
The graceful woman is angry with the golden robe.

He is a distinguished person, and it is high on weekdays, and others want to see them as difficult.

But now they are actually forced to be a wolf, and this scene is discovered on the street, there is so many people on the street?

"What?" The color woman is abrupt.

She looked down at the streets below. The street is still the people in the mountains. It is endless, and she is in the middle of the street, the people on the street, as long as I look up, you can clearly see To her existence.

The graceful woman is shocked, and the people on the street are still doing their own things. No one is noticed.

She is obvious to stand there, but she is like a group of air, the people on the street, as if they can't see her.

It's like they have already in another world.

"Why, how can it be?" The goldpast has also discovered this scene in middle age, his eyes wide.

"Obviously, standing above the street, and it has been shot, it is not small, but people on the street, it can't see it, this, what is this means?" The gorgeous woman was completely shocked.

She is clear that it is not a blind man on the street, but the old blind man who has a bamboo pole shows a great means, so that everyone has become a blind man, can't see the existence of her two.

This means is incredible.

I took a deep breath, and this graceful woman finally understood that he encountered it, it was definitely a super existence that was extremely horrible.

"You two, should you just have the elders who have just those little dolls?" The old blind is standing there, the sound is indifferent.

The graceful woman wants to go with the golden robe, then the two will then open.

"The Jian Houfu is too old and the old Jianyu."

"Sword Houfu Contemporary Sword Hou Junhua."

"I have seen the seniors!"

"Oh, one is too old, one is a contemporary sword?" The old blind is a smile, but it refers to the sword jade, saying: "Old blinds I am in the swords Houfu, there is a few people, with you Phaseo, I don't know you have met. "

"What is the name of the old man saying?" Jian Yu asked.

"Her name is Sword Meng." Laoba.

"Sword Mengr?" Jian Yuyi, flashing a shock, "Jian Meng, That is my grandmother, I have died two thousand years ago, I have already died, the seniors are the grandmother?"

Jian Yu followed the Sword of the sword, and the heart of the birch has set off a huge waves.

Jian Mengr, in the history of the swords Houfu, has a great position with the most beautiful ancestral sword with the sword Houfu, and the first ancestor of the sword Hou Hou lost the trail. Houfu is supported by Swordmare.

However, although the Sword Member has certain talents, the final achievement stopped in the yang yu peak, so I didn't get into the Holy Kitty, so I only live for hundreds of years, I died, and it is now more than 2,000 years.

And when this old blind man actually said that the Swordmare is the old man?

"This person, is actually an old monster with her grandmother, her old man's family?" Jian Yu shocked.

Old monster?


If it is placed on the fire industry, the sword is unparalleled, you can say that small, the cultivation is very short.

If you put it in the Avenue ... A person who lives for more than 2,000 years, it is absolutely a level of super old monsters.

"Your grandmother is indeed a teach, today's old blizzard, I just passed here, but just saw the young generations of the swords Houfu, hehe!"

Old blinds snorted, low Shen: "Jian Houfu, now in the Nanyang mainland, there is indeed a bit of the heritage, but don't forget, there is a mountain high in the mountain, in this world, the swords Houfu can be destroyed. More, more! "

"I advise you, act as much as possible, don't care, don't care!"

"There is also your high level of these Sword Houfu, you have to take a good deeds, don't let them have a sword Houfu support, and is not a crime."

"The most important thing is, don't forget this!"

"Don't forget, the Judoufu is also from weak and small forces, step by step!"

"Seniors said, my swords Houfu must remember." Jian Yu said.

"For, I just said with my old blind." The old blog waved, "In addition, I still have a sword with a sword, I will give you, as for how to use it, you discuss it."

Old blinds threw a trick, then the figure was shaking, it has left directly.

On the empty, the remaining Jade is opposite the two people in the sword.

"Too old, just the predecessor, what is going on?" Jianhuai frowned.

"I don't know." Jian Yu shook his head, "Look at him, it seems to be good for my sword Houfu, and left a cheat to us, and the words and deeds are in the state of the Sword Houfu," Some hate iron does not have a taste of steel, it is difficult, he is really my grandmother's grandmother? "

"Maybe, but this predecessor is reminded me that these years, my Sword Houfu has been improved, and the status of Nanyang Continent is getting higher and higher. I have already caused a lot of forces, and my sword The Houfu's sergeant is more and more overbearing, more and more unscrupulous. "The goldpack said.

"There is a family not long ago, in order to get a woman, bring people directly to the first-class power of the Tianzong Dynasty, and the elders of my swords Houfu actually have a hand closed one eye. "

"There is another time, in order to rank in the Dynasty Dynasty Dragon List, my sword Houfu is a genius, even recruiting his ranking higher genius to assassinate?"

"What is this?"

"How did these things haven't heard you before?" Jian Yumi was cold.

"I just knew soon, and now the sword Houfu seems to be strong and stable. In fact, there are many factions to be divided into many factions. For the respective interests, I am a sword, but there are many scruples, they must weigh these factions. What do you want to do, it's not easy. "Golden robe middle-year road.

"Hey, these locusts!" Jian Yu voice is cold, "said that the seniors said yes, my swords Houfu is too airs, I have forgotten more than two thousand years ago, how is the sword Houfu? Therefore, this seems that my Jie Houfu is also coming to the scene! "

"Those long, it's time to come to a big blood!"

"I want to do this, I am not enough, but if you are too old, you are willing to help, there is no problem." Jianhua.

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