"The King of the Golden Guo, even the red Snow King personally shot, but the result can not truly kill you, but it is lost a day, and even the red snow king may be broken. Once, the Golden Guo said that the lady was defeated! "The void hall smiled.

Limited the lady and the defenders?

Indeed, this golden loss is really heavy enough.

If they pay such a big price, I really put the sword unparalleled this potential big threat. The key is that the sword is unparalleled without death!

He lived well, only the first one of the best, with some treasures, can be used to him, the impact is not big.

"Hey, paying so much, finally I still can't kill the sword, the golden country knows this thing, will definitely be crazy." The wheel returned to the temple.

"The sword is unparalleled, it is dead." Tang Huang suddenly opened.

"Well?" The other four palace owners, including the sword, unparalleled, and immediately saw the Tang Dynasty.

"The golden country is so crazy wants to kill the sword, nothing more than just his potential, worried that he will become the leader of my green palace in the future, even a higher level, now the first sword is in the wind. During the annihilation, the golden country will think that the sword is unparalleled, this is a good thing for my green palace. "Tang Huang said.

"Tang Huang, what you mean, is the sword hide?" Rising Swordsman browed.

- Even in advance, broke out the battle in advance, and the nets of the green palace fish were also negotiated. "Tang Huang Zheng Guan said.

The sword is unparalleled, and the other four palace main faces are dignified.

From this murderous sword, there is a unparalleled lineup, the golden country has a strong heart to the sword, and it is indeed a big amazing.

If you know that the sword is not alive, the golden country will definitely have a next step.

"Now Jin Guo believes that the sword is dead, and we can make the sword have no doubles in the dark, let him quietly grow, wait for the future of my green palace, a critical moment, his murder Maybe you can play an incredible role. "Tang Huangdao.

"that's right."

"I also agree."

"Based, it is always hidden in the dark, and the sword is unparalleled to be a big brand of my green palace."

After the other four palace owners sink, they nodded and obviously agreed with the proposal of Tanghuang.

"The sword is unparalleled, do you think it?" Tang Dynasty sword watched.

"It is just that it is good for the green palace, I have no opinions." The sword laughed.

"That's good, then you don't want to go to the battlefield, and it is best to deal with my green palace, don't deal again, our five palace owners will directly announce your death, you are still alive Things, there are five palace owners to know that they are enough. "Tang Huangdao.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

It is no longer to contact the green palace. This sword is unparalleled. As for the battlefield, although it is a pity, he can also accept it.

"Since I can't go to the battlefield, then I will return to the hot circles. Just, I have some private matters in the fire world." The sword said unparalleled.

"You can go to the fire industry, but remember to do something is low, even if it is with people, try to hide your identity. If you have encountered what trouble is inconvenient, you can directly send back, void, no matter The void continent is still round to the mainland. They can solve them for you. "Tang Huang said.

"I know."

The sword was laughing, and he also knew that the Golden Guo also had some intelligence in the green industry. He must not be too high-profile, otherwise it is likely to expose your own identity.

Tang Dynasty donned, suddenly opened again, "there is one thing."

The sword is unparalleled, and the four palace owners have seen the Tang Dynasty.

"This assassination on the golden country, I always feel, some embarrassment." Tang Huang Zheng heavy.

"Amazing?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"The sword is unparalleled, according to what you said, you can't in the Golden San King, you have a later scene, you can don't forget, our huge battlefield, what is huge, the gold How is the country know that you are alone in that area? And I am ready to trap, wait for you to step on? "Tang Huangdao.

When I heard the words of the Tang Dynasty, the songs of the swords became the color.

The sword is unparalleled, and he also thinks this assassination, it is a bit wrong, just in the escape, there is no more thinking.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can have encountered the strong people in the golden country near the Yinfeng Valley?" The round temple looked over.

"No." The sword is unparalleled.

He shouted in the battlefield, except for the four kings of Golden Guo, did not encounter a golden strongest in the end of the year.

"Then there will be no golden strong people who have been approaching you, but have not been discovered by you?" The round temple asked.

"It's impossible." The sword is unparalleled again, but the sound is extremely affirmative.

He can definitely be close to him without gold.

If there is, he will find it early.

After all, he broke through the temple, lit the fire of the soul, and control the strength of the soul, the soul of the soul, even if it is nearby, he can notice that it will naturally be a golden country. The strong is quietly approaching him.

"I haven't encountered any golden country, but I know your position and arrange the trap in advance. I can do this!" There are only two possibilities! "The round temple is low.

"One, it was in the battle of Na Dan, Jin Guo, who had a strong person, has left the special mark on you, so the Golden State can feel the location of your position."

"This can be excluded." Rising Sword Emperor suddenly said, "I have seen the sword in the Danxin Palace before, and later took him into the world of swords. If there is a special imprint, I have already perceived it."

"Yes." The sword nodded.

In his country, he lived in King. The eye of the king is extremely high, and the sense of ability is very strong. If he is in a mark, the King said that he had already told him.

"Since this may exclude, then the only possibility is left, that is, in my green house, there is a golden country, a traitor, informing the sword unparalleled, informing the golden country." Round returning the main voice It became cloudy.

"Spirit, traitor?"

The other four palace owners around the surroundings have become extremely cold.

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