Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1145 Everything

"Unfortunately." The sword was unparalleled.

He thought that he had the power of the soul, the soul should be able to see the most bottom of the Yinfeng Valley, but he did not expect his soul to explore, it will be hindered, but there is no way.

"Look at it, I can only wait for the future strength, or the power of the soul has greatly improved, then I will find it." The sword didn't swite and shook his head, and he didn't stay here, but one person continued alone. In this battlefield.

Breakthroughs to the road, the strength has skyrocketed, the sword is unparalleled, but he can be careful.

I have passed the past eight years.

For this eight years, he did not encounter the strong people of the golden country, and he did not encounter the strong people of the Qing Dynasty.

He broke through the news of Daozun, nature, nature, no one knows.

Just this day ...

"Sword is unparalleled." A message is delivered.

"Gold ax". "The sword is unparalleled, and the tone is quite friendly. The old people who have a respectful people who have been honored in the Qinglu Palace will have a little respectful.

"I heard that the child is alone in the battlefield." Gold axion asked.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point, "Is there something?"

"This, the old man is just in the battlefield, and I have encountered a little bit of trouble. I need three strong people who have a successful force to help me. I now only found a Tianzun big success. I know that you are also on the battlefield, so I will ask you to ask. "Gold ax.

"It turns out." The sword smiled without a pair.

The same is the strong man of the Qinglu Palace. If you encounter some little trouble on the battlefield, you will naturally find someone to help.

Moreover, the gold ax is clearly required to be a full battle of the Tianzu. This is not easy to find the Golden Ax, which is not easy, find him, it is normal.

"Since it is a gold ax, you will not refuse, but I don't know if I am going now, I will not come." The sword said.

"Where are you now?" Amused an arbitrary inquiry.

"This is my location." The sword is unparalleled, and the location of his position is passed to the gold ax.

After getting the sword unparalleled position, the gold ax is also passing his position, while smiling: "I am here, it is too far away from the places you are now, even if you are rushing, I am afraid it has exceeded Centennial can be arrived, I can't come. "

"So far?" The sword was unparalleled to look at the position of the gold ax, but also shook his head, "Goldax Tianzun, sorry, I love Mo."

"Nothing, I will contact the next few Tianzun big, seeing them come and come." The Goldax Road said, and then interrupt the message.

The sword has shrugged the shoulders, continuing to sway, and did not put this matter on the heart.

But he did not know, the gold ax in hundreds of millions of miles, he learned that he was in place, but immediately passed this location in a special way, passed to the high-rise power of the golden country.

"I should do it, I have already done it, so that I can't set the sword where there is no pair of death, I will see that you are all of you."


Jin Guo's nest, three shadows come together, one of them is wearing a black robe, face is thin, and the youth of the eagle is, and it is the boundary of the ride of the sword!

As for the other two, it is a glamorous woman wearing a white robe, and a tall man with a burly like a mountain.

These two people are the nine kings of Jiuwang, the Kingdom of Jiuwang.

"The ax has passed the sword unparalleled position, just in this area." Tian Ying Wang took a map and pointed to a position marked.

"This area is very far away from our old nest. Even if we take our speed, you will take a decades to arrive. Fortunately, in the area of ​​the area, there is a special place that we secretly control. In the special place, there is a space insect cave connected. "The glamorous woman said.

"In this case, that is not terminated, we will start now." Like the mountains of the mountains, the high-quality man opened.

These three people immediately got it, and they followed them and have many strong people.

Through the spatial wormhole, they quickly came to the special place, followed by feet, only took one year, and came to the area where the sword was in the area.

"The location of the ax is in this area. Although after a year, but the sword is unparalleled, it can't run." Tianying Wang Dao.

"No accident, the sword is unparalleled near this area, but this area is so huge, it is not easy to find him," Jin Yan Wang Beizhong open. "

"Give it to our own go to find it, of course it will be very troublesome, but we can find a way to go to the net." Sky said.

"Self-investment network? How do you say?" Tian Ying Wang, Jin Yan Wang saw it.

"It's very simple." Sky King smiled, but his hand looked up, her hand held a beautifully desducing blue green tower.

This green tower has a total of seven layers.

After the Sky King took this tower, the idea was moved, but it didn't directly release the recognition of the tower.

"Sky, are you?" Tian Ying Wang, Jin Yan Wang is very strange.

They are very clear that the green tower is important for the Sky King.

"This seven star tower, there is already a year in my hands, I have been integrated with it, even if I have released the recognition, it can still manipulate it." Sky smiled.

"Sky, what do you mean?" Tian Ying Wang has guess the intention of Sky.

"The sword is unparalleled in this battlefield, nothing more than the opportunity treasure, in this case, I will take the Qixing Tower out, and deliberately relieve the recognition, and give it a treasure born scene, and the movement is natural, the better, the better If the sword is unparalleled, it will inevitably come over, "Sky" said.

"Good idea, so, then go directly." King King said.

"Well." The Sky kingdom nodded, and immediately took the seven-star tower and threw it into the ground below ...

Just a moment, rumbling ~~~ Tiandi tremor, huge obviously the movement of treasures, and burst out.

This is quiet and has been spread directly from the forebelt billion, which is shocked.

And Sky, etc., it is hidden in the seven-star tower, waiting quietly.

"Everything is ready, so I will wait until the sword is unparalleled."


PS: Five more, the road to everyone, the sword is finally reached, as for the road to the road, the sword is unparalleled, everyone will know immediately.

Let us wait and see!

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