Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1125 is no good!


The mighty golden knife shadow, with the sword, there is no trick, and the front collides with the front.

The sword is unparalleled, although it is barely with the general Tianzun big wrench, but compared with this Jinyi Tianzun, it is obvious that there is still a lot of difference.

With the two offensive, almost destroyed, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword has been collapsed.

And the golden knife shadow, just weakened some of the power, then continue to swim in the sword, there is no double body shape, and there is no double body shape.


The terrible knife is in the empty, and the shape of the sword is also directly removed into the ground.

"Is it dead?" Jin Yitian said coldly overlooking the ground below.

Vision ... Hey! A large amount of gravel is set off from the ground, and a bloody body is rushing up, but it is once again appeared in front of the Jinyi Tianzun.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, the body is hunting, the gangma, the body is not reduced, but it is getting stronger and stronger.

Just like the immortal sword, standing between this world.

Seeing this scene, in the field, the Tianzun strong people in the Golden Palace, all stunned.

"How could this be?"

"This, this is impossible!"

Strong as the old man, there is a middle-aged man with a bloody Lei Yun in the festival, and a unbelievable look at the sword.

"It turned out to be, did you weaken even the breath?" Jin Yitianzun also took a thick horror.

His strongest knife, even if it is a very common sky, it is difficult to resist, like the green wolf, he is good at defense, but there is no absolute treasure, you can live in front of him.

Can I have a lot of swords?

After he was stronger, the sword didn't have a little bit of blood?

The breath is not weakened?

Even the sword is not darling to stare at him, it seems that I still want to fight hard with him.

How can this be?


A glamorous figure directly appeared in front of the sword, and is the darkness of Shanshan.

In addition, the many strong Tianzun of the Qingquan Palace also appeared in the sword without double, the sword was unparalleled in the middle.

Seeing this scene, the strong people in the Golden Guo, have become unusual.

"The sword is unparalleled, good means!" Dark Tianzun is amazing, and the words are unparalleled. The words are even admired.

Next to the strong people of the green palace, it also shocked, and faintly looked at the sword.

The absolute strength of just sword is unparalleled, absolutely qualified to give them awe.

"The sword is unparalleled." The Qingwi Tianzun also appeared to beside the sword. "Sorry, I just want you to give me Niri Dan, but now, fortunately, you have not given it to me, otherwise ..."

The young and wolf is the truth. If Nirvan Dan is in his hand, the Jinyi Tianzun must directly deal with him, and the top of Jin Yitianzun is the strongest knife, he can take it without an absolute grasp.

After listening to the greenness of the green, the squats in the sword were slowly convergeful. He tourt it slightly. "I just compare my own defense ability. If it is not the case, I will definitely do not hesitate to exchange Nirvan Give you, after all, I am also a member of the Qinglu Palace. At this way, I will not be selfish to I don't want to book. "

"Hey, I just missed you almost." Apologize in the Qingwei Tianzun.

Not only is him, most of the strong people around the palace, just missed the sword.

They think that the sword is unparalleled, and the Nirvana Dan is alive to the green and the sky is selfish. It is not willing to make it. But now, the sword is unparalleled.

"Okay, don't say this first." Dark Tianzun waved, said: "Six Nirvana, I got four, very good."

The surrounding green palace strong has also exposed a smile.

At the two camps in the field, the Green Palace will occupy an absolute disadvantage. I originally think that six Nirvana can get three, no less than the golden country, they are content.

But now, you can get four, but it is great to have their expectations.

Of course, this is all in the sword!

In contrast to the Qinglu Palace, the many strong people in the golden country, at this moment, the face is gloomy and terrible, and there are many eyes that have an angry grievances, all concentrated on the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, but this sword is unparalleled!"

"Previous Soul Dan's battle, this kid is a tone of the golden country, nearly 20 Tianzun strong, naturally got a lot of soul Dan, now this Nirvana, because of this kid, let me know, just get it Two! "

"This sword is unparalleled, too hate!"

"This little child, which is coming out, and there is a breath of his body, why is it just eternal?"

A voice sounded from the golden national camp, the four Tianzun Dazun of the golden country gathered together, and he also bleed his teeth.

They are very unwilling, the original two major camps have great gap, no matter what the soul Dan is still Nirvan, it should be more of their golden countries.

But just because the sword is unparalleled, they have not had a big palace, and there is much more losses.

However, even how angry, complarge, they only have a soft-on-eyes, after all, they can't help but swords.

Previously, the sword was so late, and it was well lived, and even the breath did not weakened. Now the dark sky, the Silver Tianzun, the Youth Supreme and the sword are gathered together, they can't get The sword is unparalleled.

at this time……


That Jinyi Tianzhi is moving, and it is obsessed with his face but exposes the color of the ecstasy.

Next moment, !

The broken wind sounded, and a ghostless black robes appeared on the battlefield.

When I saw it, the strong people in Golden Guo have exposed the color of surprises, and then it is a breeze.

"Ben, see Tian Ying Wang!"

"Ben, see Tian Ying Wang!"

The sound is magnificent and resounded to the sky.

This scene, the many strong people of the Qinglu Palace camp, the complexes are changed.

"Well, it is the Tianying Wang, one of the nine kings of the gold!"

"It's over, this is enough to compare the top power of the five palace mains!"

"This day, the king, is it?"

The Tianzun strong people in the Qinglu Palace are all horrified, including the dark sky, the Silver Tianzun, the green and the heavens are also very shocked.

And in the sword where there is no double body, when I saw that there suddenly, his voice became unusual.



PS: Brothers, Happy Lantern Festival!

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