Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1155 Yin Feng Valley (below)

"What?" The sword was not double-colored.

The dramatic change in the yin wind valley has long been in his expectation, but he didn't expect that this drama came so early.

The bloody wind of the Yinfeng Valley, every half of the time, will explode once, and only ten breathing will continue every time.

The sword is not a double original intended, it is guided the most important part of the Red Snow King to the Yinfeng Valley. When it comes to the cold wind, this golden country is the king, I am afraid that I can't escape.

But now, in addition to the start of the Red Snow King, the Tianzi Wang, Jin Yan Wang, Tianying Wang three people have just entered the yin wind valley, and the three people who know the yin wind can be selected. If you escape, it is entirely possible to escape from the wind and escape the impact range of the bloody wind.

"It seems that my luck is not very good?" The sword was unparalleled.

However, since this blood is now in the cold wind, he can only start immediately.

At the top of the sword, the red snow king of the two people, there is also a more heavenly heavenly king, Jin Yan Wang, Tianying Wang four people. At this moment, the dramatically changed in the yin wind can be performed. Four people have stagnant immediately.

"this is……"

Red Snow King stared at his feet, and he still saw a dark, a virtual.

At this moment, with the tremor of the world, the pores of Red Snow King, the pores of the red snow, the pores of the red Snow King.

This is a stunned, it is a kind of shock of instinct, and his heart has emerged an unprecedented crisis.

"Escape, fast!"

The Red Snow King sounded a roar, and the whole person immediately turned out of the upper body.

At the top of the top of the sky, King, Tianying Wang three, heard the roar of the Red Snow King, the three faces have changed, and the next moment did not hesitate to burst.

"Haha, now I want to escape now? Is it possible?"

"All stay, give me a burial!"

A laughter with a crazy laughter came, I saw the nearest sword at the bottom of the pothole, and I was holding a golden gourd in his hand. Under his guidance, the gourd was burst into a pound of the flames. I have already hit like a tsunami.

That King of the Golden Guo just found that it was not right, when you were ready to escape, the Saganda had an outward.

The sandwatch with a colorful flame is covered with the red snow, the Sky King, Kings, King, Tianying Wang, four people.

The field of sand is fully projected, and the speed can limit this four kings to escape, and there is a large number of sandstorms to chainize them.

"Hey! Stroked this king!"

The Red Snow King sent an angry, he had a blood-colored flame, which will close to his Sweet sand all burnt into ashes, he is only partially oppressed by part of the field of sand, and the speed is still unparalleled.

As for the Skywang, Kings King, Tianying Wang San, the speed of the day, the speed of the game, also rushed to the front of the three, and now the impact is the biggest, and under the plungeous manipulation of the sword, a large amount of parasites I have been a giant hand, and I die, I caught the body of Tianying Wang. Although Tian Ying Wang is desperate, I broke it, I will have a second restraint.

"Save me, save me!"

Tian Ying Wang sent a scargery, but he quickly found that no matter whether it is a red snow, or Kingyan Wang, Tian Fantasy king is self-escaped, and they are very difficult, and no one can take hands to save. he.


The most popular windy wind that has already been completed, and finally broke out.

The horrible breeze, torn everything, from the pit, like the volcanic complete outbreaks.

The speed is too fast, but also the sword in the pit, the red snow king, the Tianying Wang almost instantly was shocked by this horrible breeze, so that the Sky King and Jinyan King, but it has escaped in time The range of bloody and cold wind shock.

The terrible strandless force is burst into the sword unparalleled. If the sword is unparalleled, if there is a bloody armor, with his defensive ability, it may be able to support it in this bloody wind, but there is no blood. His figure is immediately shredded.

On the occasion of this awareness, the sword has also seen the scene of the two red Snow Wang and Tianjing Wang.

The Red Snow King took out a governor, struggling in the bloody and white wind, as for the Tianying Wang, but the same end with the sword, the same, the same slag, who was killed by the blood and cold wind in an instant Remain.

A void of the edge of the yin wind.

It is fortunate to escape the sore king of the bloody and white wind, and the two of the Kingyan king glanced at his eyes. He looked at the scene in front.

There is no effort to destroy everything, and the terrorist power in the hard wind makes them two worlds, all from the perspective fear.

They are very clear, if they are not they have not worn, just just enter the yingu, let them escape in time, then now, they must now be unfair.

"Horror, a horrible breeze!" Sky King is amazed.

"Red Snow, there is also Tian Ying Wang, they are all in this wind, isn't it ..." Kingyan muttered.

Suddenly ... !

A red gold flow is from the breeze, and there is a red snow king in front of these two.

However, the red snow king at this moment, the face is very small, and the body is also covered with blood. He is behind the red gold silver wing, and there is a half from it.

"Red, Red Snow ..." Seni-fantasy king looked at Red Snow King.

They can see that the red snow king at this moment is very miserable.

"I have a secrets of life, the loss is too big, and you must immediately turn off!" Red Snow Wang is biting with teeth, low departments.

"The sword is unparalleled ..." Tian Fantasy King just opened.

"The sword is unparalleled, Tian Ying Wang is also dead, as for the treasures of them, will sink to the bottom of the yin wind, if you have courage, big sneak into the bottom of the valley." Red Snow King Cool Talk.

The Sky King and Jinyan King are shameful, and I looked at the yin wind.

Have you just experienced, even if you kill, they didn't dare to break into the yin wind.

"Walk, hurry back."

The Snow King is immediately left.

At this moment, in the Qinglu Palace, one unknown secret room, has been in the second national respect of the sword, the sword, but also opened his eyes and fierce his hands.

"Although I lost the first national respect, I lost the Slask salad, but no matter what to say, I killed the Jin Guo's boundaries. As for the Red Snow King, I am afraid I have to delay, value ! "


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