Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1154 Yin Feng Valley (on)

Seeing the sword has no double, the Red Snow King did not feel unexpected.

He knew that once he shot, his presence will be completely exposed to the front of the Green Palace.

"The sword is unparalleled, the king is really admired, there is a road to the district, which can be in the murdere of the King of Jin Guo, if you take the king, you have to spend a great effort to make you, this It can be resistant to it. "Red Snow King laughed.

"You are a genius, a real genius!"

"Even if you are in the world of chaotic world, there are not many geniuses like you!"

"Unfortunately, how do you get a genius, if you die, then there is no difference with the waste wood, and today, you will die!"

"You are right, I am still dead today, this, I also admit, but ... I am in the hands of the sword, I will never die in the hands of your golden, will not be white and cheap. You are gold. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh?" Hong Snow Wang brows one.

"Don't see this huge pothole in your feet?" The sword suddenly said.

The Red Snow King couldn't help but look at the deep cavity of the underground. The pit is mysterious, and he can't figure it out.

"This pit hole, I found it for a long time, I named it to Yinfeng Valley." The sword is unparalleled, "this pothole is huge, the depth is far more than my imagination, but what is it, what is it, there is Mo big machine, or a natural Jedi, I don't know! "

"I wanted to try to find out the bottom of this pit hole, but unfortunately there is no courage."

"But in front of you, I am destined to death. Before you die, I can gamble, gambling this is the bottom of the yin, is the land of the opportunity or a desperate situation ..."

"Red Snow, are you interested, come with me this?"

The sword is unparalleled, and a light is not afraid of wearing shoes.

If you hear the sword is unparalleled, the red snow king is slightly changed.

"Oh, Hong Snow, if you are not afraid of death, then follow me, if you don't have a gut, then you can only look at me." The sword has no one grin.


The strong breath is once again burst from the sword. The sword is unlicensed. There is still a lot of spiritual power. It is also crazy to burn again.

His figure is like a meteorite, directly in the bottom of the mysterious pit hole.

At the same time as you have, he also has a few of the mouths that will remain in the mouth, and there is still a drop of the ancient gods to swallow.

This posture, obviously has already broken the boat.

See this, the Red Snow King is crumpled and sinking.

He overlooks the unhearten mysterious pothole, from the pit hole, he felt a fear of instinctivity.

The bottom of the pit, absolutely there is something, it can threaten him.

But now the sword is unparalleled to the bottom of the pit hole, if he doesn't keep up, it can't guarantee the sword unparalleled life and death.

"Don't you still go?"

Red Snow King hesitated for a moment, and it quickly replaced by a firmness.

"This kid area is a road, dare to break into the bottom of this pit, this king will be afraid of him, let alone, it will force this kid to force this kid to this situation. If it is now given up, it is difficult to protect this small child. Then, then in the future, it is definitely a nightmare! "

"You can't stand up, you must kill him!"

Red Snow Wang's eyes became a scarlet. He was a shot behind him behind him, and the whole manage of the time was treated in the bottom of the pit hole.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, the red snow is rushing into the pit hole, and the Skywang, Kingyan Wang, Tianying Wang, who have also stayed above the pothole, and the three people who have frowned.

"What should I do? Do you want to follow it?" Tian Ying Wang said.

"For this yin wind, I didn't have any records, and I didn't know the bottom of this yin style. It is a blessing or a disaster, but since the Red Snow King is unparalleled, let's go, we can't do it. Look. "King King said.

"According to the truth, with the strength of the Red Snow King, one person is enough to completely kill the sword without a double, which is terrible, there is something or crisis in this yin, let the child have coincidentally escape, if it is more I even, even the red snow king is falling, then the loss of the golden country can be big, so we do three best to keep up, but also help the Red Snow King. "Sky

"In this case, then you will do it, this battlefield natural insurance place is exhausted, but it is eligible to threaten our boundaries, but it will not be too much. If so, let us meet, and I have three People are careful, if they are not right, quickly escape, it is. "Tianying Wang Dao.

"it is good."

King King is nodd from the king.

Immediately, this three kings are also directly movable, and they are flundered in the bottom of the yin wind.

In the wind.


The sword is unparalleled to show the blood of the dragon, the power of the soul is also fully released.

When I saw the four kings of the golden country, they followed that when they broke into the yin wind, the sword was unparalleled, but it turned a cold smile.

Before he said in the Yinfeng Valley, he didn't know anything about this yingu, it was obviously a lie.

He is very clear about how the danger of this yin wind is.

He chooses to break into the windy wind, it is already in this respect, but before this respect, he has to make money as much as possible, this price, nature, the bigger it is.

"Four Kings ..."

"In the four kings, the red snow is the strongest, many means, 5 million years ago, the Qinglu Palace has paid a great price to focus, I thought it was killed, who knows him It's still a good life, and this yin wind is ... "

"How long does it take? The bloody wind will explode, and I don't know if he can stay completely."

The sword is unhealthy.

He once experienced the terrible fear of the bloody wind, it was a killing.

However, this big murder can destroy the Red Snow King, but he is not too big.

"As for the other three kings ..." The sword was unparalleled.

The strength of the three kings is far away than the Red Snow King. Once the horror shock of the bloody wind, it is afraid of death.

Of course, this has to make the three kings can't escape, and the bloody wind is really impact.

at this time……

Booming ~~~

This huge yin-wind, but it has come from a roar from the bottom, and the whole world began to shook at this moment. This tremor is also more intensified.

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