Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1133 is announced

After the decision, the sword was unparalleled to take 210000 firepoints to exchange the Squares of the Square, and then returned to his own residence.

Within the secret room, the sword is sitting there.

"The sword is unparalleled, this parade is extremely high, although you get it, you have to refine, you have to spend a dumpller, as for the secret surgery in the Sand of the sand, you are more difficult, you Step by step, first refine this paradise salad. "Said the King said.

"Well." The sword nodded, and then started to refine it directly.

Just in the sword, I just got the Square of Slashes, when I closedly refined, there was a big event.

On this day, the Five Palace of the Qinglu Palace was one of the rising days of the Rising Sword, which directly announced the entry of the world of swords to the swords in four decades.

The three secrets of the Qinglu Palace controlled, these three secrets were opened every other time, and every time they opened, they could only let alone in.

Therefore, the quota of this secret is naturally very precious.

Like this world of swords, it is only one hundred thousand years, and the swords in the Qinglu Palace can be all waiting for one by one.

Now the Rising Sword Emperor personally announced that people entering this world of swords are swords!

For a time, the whole green palace was turned out.

"Is it a sword?"

"He just entered the green palace, it is not a hundred years?"

"Who said to the world of swords, it is to see the length of the Qinglu Palace time? That South, not the same very short, he still went to the shortcomings of time and space."

"This sword is unparalleled, although it comes to the Qinghu Palace very short, but his progress is fast, it is in the battle for the battle. He has killed nearly 20 golden powers in the Danxin Township. At the end of the eyelids of the golden national power, he grabbed three Nirvana. It took a lot of great effort for my green, which entered the world of swords, should you give him a reward? "

"My green palace has always been distinguished. Since the sword is unparalleled, she is naturally rewarded, and his sword talent, it is really high, wait for the world of the sword, he will definitely have great harvest, the strength may so up, directly The level of the palace is also said. "

In the Qinglu Palace, many Tianzun are discussing.

However, in these discussions, there is no longer questioning the sword unparalleled voice.

After all, the Danxin Palace competes for that the sword is unparalleled to prove himself with absolute strength.

Now there are people in the Qinglu Palace, no one will dare to sword swords, but they have a lot of days, but they are also secretly admired in the heart.

The sword is unparalleled in the Danxin Palace to compete for Nirunan, and it is indeed qualified to admire them.

The quota of the world that enters the sword is parallel, and the Tianzun of these green palace can be accepted.

"Right, I have heard that a few of the people of the Temple intentionally let the emperor enter the world of swords, but now the sword is unparalleled, then the deceased?"

"I just intentionally, but I didn't make it sure, and since I have already determined that the quota gave the sword, the emperor, of course, I can only wait for the next time."

"Next, wait 10,000 years?"

"Hey, the emperor's temper can not be good, after knowing this, don't know if he will find a sword unparalleled trouble."

These Tianzun are secretly embarrassed.

In a huge huge house in the Qinglu Palace, the emperor of the Qinglu Palace has received the news of the Xuri Sword Emperor.

As those of those days, this emperor is angry!


"The world of this sword opens, the number of enters, is might as mine, as soon as tens of thousands of years ago, the five palace main heart has reached a consensus. Not long ago, I also personally asked the Red Lotus Sister, Honglian. I said that I will give me this place, but now ... "

The emperor is tired of the sky, but it is more than one.

"Sister, I need an explanation." The emperor tired of the news.

The five palace owners of the Qinglu Palace, the last one is the red la'em, and the red lavender master, with the emperor from the same era, belong to the same parade, so it is the relationship between the teacher. .

"This matter is the decision made by the other four palace owners. Although I tried to oppose, I have to comply with the rules." Hong Lian Palace also sent it.

The Red Lotus Palace is extremely unfamiliar than the sword.

At the beginning of the ancient demon family, the five major palace owners gathered, when Ji Nan Tian wants to take Ji dream, the Hong Lian Palace, who wants to take it directly, but she believes that Jiannan Tian, ​​but also the sword is unparalleled with a little guy. , Unfortunately, only her person insists that the other four choose to believe in the sword, the sword is unparalleled.

When the sword is unparalleled to the green palace, and experienced the battle of the Danxin Palace, the sword is unparalleled, and its talent strength has made the entire green palace to convince the conviction, but this Honglian Palace is still adhering to yourself.

This Rising Sword Emperor filed to the world's name of the sword to sword. When she was not opposed, she also agreed that other four were all agreed. She helpless.

"The sword is unparalleled, sword is unparalleled !!!"

"I blame this sword unparalleled!"

"How long is he coming to the Qinglu Palace? It is not the battle of Danxin Palace. I got a few Nirvana. In addition, what did he take me? If you want me more than 100,000 years, not him?"

The emperor is madly roaring, and the whole palace will sound from his roar.

After a short roaring, his eyes became a scarlet.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have to look at it, what can you be resistant!"

After that, this emperor got up and got up and got out of the palace.


The sword is unparalleled in the secret room, and the sword is still sitting there, and it is floating a golden gourd in front of him.

This golden gourd is not large, just like the ordinary alcohol, but it can be distributed with a unique atmosphere.

With the sword, there is no double eyebrow, a special mark, stay above the golden gourd, and the time of the sword has more induction of this golden gourd.

"Success!" The sword was unparalleled, and his eyes with a strong surprise.

"Yes, this parasolic salad hoist has been refined, the parasol is contained in the Buchen Sand, you should also control it." Said King said.

"It can be manipulated." The sword nodded, he could clearly induction of the golden gourfter contained a very vast and horrible force.

This power is the parasites of the flame!

And it seems that there is only one gourd, but it can actually contain a vast space in the hoist, and it is a parasitic sand!

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