Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 118 is desperate!

"Death!" The long sword in the sword is quietly invisible. In front of the third golden killing, this golden killer is still not going to make any reactions, and it is directly killed.

"How can it be?"

"How can it be so fast?"

The rest of the golden killer is frightened.

They don't know, the feelings of swords are unparalleled, the sense of enthusiasm is very high, and they can be exhibited in the Swordsman!

Virtual sword, that is known as the first sword of the Tianzong Dynasty, what is terrible?

The sixth style of the sword is also terrible.

Previously, there was no double with Xiao Mang, because the latter strength is too strong, and Xiao Mang itself is also sent to the mood of the wind. It is more important than him, so his virtual sword is completely exerted, it is difficult to threaten Xiao Mang.

If you use a virtual sword with this group of golden kills that are uncharged, it is a full slaughter.

A sword out, the terrible speed burst out, these golden noodles killed, and there was no room for struggling.

"Fourth." The sword of the sword has passed out again, and the distance between ten meters is spanning, and the throat of the fourth golden noodle killer is directly.

But after he will kill the fourth golden noodle killer ...

"Well?" The sword didn't lift his head, but found a black shadow appeared in his sight. It was originally a few ten meters away. You can come to him in front of him. The speed is fast, just like transient.

"This speed!" The sword was unparalleled, and the black shadow was already a fierce palm.

This palm of this palm, the sword is unparalleled, and it is not doubt that if this palm is on his skull, it can be killed in an instant.

Crisis, the sword is unhappy, the three killed swords, the hole wears void, directly stabbed the palm of this black shadow.


That palm collided with the three killing swords, but it could not be directly pierced, still as broken, with unparalleled terrible power to crush.

The sword is unparalleled, only a huge force is delivered from the arm, and the throat is very sweet, a blood spurt, the body is more like the shells, and it takes out.


The sword is unparalleled on the ground, and the ground is that the ground is the crack, but his body is still rolling back, directly along the ground, turn it out again. Mi far, falling into the quiet lake.

Silence, the whole of Jingyue Lake is still quiet.

Everyone glared over the eyes and looked at the black robes hung in the void.

The black robes, purple noodles, the most important thing is that he also stepped off!

The identity of the people, the moment!

"Ziki killer!"

"Yin and Yang Emotion!"

"Bloody Purchase of the purple killing, actually take it personally?"

"It's over, the sword is over, I am dead!"

Everyone is shocked.

The yin and yang fake, the whole day is not much, and it is rare to see one in the next day, and the bloody tower of the bloody killer, it is more horrible than the unusual yin and yang false.

A purple killer personally shot, just Jindan's Sword is unparalleled, almost no one is thinking that he can live.


Su Lu blinded on the water surface of Jingyue Lake, the body has begun to slow down, and the murder is murder, and the beautiful face has become at this moment.

"You, damn!"

Su Suchen stared at the purple killer in front of him, and a sudden breath of the sky was raised from her body.

This breath, Suofu has also risen several times, and there is no strength now.

The terrible breath, strong to ever, not from the rare killer, no one is awkward, the spin is eye-catching.

"This girl ..." Ziki killer saw that SuGou became more and more scary, and his mouth also schedulous.

The feeling of Su Guo is very dangerous.

Su Soft is cold to this purple killing, cold channel: "Old things, die!"

The giant sword in the hand is smashed out ...


The giant sword is crushed, and it is easy to pass through the void to make the air. A large fraction of a wide enough than two meters.

The power is shocking.

The purple killing is a glimpse, and the right hand is scratched at this moment. The sharp spiritual power is out, and it is a punch to anger. On the occasion, He has a crisp bursting in his body.


The two collides, but the result is the purple killing, and the body is directly exploded, and it hits it on a big tree outside ten meters.


The big tree clearly couldn't bear the horrible impact power and burst it directly.

"This, this force ..." Ziki killer looked at him still some numbers, re-looked at Suofeng, "This girl is actually the person in that place? If this is, it is absolutely Kill her. "

At the moment, Suiro, after Shi Shi, her breath has begun to wilting, the beautiful face is also covered with sweat, obviously no longer war, but her silver teeth It is still dead and staring at the purple killer.

"I don't dare to kill you." The purple killing shook his head, did not have the intention of Suiler, and the body shape was placed in the next moment.

As for Su whistling, it can only be seen at this moment, but it has no power.

"Old three!" Su Guang was shaking, staring at the lake.

Jing Yuehu Lake is calm, as for the sword, there is no trace, it has already been disappeared.

In Jingyue Lake, the sword wrapped in the endless lake waters is unparalleled, but the eyes are open.


A mouth, a big blood fierce spit out from his mouth.

The super power of the yin and yang, it is indeed too much too much than the golden Danwu. Just just a palm, it is only a serious injury. He even feels that his five internal organs are completely shifted. .

Hot, hurts to the extreme.

This attack is already his limit, if it is again, he will definitely die.

"I have long guessed that since the bloody ripper is doing it to me, then it is impossible to simply only the ten golden noodles in the face, and the fact is true, just did not expect, the bloody feather is dealing with me a gold Danzai, actually sent a purple killer. "

Although the sword is unparalleled, it is still in the sky.

"This time, you have to die!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and it flashes a madness.

"Secrets ... !"

~~~ The whole of Jingyue Lake has a shock.

The sword is unparalleled in this moment. It is like a black hole that can accommodate all the black holes, and an amazing speed is crazy about him with an amazing speed.

With the injection of life, the breath on his body is instantly skyrocketing.

After a year, the sword is unparalleled and repeatedly displayed!

He, to be desperate!


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