Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1134 Wars!


As the sword is unparalleled, the flames in the golden gourd is in an instant.

Booming ~~~ I saw the red-ranging sand of the sky, which also carries a weird color flame in this sand, and then the storm is like a storm.

This secret room where the sword is unparalleled, the impact is hit into powder, the horrible impact force, and the void is completely collapsed.

"Okay, it is terrible!" The sword is unparalleled to look at this.

In the case of the Basan Sand, everything was annihilated, and the power of the strand is too amazing.

"This horrible strand force, even if a Tianzun is falling into it, I am afraid it will be immediately stranded." The sword is unparalleled. "

At this time, the king didn't open, "Basma sand, this is a very terrible substance in the chaotic world, this paradise salad, is some powerful refining masters, putting many Basian Sand together , Refining into this gourd, you can refine the gourd, you can manipulate the enemy's parasites. "

"In addition, you are just a preliminary refining of gourds. It can only be forced to drive these parasites to kill the enemy. This is the clumsy method, but if you are the secrets of the gourd, you can manipulate the flame Sands form a real field resort, under this field, if you are an ordinary high-level festival, you can't take it carefully, you don't need to shoot, just just the gentlestance of the Sweet Sand, you can kill it. "

"Don't use it, you can directly kill the high-level Tianzun?" The sword was unparalleled, and the heart was shocked.

It is important to know that high-level days, and the commanding means is generally not too weak.

The sword is also because there is a spurious sword, and it can be competed in the Danxin Palace. Many golden national powers are slaughtered, but the high-level Tianzun only accounts for a very small number. Once you encounter the extremely high high level Tianzun, the sword is also difficult to kill.

But now there is this auxiliary of this paradise of the sand. It is too simple to kill higher days.

Even, it is a fullness of Tianzun, if the strength is not on his words, it is also possible to die in his hand.

"It's worth 21,000 yuan, this parade, this is really good, but the treasure of my green palace is not redeem, but put this fire point exchange What is it? "The sword was unhealthy.

He didn't think much, soon, he quickly converge, and the Sagand of Sand converges, and his secret room will quickly fix it.

The land where the green fire palace is located, any building is fear of flowers and trees, they can fix themselves.

Next, the sword is unparalleled is preparing to drive the secrets contained in the paradise of the paradise, and suddenly ...

"Sword is unparalleled!" A thick voice passed.

The sword is unparalleled, and the body is also greeted.

"Yu Ding Tianzun."

The sword is unparalleled, and it was the Yuding Tianzun who invited him to enter the green house.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, I will take you to how long you have come to the Green Palace, you have already been in the battlefield? Now we have a whole green palace, no one doesn't know you." Yu Ding Tianzun smiled.

The sword is unparalleled and smiled. "Yu Ding Tianzun came today, should it be specifically to tell me these?"

"This is not." Yu Ding Tianzun is positive, "the sword is unparalleled, it does not meet, I came today, it is also a trust."

"Trusted?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Some people call me to give you this thing, let's take a look." Yu Ding Tianzun handed a jade simple to the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, you will make a simple browsing, but your eyes become an old.

"This is ... war post?"

Yes, the content of this jade order is a war post.

That is the battle of the emperor to him, invite him to go to the palace, and the war post is even more rich in ridicule and provocative taste.

"Emperor is tired?" The sword didn't have a double wrinkle, doubtful: "I don't know this emperor, and I have no grievances with him. Good end, he gives me the battle for me?"

"The sword is unparalleled, you are between the emperor, it is not a grievance, it is exactly that you have a sin." Yu Ding Tianzun.

"I sinned him? When?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Rising Sword Emperor is not the name of the world that enters the world?" Yu Ding Tianzun looked over.

"There is this." The sword is unparalleled.

In the past, the Sky Jian Di had already told him about this matter, but he also received a message published by Xuri Jie Emperor.

But what is the relationship between this emperor?

"Yes, the emperor is also a sword practice, and the talents are extremely high. His sister is the red lavender master, so he is eligible to enter the world of swords, you did not appear Previously, the five palace owners have negotiated, they all gave him this place to enter the world of swords, but now, because of your appearance ... "

"The palace owners gave you this place to enter the world, then he has to wait until the next time, that is, one hundred thousand years, you said, are you sin?" Yu Ding Tianzun laughed. .

The sword is unparalleled to hear.

He didn't expect that he had entered the number of the world of swords, which was originally intended to give this emperor.

The world of swords, one hundred thousand years opened once, the emperor waited for so long before, and it was not easy to turn to him, but now because he appeared, he had to wait until next time, wait 100,000 years.

That is to be 100,000 years, for the emperor, it is not a short, some anger, that is normal.

"Before Xuri Jie Di said to give me the quota, I didn't say that this place had owner." The sword has no bisquecry.

"Before the past, although it is interested, it has not been confirmed after all, countless." Yu Ding said.

The sword is unparalared shrugged, and the words are so, but the emperor is truly happy to hate him, this is already the fact, otherwise how can I make Yu Ding Tianzun send a war post?

"The sword is unparalleled, the emperor is not satisfied with your challenge, and he is very smart. When you send a war post, you have spread this thing. Now all the days in the Qinglu Palace knows him. I have warned to you, if you don't fight, it will inevitably be gossip. "

"If it is necessary, this emperor is not weak." Yu Ding Tianzun Zheng said.

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