Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1129 Male!

"Betting, actually take music with our competition?"

"This guy, actually treat us as a plaything."

"The dead old thing."

In the crowd, some curse has been hidden.

But Nanxin is not careless, still saying, "When I saw that there were so many humans came to this area, I understood that I would like to see the day, so I chose it."

"After you born, you will also come together, and then you will see the medicinal herbs, you will be crazy for Dan medicine, and I also reached the purpose of my music. This is not two full beauty. "

"Two full beauty?" The strong people in the field bite the teeth of the teeth.

This Danxin is light, but they are for these medicinal herbs, but they will be pulled with life.

"Kid, what is your sword?" "Danxin's evil voice sounded again.

"Well?" The sword didn't live up to Danxin.

"You should thank me, if you don't have me, you can't get three Nirvana." Dan Xin looked.

The sword is not double-finished.

He knows that his luck is this well, then the three Nirdan, who is finally thrown out, even shrewd directly to him ...

Sure enough, this Dan is interested in.

"Before the competition of the Soul Dan, I noticed that the district is a eternal border, but the war is very good. This is that it is in the long chaos world, it is also the existence of the monster level, I am Nature is also more interested in ... "Danxin smiled.

"Is it? Then I can really thank you." The sword is unparalleled, but the sound is indifferent.

This Danxin seems to have given him the benefits, but it is actually eight percent of him to make fun. After all, he got the three Nirvana, but at the same time he had experienced nine deaths.

Seeing the sword unparalleled expression, Nall heart is not annoyed, his eyes are also open, "Okay, I don't talk nonsense with you, I have been born, it is definitely to find someone's recognition, I don't know the present Does anyone have this Danxin Palace, interested? "

When I heard the heart of Dan, the strong people in the two camps were fierce, but one of the eyes became incapacitated again.

Hot, unprecedented hot.

No one knows, the Danxin Palace contains a lot of precious medicinal herbs, like the soul Dan, Nirvana, I am afraid it is not the best.

After all, they have just been very clear, and the Dan is crushing two Nirvana, and it is randomly throwing it.

And no matter who it is, if you can recognize the Danxin Palace, get a lot of Dan medicine in Danxin Palace, it will inevitably get a great opportunity, with these medicinal herbs, no matter whether it is gold or blue, strength will usher in never before Leap.

"Dan Heart, to recognize the Danxin Palace, what conditions are needed, do you talk?" Xuri Sword Emperor exploded.

" ~~~" Danxin whispered, "Now this Danxin Palace is told me, this recognized condition is very simple, you only need to think that I am happy."

"Let you happy?" The strong people of the two camps were all hysteresis.

"It's better, I have a piece of iron in my hands. I want to come to you?" Dan Heart reached out, everyone could clearly see a dark iron in his hand.

"This is ... black iron?"

There are people present, but if you see this iron, I have not recognized it.

Black iron can be said to be the most common in the whole world, the most large number of metals.

Don't say that the fire world is, even in the age of the ancient world, black iron is very common.

"This Dan Heart, what is the black iron?" The strong in the field is very confused.

"Listen, you want to make me happy, then I have to find more black iron, the quantity doesn't have much, and one million pounds are enough." Dan Xin.

"One million pounds of black iron?" The strong face in the scene is more quirky.

Like black iron such as ordinary uncommon metal, the fire world is more, don't say it is a million pounds, even 10 million pounds, 100 million kg, they can easily collected, but the key is The grade of such a low-end black iron, they didn't have the Qiankun rings of these Tianzun strong people?

Which Tianzun's Qiankun will accommodate so many ordinary black iron?

"Hey, I know that you don't have these black iron now, but this battlefield is, it is in this area where you are in this area, this face of the mountains, I don't know how much black iron, or even black iron The mine pulse is not exhausted, as long as you work hard, how much is it? "Danxin smiled.

After listening to Dan Heart, two major camps in the field, a self-contained face.

"This bastard, actually want us to dig?"

"Which is what you want to make a recognition, clearly continue to play us!"

"Mining? This is born to now, and I have never done such things."

I didn't even the roaring sound in the crowd, and the two major camps looked at the eyes of Na Dan.

No matter how angry they, the heart is never a hit.

"The opportunity is here, I want to recognize the Danxin Palace, even if I try it, I will not be reluctant." Danxin smiled, "In addition, this recognized opportunity is not much, who first get one Million pounds of black iron, who can try first, you have to rarely. "

After that, this Danxin is too lazy to pay attention to the two major camps in the field, just do it directly on the ground and start to sleep.

Seeing this scene, the two major camps of Tianzun strong, even if the heart is angry and there is no choice.

After all, Nall Heart never barely.

Do you want to dig mines, it is also given them to choose room.

"How to do?"

"Is it true to dig?"

"Let me wait for the Tang Tang to dig, thank you, this old thing!"

In the green fire palace camp, a grievance carrier.

"The sword is unparalleled, I said, the heart, one person who has lived such a long time alone, his inner heart is twisted, and he is an emperor. He is a whole-tail madman." The sound sounded, "If I have not guess wrong, even if you really follow his instructions, I want to get a million pounds of black iron, I am afraid I can't get a chance to try the recognition."

"Well, I can see it." The sword has no double nod.

From this Danxin's behavior, he has long seen that Dan is a madman.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The sound sounded, and I saw Yi Tianzun, which was not good to have a good relationship with the sword, and Dream Dragon was honored.

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