"Want to suppress me?"

The sword is unparalleled, and I will have a golden gourd in my hands.

Open the plug, time, pounds of parasites, outbreak it.

Most of the flames, formed a horrible storm, directly in the four-sided eight-party swept, the two giants of the sword were unparalleled, almost instantly was shocked, and The seven-star tower is dramatic under the impact of the paradise sand.

"How is it possible?" Sky shows what is shocked. "What is the treasure in the hands?

"Worse, then go on this, my seven-star tower has to be completely destroyed."

The color of the heavenly fantasy has changed several times, and eventually, it is a stroke. The door of Qixing Tower is directly open, so that the Basian Sand is venting, and even the sword in the seven-star tower is also the first time to find the opportunity, and also flip Out.


Above the void, the shape of the sword is quiet, and his face is indifferent, and there is still a lot of parasites.

In front of the sword, there are also three breath of breath.

"This breath ..." The sword is unparalleled to look at the three people in front, but the brow is slightly frowned.

One of these days, he did he met, as for two, the breath is not weak than the day, and even more hidden.


And the three people are bound!

"The Golden Guo is really enough to see me, and even send three tributes, and even if you don't he hesitate to kill me?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Kid, how do you feel the existence of my three?" Seni-fantasy Wang looked at the sword.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyphenotype, nor does it deny.

Before entering the seven-star tower, he didn't know that this is a trap, just think that the seven-star tower is the treasure born in this battlefield, and thinks that it can get some opportunity in the tower, or think of this Qixing Tower recognizers.

When you enter the seven-star tower, his soul is spread, and he immediately detected the three people hidden in the Qixing Tower.

Natural swords are unparalleled, and they are in the trap set below the golden domain.

However, I know that it is a trap, but the sword is not afraid. After all, he is not before.

"The sword is unparalleled, the breath is better than the last time, I have to be strong. If the king has not seen a wrong, you should have broken through the road?" Tian Ying Dynasty sword unparalleled Come over, he hasn't played an exchange with the sword, and it is more familiar with the sword unparalleled breath.

When you meet last time, the sword is unparalleled, but now ... The sword is unparalleled, but it is stronger than its general Tianzun.

"Fortunately, it's a big way." The sword laughed.

"The blame doesn't know that it is a trap, you can still be calm, it turns out to be a big road." Tian Ying Wang Weiwei, "But even if you break through the road, I will join hands today." You will die, you will die. "

"You must die? I don't see it." The sword was unparalleled.

"Tian Ying Wang, I still have nothing to talk to him, I will kill it directly. If you don't do it, I will do it first." The king of the three king is obviously the most impressive one, he It's too lazy to talk to the sword. At this moment, it has been shot.

The two thick arms of Jinsheng King, faintly visible a gluten, with each other with a giant ax, directly in the hole wear the void, the sword, no double burst, fast, the power is more shocking.

As a strong strong, this Jinyan Wang Guang is the momentum of the shot, and it is enough to make the sky.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unhealthy corner, but it is a smile of bloodthirsty.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are in the top three bounds, strength is not too strong, with your current strength, one-on-one words, you can compete with them, and a pair of three ... you have a parasitic sand The gourd is in the field, I want to go, I want to stay, they will stay. "The voice of the King is unhealthy in the sword.

"I know." The sword is unparalleled, "but I started, I didn't plan to use the Booth Sanda."

The sword has its own plan.

He just broke through the road, the strength has skyrocketed, and has reached a new level.

Now, he can't find an opponent. The three kings of this golden country come, the sword is unparalleled, you will miss this great opportunity.

"Wait until I play with them, then use the parasolous salague to go with the Square of Sand, but in order to prevent this, I will immediately tell the people of the green palace." Sword is unparalleled Several palace main news of the green palace.

After passing the message, he sent the blood peak sword in his hand, and immediately killing the king of the killing of the killing in front of him.

"Kid, death!"

Jin Yan king hand holds two huge axes. Among them, the giant ax on the right hand is rolling. The volume of the giant ax has skyrocketed to three meters long, and the three meters long giant waves in his hand, carryers to destroy the sky The power of the ground is swaying.

The giant ax waves, and the void is rumbling, as if the heavens and the earth are unable to bear the power of this giant ax.

The sword is unparalleled.

After breaking through the road, his strength has already reached a new level, and at this moment, he is in the ancient god of the gods, and it is in a moment of spirit, and the power of the road is also in an inter.

"Tianshal!" The sword has no binz.

The sword is turned out, but it is in a sword, directly showing the strongest days of attacking power.

A sword out, like a ceiling.

The horrible sword light, it is clear that it has not been cut, but the ground below has been ...

"He has just broken Daozun, dare to touch the king of Jinyan? It's really looking for death!"

Non-far king, Tian Ying Wang looked at this scene, but the two did not shoot.


A loud noise, the terrible swords formed a dense sword rain, and broke the void and broke the void.

The sword has no double shape. The whole body is like a shell, and the king of Jinyan, the body is also in full, and it is far from the far. Every step is trampled in the void, will The void is trampled.

"Haha, come again!"

The cool laugh is in this world. I saw the sword where you burst out, I didn't know when I was stabilized, and I just stood again. I rushed again. Kill it.

That skydotic breath, there is no weakening, obviously just that collision, the sword is nothing to hurt.

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