Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1127, Jie Di arrives!


The Tianying Wang snorted, and the next moment in his hand, it took a drop of golden water, which is also a drop of ancient god.

"You can force this king to use the ancient god, sword is unparalleled, you will be dead, it is worthy of proud."

Tian Ying Wang's indifferent voice echoed in the world, the next day, this day, Wang Wang guided the strength of the ancient gods to suck in the body.

The power of the ancient gods, there is a great help to Tianzun, enough to make the ordinary Tianzun fighting double in a short period of time!

In terms of respect, the effect of the ancient gods is not that huge, but it is also enough to make the battle of Tianjing Wang in a short time.

Time, Tian Ying Wang once again swaying long whip.

It is still a whip of the wind, and it is like a giant spread, but it is much more powerful than the two whip before the moment.

"This whip, I can't resist it!" The sword never straightened, and the bottom of the heart also rose a thought that could not be resistant.

Suddenly ...!

The sound of the slight sword sounded, the sky suddenly landed on snow, and the whole ground was dyed.

The heavens and the earth have also become cold.

Tian Ying Wang gods, the movements in the hands are not hosted, and the darklip of the paint is also paused in half empty.

He looked up and stared at the end of his sight. A indifferent man who was carrying long swords, and slowed on the snow.

Every step, the snow under the foot is broken.

Step step by step, the last time appeared in front of Tian Ying Wang, followed by pace.

And as he stopped, the snowflakes were dissipated, and everything returned to normal.

The nation of the Tianyun king is gloomy, and the brow is also frustrated, looking at the people.

"This is ..." The sword is unparalleled, and the people have seen it. In his perception, this indifferent man is just a sky.

But this sky, but it carries a horror sword that makes him frightened.

It is this Tianzun, let the Tianying Wang of one of the nine kings of the Golden King, stopped, stopping the offensive, and even the feelings become extremely denied.

"Good Sword."

In the sword unparalleled king, "I sent a lot of swords, like your father, opened up a strongest sword, and the swords owned by you are quite good. Compared with the person, it is still a lot of difference! "

"So strong swords, and just just the level of Tianzun, then he is ..." The sword is unparalleled, it has guess the identity of the people.

"The Rising Sword Emperor!" Tian Ying Wang was biting his teeth, staring at people.

In the whole green house, it is clear that it is just a level of Tianzun, but it can bring him so pressure, only one person.

That is the recognized first sword of the Qingquan Palace, and one of the five palace owners of the Qinglu Palace, the Rising Sword Emperor!

"Tianying Wang." Xuri Sword Emperor glanced at the Tianying Wang, the cold and opening, "You are also a famous trumpet, but if you don't care, you will take your business, you will not Some are you? "

"Exhaust?" Tian Ying Wang Xiao smiled, "In this world, strength is respect, as long as the fist is hard, what?"

"You are right, this world is bigger than who's fists, if so, then I want to see it today, how big is your fist of the King King?" Rising Sword Emperor opened, the voice is falling On the occasion, his eyes also lift it.

It's like a telegraph, the carrier is endless sword, and I will take an instant to take the sky.

At the same time, the surrounding world will become white, ice is cold.

The rising sun of the long sword, but the right hand is slowly touching the long sword behind him.

At the moment of his palms, he touched the sword holder. The horrible swordsman suddenly broke out, and the sword blade was instantly out of sheath.

The sword has not been able to see the movements of the Xuri Sword Emperor, and he saw an invisible Sword Ying is already broken.

That sword is looking forward, and when you can get out, let the Tianying Wang, who have reached the level of the world, show the color.

.. .


A great ring.

The invisible sword shadow collided with the dark long whip, the terrible buddle, so that the void is full of bursting.


The Tianying Wang sent a sultry, but the face was immediately pale. He also guarded his own face, and his body was directly rewinding. He opened his distant distance with the Rising Sword Emperor. The shape is replaced.

This scene, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a golden country nearby, and the green palace strong is seen, and one is shocking.

Task, Tian Ying Wang can absorb the power of ancient gods, and burst into stronger strength.

And the Rising Sword Emperor, did not absorb the power of the ancient god, leaned by his strength.

As a result, it still is still rushing directly?

"This Rising Sword Emperor, the strength is good."

The voice of the Kings is ringing in the sword. "Trend with Tianzun, the gap is great, even if it is in the chaotic world, it can challenge the Tianzun in the world, it is not a lot, but this Rising Swordsman can not only The stronger challenges, even more powerful than the general ride ... "

"In addition, his swords, it is indeed very strong, no accident, he should open two strongest swords, and the perfect integration is immortal."

"Two strongest swords?" The sword has no double eyeline.

After a confrontation, the Tianshi Wang was obviously a big loss, and he had already retired from the distance, and he didn't dare to fight against the Rising Jiejie.

The many Tianzun of the Qinglu Palace appeared next to the Rising Sword Emperor.

"See the Judi Emperor!"

"See the Russian Palace Lord!"

These Tianzun have respectful gifts, even if it is the strongest dark sky, in front of the Judi of the Rising Sword, respectfully.

"The palace master?" The sword is unparalleled, "the Qinghu Palace now has a total of five palace owners, thrown away the void hall, the turn of the temple, the Tang dynasty Who will the fifth palace master? "

Xuri Sword Emperor waved, and showed everyone to get up, then he said: "From this area, I found the Soul Dan, I immediately hurry to come here, and I have used a lot of time on the road. Today, it is time to arrive. And look like it, it seems that it is not too late. "

When I heard the Rising Sword Emperor, the many Tianzun of the Qinglu Palace showed a surprise.

The Rising Sword Emperor did not come late, and it is really time!

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