Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1156 Shocked

In the Qinglu Palace, the five major palace owners, three of them, two consciousness, gather together.

The face of the five people is very ugly.

"Golden Kingdom!" Rising Sky Ji is holding hands, eyes are cold, teeth are treteving.

"The sword is unparalleled, it has already broken the road, the strength is enough to wait for should shoulder with me, it will have the opportunity to become the leader of my green fireproof, but now ..." The Round returned to the temple and sigh.

"Before, I said that I didn't see this sword, but I still hoped that he would exceed my expectation, becoming my green palace leader, but I didn't expect that he was finally assassinated by Jin Guo." Red lotus voice .

No matter how the five people have an expectation of the sword, it can be on the stand, and these five palace owners are for the green palace.

They hope that the Green Palace is born, and whenever the green palace is genius or a strong person falls, they will grieve.

Now, the fallen sword is unparalleled, and the five major palace owners are sad.

at this time……

"Well?" Tang Huang's look suddenly moved, and then he looked at the four people next to him, "four, come with me."

Although the other four palace owners are very confused, they still follow the Tang Queen.

Tang Hua led the four palace owners to come to the green fire palace within a very hidden secret room.

The dark secret room can't see whit.

When the five major palace is coming, there is an emergence of a body shape.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have seen the five palace owners." Dressed in the sword of the black robe is unparalleled, and the five people in front of you will be humble.

In addition to the Tang Huang, the other four palace owners are very shocked.

"The sword is unparalleled? You are not dead?" Honglian first exclaimed.

"Is your own body, is not awareness?"

The round temple looked at the sword. The sword was unparalleled. He could see that the sword is unparalleled. It is not like him, it is short-lived.

"Don't you think in the battlefield, just your respect? Isn't you? If you just just furnish, how can strength?" Round returned the hall, the void hall is all horrified.

And the sword is unparalleled, "" It is indeed my own respect in the battlefield, and that one is still dead now, but I have two major respects since I have been very early. "

"Two big respects?" A few palace owners were one.

An honor, one point, they can accept, but two major respects, it is incredible.

"Is it a reverse repair?" The void hall is like electricity, staring at the sword.

They know, the sword is unparalleled is reversed.

"Yes." The sword is not a double smile, "reversal, there are two major respects, these two big respects have fallen, and the other can find ways to fix."

"This ..." The four palace mains face each other, and the hearts are incredible.

Although they know the retro, there is not much, and the five palace owners are the most understanding of the reverse repair.

"Tanghuang, you know that the sword is unparalleled with two major respects?" Honglian looked over.

"Know." Tang Huang nodded slightly, smiled: "My disciple Xiaoyu is also reversible, she has two big names, just this, except for me, no one knows."

"Hey, you have known that this kid can't die, and we are harmful to our white worried, sad." Honglian snorted, but the bottom is easy.

Next to the reincarnation of the temple, the void palace, the three people of the Rising Sword also expose a smile.

I thought that the sword was unparalleled, this peerless genius was falling, but he didn't expect the sword unparalleled to just one of them.

"Reversal, it is really terrible."

The Round Temple sighed, then he went to the sword without double, asked: "The sword is unparalleled, according to what you said, the respect of you on the battlefield has fallen, then chasing your Red Snow King and others What? How do they? "

"I have known that the honor can't help it, so I have designed a circle to the golden four kings to the golden country." The sword is unparalleled.

"In the area where I want, there is a dangerous place, I named it is Yinfeng Valley, Na Yin Wind Valley, every half of the time, will explode a large-scale bloody wind impact, I will experience it in my last time. This bloody and cold wind. "

"In addition, this yingu should only have me to know the dangerous danger, and the rules of the bloody wind, Jin Guo should not know anything about this yingu, so I have the heart of death, I will break into it. In the Yinfeng Valley, the King of the Golden Guo also followed me. Next, the bloody wind broke out ... "

"I have been killed in an instant, but the Tianying Wang in the four kings of the Golden Guo, and it is directly dead. As for the red snow, he is extremely strong, there is no death, I don't know, but even if I don't die. He is definitely also hit hard. "

The sword is unparalleled, but it is powerful.

And the five palace mains in front of them were listening to the ear, but one was shocked.

The sword is unparalleled with his own respect, and I gave the golden country four kings.


Tian Ying Wang died?

Red Snow, life and death?

"This ..." The five palace owners can see the shock carrying each other.

Task, the King of the Golden, that is, the truth of the price is realized.

In the world, each has the strength of the sky.

The so-called boundaries, that is, the one of the world, put in one million people, absolutely the highest existence, such a top power, what is the difficult?

The green fire palace has 5 million years, except for the crazy war, the two sides spelled you to die, this is falling a few bounds, in addition to this, all day, two big The camp is almost impossible to have a world.

But now, it is directly killed by the sword.

There is even the strongest red snow king, there is no death, I don't know.

The five palace owners look at the sword unparalleled eyes immediately.

Before they knew that the sword is unparalleled in the hands of the Sky King, Jin Yan Wang, Tian Ying Wang three people. Although it is amazed, it does not think that the sword is unparalleled, and it is flat to sit. After all, it may be a sword without double life. Strive.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, but it is dead.

Although it is the danger of borrowed yin wind, the five-person palace owner has default the sword in the heart of the sword.

They don't know, if it is not a good luck in the golden country, they have not long been in the Yinfeng Valley, and the blood is full of wind.

If the bloody wind is out of the wind, wait until they completely break into the yin wind valley deep, there is no way to escape, then this golden country is the king, I am afraid I have to bury it.

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