Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1132, Pasta

"The cultivation of the years is so short. I have a breakthrough in the future, it is possible to become a boundaries. It breaks through the sky is a nail, that is, as long as it is not falling, he is destined to become a leader of the Qinglu Palace!"

The barefoot bald man is surging the murder.

"You can't give him an opportunity, you can't let him have a chance to become Tianzun!"

"Immediately, let 'ax" give me dead, stare at this sword, unparalleled, all of them can resist, all the cards are clear, I want to cooperate with my golden country, find a chance to kill him, need to take it Even if it is risky, it must be given to me! "

The command of this barefoot head is quickly conveyed.

The sword is unknown, the high-rise of the golden country has already gaked him. After he left the area where the Danxin Palace is located, he will go straight to the green palace directly.

It took more than 20 years to return to the green house.

"came back!"

After returning to the green house, the sword is quite comfortable.

He is the first time to go to the giant battlefield, and the time to make it is not enough for a hundred years, but the gain is very huge, others don't say, the light is powerful, now he is far from the battlefield. It can be compared.

"The sword is unparalleled, go to the fire point to exchange." Said the King said.

"Well." The sword is not a hyper point, he is going to go there.

"Before the Danxin Palace, I got a lot of gods, these souls, but they were all fire points."

The sword is unparalleled, soon come to the fire point exchange, follow the swords and unparalleled, immediately got it out.

He got the twenty-nine gods, an average of 10,000 fire points, swords were unparalleled in order to leave four times, all other exchanges became fire, add up to 250,000 fire points .

"I have redeemed the many treasures left by the Daozi, but it can be exchanged for 13800 fire points. It can be worth more than two gods." The sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, you are lucky, just encountering the Dan Yin Palace, or there is a chance to get so many gods, and these gods Dan's value is to put it in the chaotic world, and there is no big value." "In the vast chaotic world, a drop of ancient gods, can be more expensive than a god soul, can be exchanged in this fire point, only 5,000 fire points."

"Amount ..." The sword is unparalleled.

He also knows that he also understands that the green palace is because it is necessary to need the soul Dan, so the value will be so high, and the power of the ancient gods is rare in the vast chaos world, but in this giant battlefield, It can often be obtained, and the value is naturally low.

"Okay, don't say this first, you have enough fire points now, there is something, you can also redeem." Said the King said.

"What?" The sword is unparalleled.

"You look to the special treasure class." Kings said.

The sword is unparalleled, and this fire point is exchanged for special treasures, there are also many, five flowers, all kinds of use.

"You see this special treasure class, the value is ranked in the second Booth Sanda," Kings said.

"Oh?" The sword is unbedoted to lock onto the Booth Sand Hall.

"Booth Sand Hulu ... contain a large amount of parasitic sand, and it contains a secret, forming a field, restricting oppression, even entangled opponents, 2100,000 fire points."

"Good expensive!" The sword did not double the cold air.

He sold 25 gods, and he also got 250,000 fire points, but this paradise salad, actually needed to redeem the 2100,000 fire point.

Task, even if it is a chaotic odor, the fire point needs, it is far from this free.

"In this fire point, there are still a few good things. When you first arrived, I saw it carefully, and I found out the existence of this paradise, but unfortunately, there is too much fire point, You can't redeem it before, I haven't mentioned it, but since you have enough fire, you can redeem. "Said King.

"Look at this, this paradise salad, should be a treasure similar to the domain class, used to oppress each other, for me, it is also useful, but this is too expensive. Is it true of the real value? "The sword couldn't help but ask.

"Value, of course!" The King didn't open the mouth, "the little child, although you haven't going to the ancient chaotic world, but you also know that in the vast chaotic world, most of the chaotic crystals as the trading currency, normal The whole family of Tianzun is about 20 chaotic crystals. "

"I know." The sword is not a hyper point.

He killed the Daozi and got some chaotic crystals, but the quantity is not much.

"But you know this Sweater, if you put it in the world's chaotic world, you can sell how many mixed chaos?" Said the King said.

"How much?" Sword is unparalleled.

"At least 400,000 chaotic crystals, and there is still no market."

"So much?" The sword was unparalleled.

He didn't go through the ancient chaotic world, and the concept of this mixed chaotic crystal is not very comprehensive, but he can judge him from a full family of Tianzun.

A Tianzun all the family is around 20 mixed chaos, 400,000 chaotic crystals, this is 20,000 times!

"This flame dragon salad, is indeed very precious, like the golden country ... Although the Golden National Lord is good, even if he sells him, it is not worth 400,000 chaotic crystals. Of course, I am talking about it. Next, now you have a golden palace, all in this giant battlefield, have got a large number of opportunities and treasures, and the family cannot be judged by usual. "

"But no matter how to say, use 2100,000 fire points to change the Sweater, absolute!" Said the king said.

"As long as it is worth it." The sword is unparalleled, "I have now reached a bottleneck now, I want to have a big improvement, I can only make a breakthrough in the sword, put a swordway to the strongest level, then break through Become Dao Zun, as for some foreign treasures, I can make my treasures, I am afraid that it is ok. "

"As for the defense ability, I have a bloody will armor, the golden secret body, the same can't improve again, and now the only way to improve, it is this kind of life, and you can use to kill the enemy Special means! "

"This flames salad, it is right for me!"

The sword is unparalleled, no matter what attack or defense, it can't improve again. It can only improve this special means to help himself.

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