Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1136, Balaisha

"The sword is unparalleled, I will teach you today, how to respect the predecessors!"

The emperor's voice echoed in the virtuous palace, but his body is in vain.

This, the distant distance is instantaneous, the emperor has appeared in front of the sword. At the same time, I saw a cold sword light on, and I crossed a strange curvature in the void, and the sword was unparalleled.

"This speed ..." The sword is not a double shocked.

Although he knew that this emperor's speed is not fast, it can really shocked him.

He is also a great battle in Tianzun, and it can't see why this emperor is the sword.

In the face of the cold sword, the sword is unparalleled, but he only wanted to resist, but he only had to pull the blood peak sword, blocking in the chest.


A low impact sound, the power of the ice-cold sword is immediately, and the sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have just been don't have to do it." The emperor sounded the sound.

The sword is unbolded, but it is a sharp way to follow his eyes.

In his sight, the emperor has been disturbing again, this time is faster!

It's too fast, and the sword is unparalleled.

The emperor has appeared in front of the sword, while the sword is swayed ... A sharp icy sword light is coming.

Time sword is unparalleled, in the ocean formed by the sword, it is everywhere.

"The body has a quick speed, this sword speed is faster!" The sword was unparalpite, and he immediately waved his blood and sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and his speed sword is completely exerted, and the blood peak sword has also made an amazing speed and moved.

clang! clang! clang! clang!

Unbredable critical crickets constantly sound.

"This, this ..." The sword is unparalleled.

He asked himself to open up the speed of the sword. At the sword speed, it should not be afraid of any Tianzun.

But now ... This emperor's sword is completely burst, but it is obviously better than him.

Both people are more faster than who's swords, can be obviously that the emperor will take an absolute advantage, and the sword is unparalleled to resist, and the light is not comparative.

"Can't stop."

The sword has no double-finish, he has seen a sword of the emperor who is surrounded, and he has spoken by his defense.

This sword, he couldn't dodge.


The sharp sword light broke out in the sword, and the huge impact orderless the sword immediately fell back, and the sound of half rampage was re-stopped.

Seeing this scene, the Red Lotus Palace, who was in the vain, and immediately smiled, "Rising Sun, you are derived."

"Don't worry, this battle is just beginning, now it is too early to see, and it is too early." Xuri Jian Diwu.

"I still don't accept the gas? Hey, that's good, I have to say, this sword is unparalleled to have any means." The red face smiled.

And in the virtuous Palace, the emperor also looked at the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, your strength, only this level?"

The emperor is lifted by the mouth, with a wonderful and disdain: "I heard that you have been fighting in Danxin Palace before, killing a lot of golden people, but now, you should only kill those, it should be just gold Some junk goods in the country? If you feel a little bit, you are afraid that there is only a copy of the wolf. "

The sword is unparalleled.

"This emperor is really fast enough, it is worthy of Zhong Tianzun in the green fire palace, the speed is in the first, I have opened up the speed sword, the result is still more He. "The sword is unparalleled secretly shook his head.

At the speed, I am in a definite blind, this virtual Qi Palace is unable to cover up, the emperor has always played such a speed, the sword is unparalleled, the emperor is not a way, and finally only by the emperor is awkward.

"If so before, this emperor is awkward and I will defeat, but now ..." The sword has grinned, but the face has a smile.

"The sword is unparalleled, and I am smashing!"

The emperor had a low drink, but the time is again riped, like a flow of magicity is easy to shuttle, the speed is fast, don't say a general Tianzun, even if it is a lot of other days, it also looks like .

When the emperor is satisfied with other Tianzun, it is generally unbeaten.

But unfortunately, this time, he encountered the sword.

I saw that the emperor came again and again, the sword was unparalleled, and there was a golden gourd in his hand.

"Well?" The emperor is always moving, and the sword is unparalleled, but it still doesn't care.

The red lavender owner, which can be seen in the vain, and the moment of the gourd is suddenly ridiculous, "that is ..."

The golden gourd is in the hand, the sword is unparalleled, the plug is open, and the time, I saw a horrible force from the golden gourd, and I broke out directly.

Booming ~~~ The vast waters of sags, this sand is sandwiched with a colorful flame, which contains the stunned power. After the golden gourd, it is crazy to sweeping around, just instantly Covered the entire virtual hood.

The vast virtual hobi void is all over the palae flowers.

"This, what is this?"

The emperor is awesome and paused. He frowned around the vast paravity of parasites, and immediately raised a bad feeling.

The sword is unparalleled, following his handling, the wind halves, the vast paravara, the vast paravara, and in an instant, the emperor is chained.

"not good."

The emperor has changed the sky, and the body is rushing, I want to bypass these sanding.

It can be found quickly, too much, too much, and all over the eight parties, no matter where he goes, those sandstorms will be formed in front of him, then the trend of the sky is coming, the emperor is a long sword crazy, I have a strong sword that is strong and struggling.

I saw a ruthless sword light from the emperor, and the overwhelming of the opposite is straight.

But this heavy sand is just being broken, a body shape is straight, it is a sword.


The sword is unparalleled, the sword in the hands of the swords also burst into the sky, as a sword of the bamboo and horrible, immediately arrived.


The emperor is tired of the sky, and immediately waves the sword.


A big sound, the entire body shape of the emperor was detained by the back of the earth, and rolled up on the rear.

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