Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 117 Blood Shadow Team

A shadow is like a ghost, from the four-sided eight-party fencing unparalleled, and the black blade in his hand is also a math of the sword, from a drilled angle, burst.

These ghosts are nature is the other nine people of the blood shadow team.

Although the golden noodle killer of the two teams is not as good as the dark blade, the assassination ability is the same, almost every one can go to the strength of the dragon list.

"Give me!"

The sword has no doubles and shocking, and the sword is fierce, and the three kill swords are swept directly.

The sword is too late, silent, but it can be suddenly ripped, and this ripple contains terrible impact, and it is directly crushed in all directions.


In the Jiu Dao giant, the nine golden noodles killed, it was detached from this moment, and it was a few meters away, and the party was reluctant to re-station on the ground. .

In the nine golden kills, there is a shock.

It is necessary to know as a golden killing, but also the golden killing killer in the blood shadow team. Each strength has reached the full peak of Jin Dan. Although it is better than the strong in the dragon list, it can be too much not much.

Even if it is assassinated, each of them has the strength of the murder of the dragon list.

Nowadays, nine people will shoot at the same time, but they are flying without a double sword.

What strength is this?

As for the first half of the sword, the dark blade, the dark eyes stunned, but the view is not a sword, but Su soft.

He is very clear, just how perfect that the assassination, the sword is unparalleled will be undoubtedly death, but because of Suofeng's existence, this round of the perfect assassination will end.

"This woman also has a weird." The dark blade low.


Everything happens too fast.

From the first shot from the dark blade, then go to the sword unparalleled killer, a sword, actually happened to the electric light flame, when all this happened, the Qi Yue lakeside Jin Danwu reacted this.

"what happened?"

"Good terrible breath, what happened?"

"It's a swordsman, it is a swordsman, and those black rones with gold masks are hard to be a bloody down?"

"It is the bloody tower, right, is the golden kinner of the bloody ripple, and the ten golden killing killer is rushing at the sword."

"People of the Blood Rainhouse, to kill the swordsman?"

The whole is a champion, all the martial arts have seen this side, but it is shocked after seeing clearly.

No way, the bloody ripple, in the Tianzong Dynasty, is a terrible synonym.

In the face of the first killer organization of this day, no one will be afraid of not afraid, and the people who want to kill the bloody ripples, the other party is absolutely no possible.


The sword is unblocked, and the killing of these bloody rips in front of him, but the heart is a sink.

He knows that since the killer of the bloody ripple is coming to the door, then his identity has been exposed.

And with the murder style of the bloody ripple, since he shot, it will definitely be prepared, and the ten golden noodles in front of him can threaten him, but the sword is unparalleled, affirm that the bloody ripper is definitely Other means are behind.

"Bloody Tower, you dare to kill the dragon palace disciples, good courage, isn't it afraid of the Dragon Palace to pay full revenue?" The sword was unparalleled, and the voice was also spread.

"Dragon Palace disciple?"

"The sword passerver is a dragon brother?"

"Just joke, he is a Kim Dan Xiaocheng's ability to force this, and only the enchanting of the Dragon Palace is likely to do."

Surroundings around Jin Dan worship, no one dares to intervene the matter.

"Bloody Pad Tower?" Sitting in a big tree, a big tree, and also saw a scene next to Jingyue Lake, his brow was slightly frowned, but it was slowly shaking his head.

If he is changed to usually, he may make a sword without a double one. After all, the sword is unparalleled today to give you a break, it is gave him, and he has a great set. He also remembers it, but it is also because of today's battle. His spiritual power is exhausted, but now there is not much recovery, and I can't help it.

Therefore, he can only make the sword unparalleled to ask more than a blessing.

Of course, the sword has never thought of someone will come to help him, his purpose is just spreading his identity.

In this way, no matter what he is dead today, the bloody piercing will suffer from the crazy revenge of the Dragon Palace afterwards!

The Dragon Palace, the shelter of the disciple of the Dragon Palace is very strict, no matter who, the disciple of the Dragon Palace is not found, once it is found by the Dragon Palace, the end is fine.

And the sword is unparalleled, before, the eleventh floor of Longmen, shocked the entire dragon palace, and the two palace owners in the dragon palace, there are also those who have the swords and unparalleled super geniuses are more rare.

Once such a genius is killed, the Dragon Palace has to die, and it is natural to retaliate.

"Sword is unparalleled." The sound of the dark blade sounded, "I don't say that I have to move out of the Dragon Palace today, even if you move out of the king, you must die, no one saved you!"

"Hand, kill him!"

The voice fell, the dark blade took the lead in shot, the nine golden kilms were followed.

"If you rely on you?" The sword smiled without a double, and the body was hidden for ghost.

call out!

A sword is silent, and there is one of the golden kilms. This golden noodle killer is open, I can't react, the sword blade is like the dead sickle, has passed from his neck, directly to the death .

It's a magical in just a sword.


The same silent sword, brushed the throat of another golden killer.

"What?" The remaining golden kilms were shocked.

"Is this?" The dark blade also blinds.

Just a moment, I kill two golden killers, and they did not capture the swords and unparalleled shadows.

Speed, too fast.

Not only the size of the body is fast, the speed of the sword is faster!

"Virtual Swords, Sixth!" Two purple killing hands standing in a big tree in the rear wood, eyes are all condensed.

"The intelligence gap is too big. This sword is much stronger than our intelligence, and the woman around him is more weird, the dark blade is perfect, this woman can react?" A purple noodles Kill murmur.

"Now this is late, since we have already moved, then there is no post, just the dark blade they must not kill the sword without double, so, depends on you." The other purple killing hand low departments.

"I shot, he will die!" The first purple kill slightly nodded, followed by the body and slammed it.


PS: Brothers, from today's update will be slightly adjusted, still three more every day, but time is changed to 12:1 am, at four o'clock in the afternoon, eight o'clock in the evening, three more Come, everyone can remember it.

In addition, under the promiction, the next story will be very cool!

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