Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1124, sword, unparalleled crazy

"The Youth Wolf Supreme, the body is a full, and the body wears a quite career armor, the defense ability is indeed strong enough, but I have a bloody armor, and cultivate the mystery of golden elephants. The flesh is incredible, and I will only be stronger than him! "The sword was unblocked.

On the ability to defend, the sword is unparalleled, self-friendly, will not be weak in anyone present.

Nirvanan is in him, it is absolutely more secure than placing it in the green sky!

"The sword is unparalleled, death!"

The burly old man burst into the hand, the heavy sword in his hand rose, it is like a mushroom directly who is swearing.

"Hey!" The middle-aged man with a bloody Lei Yun in his head is a cold, waving the giant ax, and the sword is not a double.

In addition, the third Tianzun of the Golden Camp is successful, and it has also been present.


The young wolf is convinced, and the face has changed, he stared in the sword, but immediately shot the third Tianzun of the Golden Kingdom for the sword.

Although it was blocked by the Youth Wolf, the golden protector is still a fullness, and several high-rise princes are unparalleled.

"come on!"

The sword has fallen in the sky, and the blood peak sword in the hand is crazy, and the time is also immediately shot.

The sword is waving, with a hard work, directly with the middle-aged man with blood color Lei Yun, and the high-end fierce battle with the high-day respects, and instantly collides.

!! clang! boom!

A big sound of the big sound, the sword, the sword went out, his blood peak sword will fully played the speed, will be the largest smarter of him, Lei Yun Print Middle-aged man The person's offensive gave it down, as for the attack of the higher-level, but did not hinder, bombarded directly on him.


The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is just slightly fiddling, but it quickly calm down.


"Kill him!"

"I am trying to compete with us to fight against us so many people? When you are looking for death!"

The high-level high-level respect of the Golden Kingdoms that enamel the sword has killed the sky.

They saw the sword unparalleled only to the two major days, but they ignored them, naturally anger.

For a time, everyone once again.

The old man, the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man, the young man, and the Middle-aged man.

Two big days were successful, and there were several higher days around them, and they killed the swords crazy.

!!!! ~~~~

A horrible roar sounded.

This roar, there is a total of several breathing time, the two Tianzun of the Golden Guo, plus the few high-rise, the sword, the sword, and there is ten times, the result ...


A cold and low drunk suddenly sounded. I saw a high-level high day of the golden country. It was a knife directly in the sword. The sword was only slightly sinking. The next moment is sudden and outstanding. Sword light brushed out.

"What?" This high-level is full of eyes.

He didn't think that the sword is unparalleled for so long, and now he is in front of him, there is still a lighter counterattack?

Not only that, the swordsman he show is still terrible, and it is rapid.

This high-level Tianzun root is not too late to dodge, and the sword is not worn by the sword, and the body is falling down.

"Give me!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword is crazy, and the sky is displayed, and a sword is horizontal.

Many golden countries that enamel the swords and unparalleled people have retired next to them.

When these golden strongest re-stationed body shape, they stared at the young people in front of the hand-held sword, but a face became unusually difficult.

"The two Tianzun is full, including the number of higher days to join hands, kill him one person, kill it for so long, there is dozens of times in front of it, but the result is still not able to kill him, but be killed by him? "The burly old man is wide, and it is incredible.

"This, the sword is unparalleled ..." In the nearby Golden Wolf Supreme, the Qingwei Tianzun, a strong battle, and saw this scene, and he also shocked.

Even if he is so murdered, it will be abnormally wolf, and it will even be injured. As for the other person, he doesn't want to think about it.

But now ...

"Come, continue !!"

"Golden Country of Miscat, Counter, Continue to Kill, I have to look at it, who is dead!"

The sword is unblocked, and the death is staring at this group of golden nationals. It is the frankly sentiment in the mouth.

The two Tianzun of the Golden Guo have been satisfactory, and the old man, the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man.

It is at this time ...

"The sword is unparalleled, death!"

A cold drink rushed through the world, I saw a cold bald teenager, holding a golden big knife, stepping, and directly appearing in the front of the sword.

As a result, this bald teenager's hands were holding the golden big knife, and the power of the body rose, and immediately had a huge Jinlong vain, with vast, enough to destroy the sky The gesture of the ground is directly displayed.


The bald teenager's eyes are cold, the big knife is showed, the horrible power is completely gathered in one, directly in the sword without double oppression.

"not good!"

"Is Jin Yi!"

"Golden King's Jin Yitianzun, he can take the top three in the Golden Tiansun big, even the Dark Tianzun's strength has to be a little less than him, and this knife he presents now is his most Strong Dragon knife! "

The Tianzun of the Qinglu Palace saw this scene and the noodles were quite changed.

Even the Green Wolf is also frowned immediately. "Jin Yizhengzun's knife, power is strong, is his famous knife, even if he is, forcibly resisting him, even if it is not dead, you can start closer, Sword is unparalleled ... "


The vast golden knife, falling from the sky, the pen appears in front of the sword.

The horrible pressure is compulssed, just like a mountain in the sword is unparalleled.

This knife, the pressure of the sword, there is no double, which is more than the old man, the bloody Lei Yun, and the number of high-year-old women and several high-rise are also huge.

Even so, the sword is not a double heart, but it still does not have a meaning of grievances.

"come on!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are fascinating, the blood peak sword, the vast ancient gods are emerging, his body has skyrocketed to three meters high, the whole body is spread all over the dark gold, and the sword is directly .

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