Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1146 Seven Star Tower

The treasure is born, especially the seven-star tower is born under the deliberate guidance of the Sky, and it is very moving quietly.

The sword is indeed in this area, so huge movement, he naturally noticed.

"So moving, don't you have a treasure?" The sword is unparalleled.

This battlefield contains countless opportunity treasures, if you are lucky, it is indeed a good time to come to the treasure, and he has not doubtful.

"Hurry over!"

The sword is unparalleled, after a few days, he has come to the front of the green tower that exudes a thick breath.

"Good strong breath, so breath, it should be chaotic Qibao." The sword flashed in the light.

"It's a chaotic odorant, and it is still the kind of chaotic odorant with special ability, and the value is much more expensive than those who use it as an attack." Said the king said.

"Such a precious treasure is born, and I am the first to find it?" The sword is unparalleled, "It is the surrounding area, did not come from the Qinglu Palace or the golden strong in the Golden Guard? "

"There is this possibility." Kings said, "Sword is unparalleled, take a look in the tower, see if there is a chance to give this tower to the recognition."

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no discovery where you are discovered, you will directly enter the green tower.

At the moment of the sword unparalleled into the seven-star tower, the Sky King, Tianying Wang, Kingyan Wang, is hidden in the seven-star tower, and the three people of Jinyan king have exposed a cold smile.

"That kid, it is very cautious, but we are smart to hide in the seven-star tower, there is the existence of Qixing Tower. He didn't find us at all." Sky said.

"This sword is unparalleled, there is a source of the net, and the king of the Sky will be taken directly.

"Reassured, give it to me, then since I arrived in the seven-star tower, it is absolutely impossible to live again." Sky King is confident, "Hey, he has already fallen into my means ..."

In the seven-star tower, the sword is unparalleled to enter the seven-star tower, and immediately found that he has come to a huge treasure.

Yes, it is a treasure house.

Entering, there is a show ragger rack, and you are full of treasures, there are many kinds of treasures, you can call it.

In addition, the levels of these treasures are also extremely high.

"That is ... Chaos Story?"

"Yes, it is a chaotic odorant, but there is more than one piece, but there are ten pieces."

"There is also there, the bracelet, the breath is obvious than the chaos, but it is much more powerful. Is it a chaotic god?"

The sword is unparalleled to look at this huge treasure in front of him.

One of these treasures is one piece, it is extremely precious, and it should be unpredictable.

The sword is unparalleled in the eyes, and it will be praised from time to time, but the eyes are calm, and they did not rise because of these treasures.

If you see the treasure in this treasure, it will inevitably be very excited, even crazy.

The sword is unparalleled, but the heart is calm.

"Oh, there are a few chaotic Qibao, but even chaotic gods have come out, I really put me as a fool? Your illusion, too." The sword is unparalleled, and his eyebrows are The scarlet eyes are open, and the power of the sword is unparalleled.

~~~ The treasure house in front of the sword is directly broken.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, but standing on a crystal basin, it is the bottom of the seven-star tower, and he looks up, it can look at the six-layer space in the eyes, and he can also see this The top of the seven-star tower has a green light bead existent.

That green light-beads have adult skulls, exudes a strange ray.

The sword is unparalleled with the long sword standing there, with a touch of smile.

The Sky King hidden in the seven-star tower, but the eyes are fierce, "" It's so easy to break the illusion that I arranged in Qixing Tower? This kid, it is a bit possible. "

"Sky King, what is going on?" Tian Ying Wang also looked over with Jin Yan Wang.

"Little unexpectedly." Sky Wang Ping said: "The kid should be a special secret, you can read my illusion."

After that, the Sky King also glanced at the sword without eyebrows.

She believes that the sword is unparalleled to break her illusion, because of the eyes of the eyes.

"Since the illusion doesn't, then directly use the consciousness, annihilate his awareness."

The native king is cold, I saw her mind, and the top of the top of the top of this seven star tower was slightly rotated, followed by a bright beam, but directly in the amazing speed. The sword is not double shining.

The sword is unparalleled in the bottom of the seven-star tower. When the green beam moved toward him, he did notice it, but he also found that he couldn't open the beam, since it hid, and more lazy .

The sword is unparalleled to stand in that, and it is hard to be in the green beam.

boom! ! !

A horrible consciousness attack, instantly moved in the sword.

This awareness attack, very terrible, any conscious attacks that are much more than the swords have encountered, and this conscious attack also has an amazing destruction ability.

Like the sword, there is no pair, but it is also known as awareness, but his consciousness attack is just ambiguous, caught in a sense of consciousness, but I want to directly annihilate a person's consciousness, then it is very difficult.

This blue-green beam, which is now he encounters, is obviously the annihilation of him.


The sword is unparalleled, the face is also slight, but it is sudden to look up, look straight to the green light beads.


This is really shocking this day.

"I will use the awareness of the seven-star tower to be annihilated. Under the truth, it should be able to live to live, this kid, it is hard to live hard, how is it possible?" Sheng Dynasty Wang Xin is full of incredible.

She originally thought that a sword in the killing area was unparalleled, and it should be hand to come.

But now, the sword is unparalleled into her seven-star tower. She has been using the seven-star tower to show two offensive, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, I don't believe it."

"How is it strong? Here is my seven-star tower, I am the owner here, since I can't kill you, then I will directly suppress you!"

Sky King is low, follow the jade hand.

The entire seven-star tower also shook it, followed by only the sword, the sword was unparalleled, and the power of the two horrible power was directly molded. It is like two giants, and one left and right is unparalleled.

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