Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 119 exploding! burst! burst!

Above Jingyue Lake, this purple killer floats only two meters high from the lake, overlooking the bottom, "That little son, is it dead?"

The lake is quiet, and the sword is unparalleled, and it has been sinked into the lake.

Can be disrespectful ...

The entire Nuo Lake is crazy at this moment, and the most central as the core of Jingyue Lake is the core. A huge vortex is instantly formed. This whirlpool quickly expands almost a moment of intravenous lake.

Hey ~~~ The voice of the lake is also spreading, as if the center of the lake has formed a storm.

"what happened?"

"How is this going?"

"What is the whirlpool?"

The large number of Jin Danwu, a lot of Jin Danwu, the lake in Jingyue, shocked.

"Look, see the ground." The abruptness sounded, and everyone immediately looked at the ground under his feet. At this point, everyone saw the creepy scene.

I saw that the original dark blue vitality. At this moment, it was an amazing speed that became desolate. The original dark blue is gradually changed to the yellow, and even some cracks appear slowly.



Everyone was scared.

On the lake lake, the purple killer saw the change in the lake, and the eyes became downgry, but the next moment in his eyes killed.

"No matter what this kid is, it is directly killed him."

This purple killer stretched out, when the most intimate place of the whirlpool in the lower side, fierce.

The sharp spirit is surging, and there is a huge giant that is completely formed by spiritual condensation. This giant is as if it extends from ancient times, and it has a terrible breath.


As the purple killing snort, this giant palm rumbled, like a hundred million kilograms of the big mountains, the bottom of the whirlpool, slowly falling to oppression.

Everyone next to Jingyue Lake, looked at this hustle and huge, and it is not composed.

It is at this time ...

call out!

The icy sword light suddenly lit up in the end of the quiet moon, and then in all the people's eyes were rapidly enlarged, followed by straight.

For a time, the surrounding world is completely dark.

Endless volatile voids become incomparably dark, and only this sword is left in the dark.

This ice is cold, dazzling, enough to destroy all the sword light.

And this sword light is rigid in the lake of Najing, a flying sky, and in an instant hitting the parents.

The sword is tatched into the palm.


A deafening roaring screams.

The two terrible power of the two stories were hit together, and there was a trip to form a substantially hot waves, and these waves were converted to shock waves, and they were ruined to rule the trend.


Just as the star explosion.

The terrible shock waves shocked along the four sides, standing next to Jingyue Lake, a large number of golden Danwu, who is affected by this shock wave, and suddenly blowing the east, some are directly vomiting blood Return.

A large amount of trees near the lake, it is also swept by this shock wave, and a large amount of trees immediately flew out, and it was directly burst from it.

Destroy the earth, it is entirely a world-oriented scene.

"How is it?" That purple killer is also shocking at this moment, and his eyes are even more concentrated, and the swordscent of the sky, the unyielding sword, the unyielding sword, directly pungent Giant palm.

A terrible puncture is out of the sword light, just in an instant, the huge palm of his whole power is directly broken, Jian Feng swept, and stirred it.


After the sword is broken, it is still rushing up, and the sword is awkward.

It is tight.


The following Jing Moon Lake Lake suddenly set off a huge spray, followed by a black dress, with a sword of the world and the horrible breath, directly burst.

In the next moment, it has appeared in front of this purple killer.

"Old hazyger, just that palm, very cool?" The sword was unparalleled to look at the Ziki killer in front of the eyes, although he couldn't see the long phase of this purple killer, but he can judge from the body Out, this is an old guy.

"You ..." This purple killer is still shocking, and has not been thoroughly reacted.

"You just finished it, now it's a turn to me." The sword was unpacking and smiled, and smiled coldly as a blade.

The sword is unparalleled without a sword. Even the three killer swords have already collected the sword sheath. He used his hand to master the fist, and then directly toward the purple face of the purple killer.


The terrible power broke out, and the sword has created an amazing broken wind during the air.

Task, the current sword is unparalleled, but it is a secret.

Help the sky, absorb the power of lives around hundreds of meters, hard to make his spiritual force to upgrade at this moment to Jin Dan's full peak!

I have to know that his unparalleled goldenan, the explosive power is hundreds of times!

Under the effort, it is the power of 100 times Jin Dan.

That power has exploded, which can be more horrible than the general yin and yang.

"Looking for death!" Ziki killer saw the sword without double, but did not show the sword, directly swaying, can't help but furious, the radius, he also swayed, the strength also burst on the extreme.

Time, two fists collided.


I only heard the sound of the bones and burst, the next moment, this purple killer was sent a scream.

"my hand!"

This purple killing is desirable, he has been perceived that his right arm's bones have been crushing, this boxing, his right hand has been discounted directly?

"Life is dead, you!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is straightforward.

This purple killer could not make any reactions, and the body shape was smashed on the ground. The ground showed a granted giant pit in an instant, and this purple killer is lying on that huge In the pit, the mouth continues to flock blood, life and death.


The surroundings of Jing Yuehu, everyone is stagnant.

What did they see?

I saw a golden Danwu, even in just a short instant, a super power of a genuine yin and yang fake level?

Moreover, he still has no sword!

The sword has no double-sided Pang has been distorted. The eyes are also spread all over the blood, watching the purple kill killer who is lying in the deep pit, just want to completely kill it, can be abrupt, a horrible breath from the side of the storm Brush, this breath of the owner is a purple killer.

This scene, making the surrounding eyes widened.

Purple killing, one?


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