"Seniors, come back!"

The Jian Xiaoyao has picked the three killer swords, and I watched the old blind in front of my eyes.

"Oh?" The old blizzard smiled and nodded.

The sword is once again sword.

It is still a sword that is fast. This sword has a spiral, and its spiritual is venting, and a vortex is formed in the void.

"That is ... The swords of the swords Houfu have a sword!" Someone surrounded.

The old block is moving, still is free to sway the bamboo pole.


The three kids sword in the Jian Xiaoyao will leave again.

"Senior, come again!"

The sword is not discouraged, picking up three killing swords and continues to shoot.

"The sword of the good drill, I feel like a poisonous snake."


Three kill swords throw.

"This is ... The sword of the swords of the swords!"


Three kill swords throw.

"This is the strongest sword of Jian Xiaoyao ..."


Three kill swords throw.


Jian Xiaoyao took a time, every time, every effort, a sword, and a powerfulness.

But the old blind man, but it is easy to wavily waving bamboo poles, once again flying over his hands in his hands.

Most importantly, the old blind man waves the speed of the bamboo poles and is very slow, and the power is also weak.

But the sword is unable to stop.

In the success of more than ten times, Jian Xiaoyao made all more than ten kinds of swordsmanship, and his three kill sword was fly more than ten times.

When more than ten times, all the same results, the people around them have already been completely shocked.

At this moment, everyone understands that this looks thin and unbearable old blinds, and its facts are absolutely unbearable.


Jian Xiaoyao took a deep breath. He solemnly looked at the old blind. Subsequently, it was in front of the people around him. Directly squatted in front of the old block, respecting the ritual: "The late Year of the Secret, the seniors received me, Teach my sword. "

"Take the teacher?"

"The swords Houfu's top genius, to make a teacher? Worship this old blind man?"

"He is a super genius who won in the pool of hunting, and he rushed a lot of yang deficiency in the top, and even some extraordinary entered the peaks, I want to collect him as a disciple, but he does not agree, but now He actually made a teacher? "

On the street, after seeing the movement of the sword, it was awkward.

It can be seen that Jian Xiaoyao is so sincere, then the old blind is shaking his head. "I don't have anything about the old blizzard. I am not qualified to be a master, as for swordsmanship ... I will only trick, I have to teach my family. When the child, my grandson often naughty eggs, I use this tricking him butt, you are willing to learn? "

"Less the child? Is it a strike to play a child's ass?" There are some brains around the people.

"Willing to, the younger generation is willing." Jian Xiaoyao is a joint head and is full of surprises and desires.

"In this case, I will teach you this question."

When the voice came, he saw that the old blind step slowly stepped away, went to the sword, then the old fingers extended out, and the sword took a little eyebrow, then there was no smile love, directly turned away.

When I left, the old blizzard also left a sentence, "I owe some wine in the Red River, you pay for me, and I am a tuition fee."

The sword is full of eyes, but it is thoroughly there.

At this moment, there have been many pictures in the mind, just that the old blinds waved the scenes of the bamboo poles, and this scene, he read the clear, still a very casual trick of Pu Tutong. However, the sword is clear, this seems to be a random trick, the fact is a horrible horror sword.

He feels ordinary, that is because he is too weak, the realm is too low!

"Big opportunities, the opportunity of the big big!"

The sword is holding hands, and the whole body shape is excited.

Next, he immediately moved the red reservoir, and went to pay for the old man.

And in the uppermost voids in this street, there are two people, and float there.

These two people, one is a graceful woman wearing a black robe, and the other is wearing a luxurious golden robe, and the eyebrows with a faint mid-year man.

Before he stayed before this, he had been in a long time. He just said that the old scorpion took the scene of Jian Xiaoyao. He also saw clearly.

"Too old, what do you think?" The golden robe was unparalleled.

"The old blind, the strength is very strong." The gorgeous woman solemnly said: "When he just shot, he did not use any spiritual power, and did not use any force, just with a general person's power, but the result is easy to pick it up again and again. Flying the long sword of Jian Xiaoyao, relying on his move! "

"But his move, no matter what I look, I feel very ordinary."

The graceful woman frowned.

It is naturally impossible to be ordinary in the hands of the long sword in the hands of the long sword.

This can only explain that her realm is too low.

"Well, what about the old man?" The goldpack overlooks the streets below, and a mistake.

The old blind man has been in their sight, but now he has just said a word with the graceful woman, and the old blind is no longer visible.

"Two, is it looking for me?" A gentle voice suddenly came from behind.

"What?" The graceful woman was shocked by two people in the golden robe.

This person who speaking, obviously standing behind them, I am afraid that they are not enough to be a far away, can the other party come?

Why didn't his two people not perceive?


These two people turned into, and I saw my own one meter, and the old blinds of bamboo poles were laughing there.

"You ..." The graceful woman just wanted to open.

"You two dolls, I also pick it up with my old blind." The old blind man smiled and bamboo pole in his hand.

The graceful woman was shocked with the golden robe in the middle of the golden robe. They didn't expect that this old blind man did not divide the blue soap, and they were directly for them.

Task, they have been standing here, even if they see this old scorpion, they have not come out, can I urge this old blind?

In addition to the anger, it also immediately showed the means to resist.

Result ...

"Hey!" "Hey!"

The graceful woman has been opened by the middle-aged weapon, and the bamboo raft has no stopping to continue to smoke them. The two were hung in the sky, and they were directly under the street. Above, it is on the top of the crowd.

These two people are also very unusual wolf.

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