it was a middle-aged man with a bloody Thundermond mark on the first Nirvana.

"A coming?"

The sword has no double-finish, and immediately exhaust the whole force to show the sky, forcibly resisting this ax, but this ax contains the weapon, but also a strong number of heavy scores than the burmstone old, the horror The shape rolls back to the rear.


The sword is unparalleled on the way back, and the surrounding golden country is over.

"Worse!" The sword is unbolded.

"The sword is unparalleled, fast, will give me the three Nirvanan, my defense means is very strong, even if they are siege, I can also stick to the dark sky to arrive." A drizzle arrived to the sword unparalleled ear, I saw the young wolf day with swords and unparalleled hands before the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, and the Nirvana Dand will give you a green sky!" The dark sky rushed in the distance also shouted, and the voice was very eager.

When I heard this, the sword was unbeded, but it followed it slightly.

"The Youth Wolf Supreme, I want to block a day and full of a day." The sword has no double.

"What?" The green sky is changing.

In such a critical juncture, the sword is unparalleled should be handed over to him, so that he supports his own defense ability, supporting the dark fire palace strong, but the sword is unparalleled but refused ?

Why do he refused?

"This sword is unparalleled, don't you trust me? Or after he is afraid that after giving Nirvana, after the incident, what is the benefit of himself?" The Ganwi Tianzun could not be angry.

"Stupid, stupid!" The younger wolf roared in the heart, "Nirvana, why is it important to my green palace, in this way, can you have a selfishness?"

"He didn't give Niri Dan to me. If you can't help it, let the golden people will take Nirvan Dan, that is bad, he also has to be a sinner of my green palace!"

The Youth Wolf is angry.

And many green palace strong in the surrounding crazy, they have also become angry.

"This sword is unparalleled, what is he is doing?"

"The Youth Sunday is around him. He didn't exchange Nirvana Dand to the youth. What did he think of?"

"This sword is unparalleled, it's all right, but I only think about myself, he doesn't believe in your green sky, I don't want to give Nirvana to others!"

The strongest faces of the Qinglu Palace are extremely unheatched.

In their view, the sword is unwilling to give Nirvana Dand to the green sky, that is because of selfishness, I don't want to exchange Nirvana, I want to alone Nirvan.

However, they don't have someone who knows that the sword is unparalleled.

He is not believed to believe that the green wolf is also a private heart, and he is not willing to communicate with Nirvana.

But because ... Nirvana is on him, more security than in the green sky!


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