Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1169, Moon Moon

"Haha, Lin Wei, no, it is a famous Moon Moon Emperor. I said that one day in the morning and evening will completely erase you this unparalleled sword. I will accept your emperor as a ban. What, today, you can't escape Far? "A strong bald man waved the big ax and smiled.

To fight against him, it is a glamorous woman. This woman has a perfect body with face, the most important thing is the temperament of her body, it is a temperament that is very noble, unbsozyst. .

The emperor of Moon Moon, the title of being crowning and the emperor, that is because she has been tall.

More than two thousand years, the unparalleled pavilion she was in charge has never been shaped, the name of the emperor, the name of the emperor.

"Hey, I will rely on you, I still don't match it in front of this emperor." The Moon Moon's emperor is cold, with no majesty, her handshawful sword sweep, Lingxiao's war has completely broke out, and many strong people However, no one can fight with this Moon Emperor.

Even if the head man who speaks is, he is the Lord Lord Palace, which is also the level of Lingxiao. But he also knows, the strength, the moon is absolutely more than him.

"Haha, I can't help you, but naturally there is a good person." This bald man laughed, and then he looked at the void, "empty adults, you shot."

"Empty people?" The Moon Moon pointed out.

The bald man is still in Lingxiao. In the mainland of China, it has been standing on the top. Who is eligible for him to respect?

Soon, the emperor of the Moon saw the empty man.

It was actually a child of Tong Yan haircut. This is a very short thing in the old man, and the two eyes are small with mice.

This chubby old man came slowly, so soon, appeared in front of the Moon Emperor.

"She is the emperor of the moon." The chubby old man overlooks the Moon Emperor, which is like a crust.

"It is her." The head of the headband.

The moon is the goddess of the emperor.

According to the truth, with her strength, in this ancient world, there should be no one eligible to make her a jealous or frightened, but when this is the chubby old man appears in front of her, she has a statement Sensing, even idea that cannot be resistant.

This is the old man standing there, and the Moon Emperor didn't even show the other party.

"Who are you?" Moon Moon's emperor bite his teeth, strongly pressed the inner fear, low and drink.

"The old man is empty." The chubby old man opened.

The moon is in the heart of the emperor.

She has never heard of a strong force called a empty, not only in the mainland of Shenzhou, even if it is in other thousand people, I have never heard of it.

Plus this emptiness gives her a feeling ...

"You, from the ancient borders?" As the moon, the female emperor asked.

"You are not stupid."

The chubby old man is empty, and it has already admitted that the drops have been recognized. Respect? You have no double sword, namely your name name. "

"Your Master is said to go through the ancient circles more than two thousand years ago, and the old man didn't guess the wrong words, you went to the purpose of the ancient circles, 80% is to go to your Master? Haha, it is really A good apprentice? "

"Unfortunately, you are too small, your master, you may be a person in the ancient world, but once he goes to the ancient world, he will find that he is just a criminal, in the ancient border than him. The talented, more than him, more, he went to the ancient world alone, not unexpected, I was dead in the ancient world. "

I heard this, the Moon Moon Emperor's silver teeth were bite, and the fire was burned.

Her life, the most respectful, is her master.

Her Master has a good fortune to her. She can have today's achievements, and they have been given a full year of her master.

In her heart, her master is the same as God.

Therefore, even if she created a forces later, she also named her teacher.

In these years, as Tian Daoshui is about to start again, she is going to collect the octavance, the purpose is just to keep up with her master.

Now, I heard this emptiness, she is degraded to her master. The moon is naturally anger.

At this time, the emptiness once again opened again. Happy, wait for the old man to recover, take you to the ancient circles, and even find the drops of your master, how? "

When I heard this, the emperor of the Moon Moon was angry.

"Why, this is a chance to be a chance, don't you still want?" The empty smiled.

"Empty people?" The Lord, the Lord, the Lord of the Lord, and the woman like the Moon, he also had a hot.

I would like to ask, who don't want to conquer a peerless object like a Queen?

"Do you have any opinions?" The empty greeted Lord Lord.

"I don't dare, I don't dare." Ling Luo Palace shook his head.

"Hey, you only need to follow the old man's instructions, you will be ready to be ready, let the old man's injury can recover quickly, then the old man can get everything you want, but if you can't get the old man The requirements, you have to die! "Emptied.

"Yes, yes!" The Lord Lord is nodded, and I am afraid that this empty person is not happy.

He is very clear, this empty man, despite the serious injury, strength is afraid of a percent of the whole day, but to kill him, but it is still simple to knead an ant.

"Moon Moon Emperor, the old man can not be so patient, you can think about it." The empty mission continued to see the emperor of the Moon.

"Hey, I want this emperor as your maid, you are so thoughable!" The moon is cold.

"Oh? I don't want to." The empty brow is picking up, but it is cold and cold. "There is no way, the old man can only be simple and thicker."

When the voice fell, he saw the emptiness and waved, and immediately had a huge palm of the sky. This giant hand appeared. The whole world trembled, and the surrounding void is even smashed. A huge spatial crack, the crowd of fierce fighting in the unparalleled sword, all stopped the movements in his hand, and a wolf fled.

And this giant hand is in an instant, it has come to the forefront of the moon.


PS: It is a bit in a hurry to go immediately, and today is four.

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