Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1126 Tianying Wang

Directive ... Ling to Dazza, Tianzheng, is the truth.

Like the temple of the temple, the void hall, Tang Huang, they are all the levels of respect.

And the Tian Ying Wang, and it is also a boundaries.

"The sword is unparalleled, your defense ability is very unparalleled, there are almost few people in Tianzun to kill you, can be proud, far from the sky, you can be careful." The King said.

"I understand." The sword is unparalleled, and the wrist moves, but it is a drop of golden water in hand, and it is ready to escape.

Dressed in black robe, face is thin, and the eyes of the eagle, appeared in the golden camp, he glanced at the Jinyi Tianzun, low asking: "What is the result?"

"Go back to adult, it is all smooth, but because the sword is unparalleled, not only let me lose weight, even Niro Dan, I only got two, and the sword is unparalleled, one There is a foot and three Nirvana. "Jin Yi Tianzun was cold.

"Oh?" Tian Ying Wang Yao miniature, the next moment is like a snake-like directly solidified in the sword.

"Eternal nominal? You are swords no double?" Tianying Wang face calmly, and there is no laugh in the mouth. "Do you have three Nirvana?"

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"I will cross the three Nirvana Dan, and the king can spare you not to die. Tian Ying Wang calmly.

"Don't die around Nirvana, don't die around me? You think it is very beautiful." The sword is unparalleled.

"Don't pay? Then you will die." Tianying Wang's voice is still indifferent, in an instant of the voice, its big hand has been showped.

This waving, immediately has a dark whip like a giant, lightning, the speed is too fast!

"Be careful!"

"Sword is unparalleled, escape!"

The strong people of the Qinglu Palace camp have sounded a roar.

And the sword is unparalleled to see the moment of the shadow king, and immediately took the golden water in his hand in the body, and the body was suddenly skyrocketing. He waved his long sword. Paint black long whip.

However, the darkness of the dark whip is very flexible. It is easy to sway, but directly bypass the sword unparalleled swordsman, then the rapid fierce sword is unparalleled, it is like the dragon turned over.

"This flap is ..."

The sword has a shocking, he has exhausted, but his sword is obviously can't keep up with the speed of the dark whip, now he can only look at the black and whip and whip. In his body.


A crisp sound, faintly clipped with the sound of bone burst.

The sword in the void is unparalleled, and it is directly sprayed with a big blood. It has become a bit passion, and the body shape is burned into the ground, but the next moment, he rushed again. And this time he did not hesitate to escape.

"It's not dead? Is it a power of the ancient gods?" Tian Yingwang looked at the sword unparalleled.

He just saw that the sword was unparalleled to absorb a drop of ancient gods.

Absorbing the power of the ancient gods, enough to have a short-term strength, and this skyrocket is more than just attacking power, but even if the defense ability will also increase.

Tianying Wang is quite confident to his strength. Although he did not go all out, even if you want to kill a Tianzun big, it is more than enough, but now I can't kill swords, I can only use it. Attributed to the power of the ancient god.

"It's just a lot of effort."

Looking at the sword unparalleled crazy escape, Tian Ying Wang is still indifferent, his body shape is blunt, it is like a cars.

"It's too strong, the strength of the world is too strong!"

The sword in the crazy escape is unparalleled. At this moment, it is a little bit of interest.

In the moment of aware of the Tianying Wang dynasty, he has absorbed the power of the ancient gods. It has a substantial increase in the ability of his attack. However, in this way, this day, this day, the king is a whip, already He seriously hurt him.

Task, his defensive ability is unparalleled, before the top of the most stronger knife, the best knife, did not give him what harm.

"The sword is unparalleled, you will hurt, I will recover you as soon as possible, and I will not have much impact on your combat power, but don't let the shadow king catch you, otherwise, that attack ... I can't kill you, but if you come to a few whip again, you can't help it. "Zhen Wang Zheng said.

"I understand." The sword is not doubles, and he doesn't forget to look back in his own.


The sword is unbolded. He can see that the Ying Wang is chasing it at an amazing speed. At that, the speed is even more than him.

"How is it possible?" The sword was shocking.

To know, at this moment, he has fully committed the second heavy blood secret. In his body, the spiritual force is crazy, so that his speed is full of hundreds of times, but though, I still can't get rid of the Tianyang Wang? The distance between each other is constantly close?

"Worse, the Tian Ying Wang should be very good at speed, otherwise the ordinary bound, the speed will never be so this." Yu Wangli said.

The King of King, the nine kings of the golden country, the quickeep of the Tianjie Wang quickly, the speed is far more than a big trip.

The sword is unparalleled, it is a madness, the spirit of the dragon, but it is still unable to escape from that day.

"The sword is unparalleled, you will die!"

Tianying Wang Wei is cold, just instantly kung fu, he once again appeared after the sword was unparalleled, and at the same time, it was like a giant paint black long whip again.

It is still the same, so that the sword is unparalleled without any residual power.

The anti-swearing of the dark blossip once in the sword is unparalleled.


With a crisp sound, the sword is unparalleled only feeling his back and spicy pain. The internal organs in the body, the organs include the bones, all squeezed, as if to completely burst out, his mouth is also blowing again Blood.

"This whip is more stronger than before?" The sword has no double-faced drama, "can't stand it, such a long whip, I can get a lot of whip again!"

And the shadow king saw that his full whip didn't kill the sword without double, and the face was now sinking.

He is a circular, personally shot, and the sword is unparalleled. It is a two attacks, but the front bombardment is on the other side. I can't kill the other party. This can't hang it on the face.

No matter what, the third whip, sword must die!

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