Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1130, fines

"Yi Tianzun, Meng Long Tianzun." The sword didn't smile and greeted, "Yes, Jin Qu Tianzun?"

"Golden songs ... fallen." Yi Tianzun sighed.

The sword has no double, but the spin is also secretly shaking his head.

Just that crazy fierce battle, even if he faced the chasing of Tianying Wang, it is almost dying, and Jinqu Tianzun is just a medium-scent, it is indeed dangerous, and there is no way to fall.

"There is a heart, the old thing is in order to play us in deliberate us." Yi Tianzhi low.

"Okay, don't complain." Dream Long Tianzhi made a look at Yi Tianzun, then asked: "The sword is unparalleled, you don't want to dig black iron?"

"Don't go." The sword did not shook his head without double, "What about you?"

"I have a dream Dragon Tianzun, I plan to go to touch the luck, but it is not a million kilograms of black iron, but it is not difficult, even if it is still not convinced, there is nothing, but it can be regarded once Success, that is no matter what we own, or for the whole green palace, "Yi Tianzun said.

The sword is not a double brow, nodded slightly.

Yi Tianzun has been moving with Men's Day.

More than two, the sky of the green palace, there is a lot of people who choose to dig black iron, only a few of the few people, do not want to continue to be killed by the heart.

The sword is unparalleled, it is one of the few people.

Of course, the sword is unparalleled to dig black iron, not to put the shelf, but he is not interested in the Danxin Palace.

"Whether it is the soul Dan or Nirvan, I don't have much use for me, I will fight for it, but I am only for the green palace, and now I have been competing for enough gods, and even I got it. Three Nirvanan, I should do it, I have worked hard, and I also want to give a more benefit for the green palace. As for the recognition of the Danxin House ... "The sword is unparalleled. The Danxin Palace is still in the ban. Shake the head slightly.

He knows that the Danxin will never succeed in the Danxin Palace.

And even if it is true, it is definitely not his sword.

"Danxin Palace, since it is a place to store Dan medicine, then I want to make the heart of Danxin Palace, at least in the alchemy, there is a great accomplishment, or you can identify all the medicinal herbs to you, and the sword is unparalleled. The alchemy is not very good, there are not many awareness of Dan medicine, and there is no possibility of this Danxin Palace at all. "The King said that he said with the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, so I didn't intend to have a new Danxin Palace recognition.

The strong people who did not pay attention to the scene, the sword was unparalleled to come to the front of the Rising Sword Emperor.

"Rising Sword Emperor." The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh, the sword is unparalleled?" Xuri Sword Emperor's sword watched, although the face was indifferent, but it took a good idea.

"Just thank you for the Sword Emperor." The sword has no double-acting.

"You are a member of my green palace, and for the sake of the Qinglu Palace, I will arrive, save you, it should be, changed to the palace of the Qinglu Palace, will not be suspended to save you "Rising Sun Jian Di Road.

Although the Rising Swordsman said, the sword is still full of gratitude.

After all, if you just arrive in time, his world of this world can be killed, although he does not die, but the treasure on the body can keep it, but the unknown, and some of his secrets, It will be exposed.

"Rising Sword Emperor, this is the three neighborhood I just got, and there is a soul Dan." The sword did not have a Qiankun ring, and he handed to the Rising Sword Emperor.

Rising Sun Jie Di's eyes, there is a surprise color, "" The three Nirvana Dan, there will be a lot to you in the future, don't you leave one? "

Three Nirvana is a sword without a double nine dead life, and Nirvana Dan sword is also used, if he wants to leave a one, the green palace absolutely no one will have opinions.

"No." The sword is unparalleled, but now I am in the past, it is more different from that step. This is not as good as it is, it is better to give me the other power of the green palace, perhaps this may Let me have a palace owner more than a green palace. "

Rising Sun Jian Emperor, then I looked at the soul of the soul, "Twenty-nine? Is it quite?"

The sword is unparalleled and a smile.

This goddess, he did a lot.

He has died in the seventeen years before, and he got the eleventh soul of the soul, and he was in a crazy battle. He killed nearly 20 golden Tianzun strong, from it I got a lot of souls, all added, there were twenty-nine!

"These souls, you don't need to give it to me, wait for you to return to the Qinglu Palace, go directly to the fire point to exchange, exchange into fire points." Rising Jie Di smiled.

"Is my own fire point to exchange for exchange?" The sword was slightly smoldering.

The void hall will announce, a goddess, can be exchanged for 10,000 fire points in the fire point exchange.

Twenty-nine gods, naturally can be exchanged for 290,000 fire points, which is definitely an astronomical figure.

"The sword is unparalleled, if you have no important things in this battlefield, you will return to the Qinghuo Palace earlier." The Jianji Sword suddenly said.

"Earlier back to the Palace? Why?" The sword didn't ask.

"You should know that my green palace is on this giant battlefield, and the most important thing is the three secrets, and the world of the swords in these three secrets, will soon open it. "Xuri Sword Emperor said.

"The world of swords, is about to open?" The sword was unparalleled.

The three secrets, the most important thing is the mirror of time and space, and will be opened once, followed by the world of the sword.

The world of this sword is also 100,000 years will only open once. When the sword has heard the world name of this sword, the world of this sword has endless curious, but he has never thought of it in a short time. Entering the world of swords, but now ...

"You have got three Nirvan Dan, many of the gods, and even a lot of gods, and even a lot of money, and it is naturally a big power for my green. These three Nirvana, I am hard to come up with the corresponding treasure to give you, so I will negotiate with other palace mains, and I will enter the world. Quota is given to you! "

"The world of the sword, is indeed a great opportunity for the sword, I have been there, and the harvest is not small, you are even better than me in the sword, and the harvest may be bigger. "Rising Sword Demo smiled.


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