Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1168 Unparalleled Pavilion

"Let's let go!"

"My Jie Houfu, because of the rise of the ancestors, only the status of today, if there is no ancestor, my sword Houfu is afraid that it will not exist."

"The ancestor is not easy to lay the foundation for us, and you can make these ruins in the hands of these locusts!"

Jian Yu was holding his hands, and his eyes were strong.

"Yes, just the predecessor, I left the cheats left by the swords Houfu ..." Jian Yu looked at anorge in his hand.

Her consciousness flooded into this in the case, and the eyes of this sword were rolled.

"It's terrible, a terrible sword!"

"Is this the seniors left?"

"Such a terrible sword, there is also the resort of this predecessor, all of them, who is it? He can never be a grandmother's life!"

Her grandmother sword dreams will also have the strength of Yangyu, and I have never recognized what big people, but I just said that the old man, who claims to be a sword dream?

If it is true, why did you come here for more than two thousand years?

Furthermore, only the old man is not necessary to take the sword Houfu?

Also hate iron is not a taste of steel.

"The predecessor is not the grandmother's grandmother, he should have a Morgan's system with my sword Haofu, and even the ancestors of my swords Houfu!"


The sword jade is abrupt.

"Is it ... He is a ancestor?"

The ancestor, the most great ancestors in the history of the swordsman.

"Yes, he is a ancestor!" Jian Yu immediately became excited. "When the first ancestor disappeared, there was a message that the ancestors were not falling, but went to a more vast world, now, now, ancestrate affirmation It is back from the world. "

"He read the corruption of my sword Houfei now, and will teach us, point to us."

"Ancestors, ancestors !!!"

Judu is unparalleled, after a while, she calm down and holds only the maker in the hand.

"From today, this kind of swordsman will become the treasure of the town of the swords Houfu, even if there is only one of the best genius disciples in the Tie Houfu, and cultivate At the time, he must have a vow to pass this sword to anyone, the violation, and it will become a traitor of the swords Houfu! "


In the empty, the sword has recovered the original appearance, and he slowly stepped, and each step took a thousand miles away.

"The sword is unparalleled, how did you just show your identity, do you want to install an old blind, go to your late generations?" Xiang Wang asked.

"I reveal the identity?" The sword was unparalleled.

At first, it didn't have a good gathering of those who appeared with the Sword Houfu.

However, after he truly came to Nanyang Continent, he changed his thoughts when he came to the Pole in Jianhou.

He stayed in the pub for a long time, it seems to be drinking, but the power of his soul has long covered the entire city, some of the people of the city, or some ordinary people, he Listen in the ear.

Some conversations are incomparably hidden, and they are also open.

I heard these conversations, the sword is unparalleled, what corruption is now in the swordshoumen, dark!

"The internal self-intelligence department, each battle, even for their respective interests, in the dark, the young life of the swords Houfu, in addition to a few disciples such as Jian Yu, can't play, there is no time." Sword is unparalleled Face iron blue.

"Single now, this is now rampant, and if I reap, the sword Houfu knows that this ancestor is coming back, with a greater relying on the mountain, is it not more unscrupulous?"

Now the situation in the sword house is not what he wants to see.

He lengred the second generation of the Sword Houfu, and even taught the privileges of Jianrong and Cambruff, just want to wake up.

"I should do it, it has been done, so that the sword Haofu is in the future, it is still a decline, you have to look at themselves." The sword is unimaced.

His is already enough, the mention of the point also fits, the awakened is also awakened.

As for the next Sword Houfu, he doesn't want to manage, as long as it can inherit, even if he declined him.

After all, he can't always be in the mouth in your mouth.

"The sword is unparalleled, next, where are you going?" Xiang Wang asked.

"Next? Go to Shenzhou, go now, if it is late, I am afraid that the girl can't keep up." The sword was unparalleled.

"Shantou? Is there a relationship with you?"

"Wait until there, you will know." The sword is unparalleled.

Now the sword is unparalleled.

With his current speed, from Nanyang Continental to Shenzhou, even if you don't use space insect caves, you only need a solution.

Shenzhou ... is the core of this world.

This thousand ancient world is to order in China.

When the sword was unparalleled in the mainland of Shenzhou, this Shenzhou has three ancestors, nine monarchs, and seventy-two princes.

These are all top people on Shenzhou.

It can be seen in more than two thousand years. It has already been a human, and the landscape of Shenzhou has also changed.

Now China, the strongest, a total of four parties.

This four-party power, also known as the four major hegens of Shenzhou, and there is a master of the four major hegens, called ... no double sword!

There is no double sword, the rise is more than 2,000 years ago, and this unparalleled couple is a woman called Lin Wei, one hand created.

This Lin is also one of the seventy-two princes. Although the speed of growth is fast, but it is not a shocking, but it doesn't know how to get it, the strength is flying, in just a hundred years It has reached the peak of the ancient world, but also the level of Lingxiao.

And she is also known as the moon of the moon!

For more than two thousand years, the unparalleled Pavilion has been very stable under the control of the emperor of the Moon Moon, and there is no serious change.

Until these years, there is no pair of swords to follow the Lingro Palace of the overlord, and the killing is very crazy.

At first, the two major hegens can also spell a feature, but the unparalleled pavilion is gradually supported.

Today, the Linglo Palace has been directly killing the big camp of the unparalleled sword.


The center of the mountains, there is a vast land, which is the zone of the unparalleled sword.

Can be abrupt, bomb! boom! boom! boom!

A dramatic roaring in the entire mountain range, shocking the world, the whole unparalleled sword, the whole, the unparalleled pavilion.


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