Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1137 accounts for the wind?


That heavy sandstorm is directly bursting, the body shape of the emperor is also coming again.

"Emperor is tired, your speed is really fast enough, you can attack the power, but it is not very good." The sword was unparalleled.

On the speed, the emperor is much more faster than any of the Tianzun he has ever seen.

But if you attack the power, this emperor is more than the high-day respect, but it is better than the general Tianzun, but it is also worse, he is going to show the sky, the hard-hidden power collision This emperor will account for an unidirection.


The emperor has been full of face and gloomy, and the surroundings are full of parasophilia.

He can feel the power of him to his heart from this parasitic sand.

"The emperor is tired, now come and see, who is ." The sword was unparalleled and smiled and the figure was swayed out.

The emperor is also immediately moving, but he has just moved, a heavy sandstorm appeared in front of him, and contained a strong stranded to him.

"Damn!" The emperor is invincible, he has to stop your body to resist these sanding.

But this sand, resists a heavy, and the second weight of the horse is coming to strand again ...

Heavy followed by one heavy, endless.

Under the influence of these sandstorms, his speed could not be played out, but the sword was unparalleled, such as a fish, and immediately attacked him again, and now the sword is unparalleled, and it is more than the speed of strength.

If there is no influence in the Sweet Sand, the sword is unparalleled, he can easily avoid it, but now ... he can't avoid it, it can only try to resist, but the front collision, the sword is unparalleled in the sword It is much better than him.

!!! boom!

I only heard the sound of the collision, and the sound of the collision was constantly sounded in the virtuous Palace, and several breathing ~~


The emperor's body is not comparable to the wolf. At this moment, his face is pale, and the mouth is also rubbed with fresh blood, which is clearly injured.

And the sword is unparalleled, but the breath is flying, the war is still maintained at the top.

"Emperor is tired, now you have to take it?" The sword has no double-sided smile, standing in front of the emperor.

"Okay!" The emperor is dead and dead, but the heart is unparalleled, but the bottom is a burst of causing.

Yes, he is not willing.

The name of the world that is not willing to give the sword is unparalleled. If you don't want to pay yourself, you can't help but swords, but you are unparalleled by swords.

The sword is unparalleled with BA, the Saganda is crazy, and the soul of the Emperor has brought a huge obstacle to the emperor, which makes his speed can't play, and once the speed can't play, this emperor is also aid More than the high-level Tianzun is stronger, in the face of the sword, there is only a place to be ive.

"The emperor is tired, and the Xuri Sword Emperor will give me the quota of the world of the sword. I don't know if you have, so I am not intentionally grab your quota. If you don't believe, you can ask Rising Sun. Jian Di. "The sword is unparalleled, the sound has also become low.

"I know that you are not willing, but things have been here, I can't give you the amount of white and white. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can continue to come to me challenge, but you will have your current strength. Want to teach me? But there is still enough! "

After saying, the sword is no longer resorted to the emperor, directly recovered those parasites, and then turned away.

The emperor is tired of being shaking, standing there, watching the sword is unparalleled, but the bottom is full of helplessness.

In the green house, the five palace sovereign is the biggest, the sword is unparalleled into the world of swords. Since it is the decision made by the five palace owners, then he can't change it, he is just a bit of anger, he will come to the sword. Warriors, you can don't have lessaughories, you don't have a parallel, and you have nothing to do with swords.

In addition to virtuous palace, many Tianzun people in the Qingquan Palace gathered here, waiting.

"I have been in the past, the sword has no double and the emperor, the battle should have been divided out?"

"Don't know who will win?"

"That is also used? Of course, the emperor is honored."

"Well, it should be an emperor, after all, the speed is the first, light, and it is already conducive to the invincible place."

Some of the dark talks, almost more than 90% of Tianzun, all think this battle, winning will be an emperor.

After all, the emperor has been famous for a long time, his speed is also famous.

And how long, from the virtuous Palace, the sword is unparalleled.

All people in the green fire palace immediately saw the sword.

"The sword has no double, the first one came out?"

"What about the emperor?"

"Look at the sword, it seems very calm, and the breath is stable, it seems to be not injured?"

The Tianzun of the Qinglu Palace is a weird.

"The sword is unparalleled." Yu Ding Tianzun came to the front of the sword, smiled and asked: "What is the result?"

"Result?" The sword is unparalleled, "" The emperor is awesome, you ask him, I will go back first. "

After saying, the sword is unparalleled, and these days of being present will be directly in the place where they live.

These days are here, soon, the emperor has come out.

However, the Tianzun in the scene found that when the emperor took it out, the face was obviously ugly.

"The emperor is tired, how is the result?"

"The emperor is tired, you didn't tell us to tell the battle scene, is it recorded with a mirror?"

Now there is a day before I ask.

"Mirroring the characters?" The emperor had a sashimi, "I don't use the mirror."

"Oh?" These Tianzun faces are quirky.

Task, when they received the emperor, the emperor said that he had to use the mirror to record the fierce game, but now ...

"The sword is unparalleled, the strength is very strong, this battle, he accounts for the wind."

The emperor said, and then lazy to pay attention to these Tianzun, and the figure is directly left.

In addition, there is no palace, but it is immediately blown up.

"Treasure the wind? The emperor is aid to say that the sword is unparalleled?"

"He actually admitted?"

"How is it possible? With the speed of the emperor, the sword is unbeaten to remain invincible in his hands, how can it still occupy the wind?"

"The mirror is not given to us, is it true to occupy it?"

These Tianzun can't help but think.

More than people think that this warfare will be a sword, but the result, it is obviously not that.


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