Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1165 Old blind

Three killed swords have a major meaning in the swordhouses.

Although the cold youth on the corner of the beast is carrying the three killer swords, the sword is unparalleled, and it is judged.

"Look, my wine has been there." The sword didn't smile, and then slowly moved to the people in front.

In the moment, his appearance has also begun to change.

His blood robes were replaced by a broken horses, the same tattered sandals wearing on the feet, his face became attacked, and the most important thing for a white-haired old man is, the most important thing is that his Both eyes are still a gray.

This is like this, it is obviously a lonely old blind man, and a bamboo pole is alone on the street, it seems very lonely.

The crowd gradually came over, the low son sounded in the ground was also getting closer, and the people on the street had already retired, but only the sword, unparalleled old blinds didn't seem to hear it. It is still moving in front of it.

Soon, this old blind appeared in front of the crowd.


Sitting on the horn beast is the disciples of the swords Houfu young generation, when they see an old blind man block in front of them, some of them expose an angry color.

"Hey, old scorpion, your eyes can't see it, don't you don't understand it, let's get open, let go to the side, otherwise ... Be careful to be stepped into meat pie in my horns." Just next to Jianyao A green girl is arrogant.

"Oh?" The old scorpion looked up slightly, but the face was quite calm. He didn't talk, but he never let the road.

"The old guy, when you really want to die, give me a quick release!"

The green girl is low, and a long whip between the corner of the horn beast is taken directly.

Perhaps it is good, then the old blind seems to be like a walking, just moving, this movement, escaped this long whip.

"What?" The green girl bleed in anger, and prepared to wavel again.

"The girls, don't make trouble!" The low drunk, the opening of the cold youth sword.

"Dangdong." The green girl watched to the sword.

"You go to the side, then give him some money to send him to leave," Jian Yuyao. "

"Would you like me?" Green girl is a little reluctant.

"Still not hurry!" The sword was cold.

Green girls don't dare to violate, and immediately go to the unicorn, and come to the old blind.

"Walk, I will take you next to it." The green girl said impatiently, and the hand also consciously grabbed the shoulders of the old blind.

"Hey." The old blizzard finally opened, "which is a female doll, talking about it, and the old blind is today to learn from your parents, and teach you well."

When the voice fell, he saw the bamboo pool in the hands of the old blind.

Obviously, it is very casual, and the people in the streets seem to be very ordinary, just like ordinary people to dance bamboo bodies to teach themselves.

Such a snack, even if it is a child, as long as it is smart enough, you should also hide, but the green girl is a martial author of a sea, and it is more relaxed.

Result ...


The bamboo pole did not be hindered, directly smoked on the green girl's butt, came into a crisp.

And the green girl only felt a hot pain in the hip, and immediately shame.

"The old guy, I want to kill you!" Green girl shouted.

"Don't obey, play again!" The old blizzard once again waved the bamboo pole.


It is still a crisp sound, but it is the same part, so that the green girl's face has risen, but she is not angry, but it is calm.

She is a little horrified to look at the old blind in front of it.

Not only she, everyone who stopped on the street looked at this old blind.

Before the bamboo pole, the green girl could not escape, perhaps coincidence, but twice in a row, this green girl can't escape, this is not coincident.

"This, this old blind ..." The priests of the swords and horses sitting on the horns beast were surprised.

At this moment, the sword has already come down from the corner of the beast, and came to the old blind.

"Seniors, my little girl is still young, not to felt, I hope the predecessors will be redemption." Jian Xiaoyao will pay for the green girl, and the attitude is also very sincere.

He is different from the green girl, and the other swords and vectors disciples, he has experienced a lot of wind waves, knowing that people do not look at this truth.

At the moment, this old blind man, two consecutive attacks, seemingly simple, but indeed squeezing the green clothes, single, one single energy, can not allow him to be underestimated.

"Your little doll, I saw the old blind, I didn't know the initiative, but also let the female doll ran over and gave me, the same, the old-shred, a good posture, voice In an instant, his bamboo pole in his hands was once again.

It is still that simple, as if it is a mother lesson, the child is like a child.

The sword is so distressed, and the death is staring at this bamboo pole. When you come out in bamboo, his figure has moved.

Results ...!

The crisp sound sounded, the sword is squatting there, but it is full of horror.

The person next to it is completely shocked.

The green girl was obviously only 145 years old, the strength is not strong, but now it is sapped by bamboo poles, but I just got the first Jian Houfu in the East Hunt decided that the genius sword was happy.

His strength, among the young people of the Ten King of the Northwest, are the first.

As a result, he did not hide?

"Why, small dolls, I don't accept it, I will not accept it again." The old-fashioned evil smile, and struck the sword.

"Seniors, please enlighten me." Jian Xiaoyao is dignified, there is no angry in the past, and some are an unparalleled excitement.

The three kick swords appeared in the hands of the sword, the sword didn't have a double sucking, then ... !

The sword is out of the sword.

A sword brushed, like a spirit snake in the empty space.

"So fast!"

"too fast!"

"This is the strength of the extreme hunting?"

I couldn't help but exclaimed.

Suddenly ...


The three kill swords in Jian Xiaoyao directly flew out, the bamboo pole is not reduced, it is still in his body, and it came to a fire spicy pain.

"How?" Jian Xiaoyao is there.

"He clearly didn't use the smart, and even the power is very weak, and the strength of ordinary people is slow, and the result, I still fall down?"

The sword is mysterious, but it is even more and more embarrassing!


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