Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1174 Hope!

Blood peak!

When the sword is unparalleled in Star Island, it is the name of the blood peak.

"Blood peak!"

The sword is unparalleled in the Star Island, the exquisite, Zidong, and Qianfeng appeared in front of the sword.

"Three, many years, nothing, can't be innocent." The sword was unparalleled.

"Blood Peak, I know you will definitely come back, you will come back this time, is it going to take us?" Qian Yu excited.

"Well, there is this plan, but I don't know if there is this ability." The sword said.

"Blood peaks, your current strength, much better than before,?" Zidong shimmed the light.

At the beginning, Star Island has twelve days, this Zidong has been in the first, and the three-layer test of the black tower, he is the only one of the second floor.

Later, there was no double arrival. Later, it was first, but the three-story test left the Star Island, and Zidong was still in the second floor of the Black Tower, and Zi Dong's bottom is naturally not very uncontrollable.

"Your strength is definitely also improved, it is estimated that the distance is over, is it fast?" The sword laughed.

"I am still far away." Zi Dong shrugged.

The sword is unparalleled with himself in the three friends in Star Island.

"Blood peak."

The thick voice sounded, I saw a middle-aged man who worked with a cyan nephew, returning to the scum.

"Oh, Kong Ming Road?" The sword has no smile on his face.

Kong Mingdao went to the sword where there was no double, and the sword was not paired. He nodded. "I agree with you, I want you to return to this Star Island in about 100,000 years, but now less than two thousand years, Have you returned? It's hard to do, you already have the strength of the ultimate test? "

"Can I really pass the ultimate test, I don't know, but I can try it." The sword said.

He doesn't know what the ultimate test content is, naturally, I will not dare to pack.

"Oh?" Kong Mingdao honored his eyebrows, "Look at your look, it seems quite confident?"

"Self-confidence is a little." The sword nodded.

If it is not confident, he will come to this Star Island so soon.

However, the sword is unparalleled, just finished ...

"Since the little friend can have such confidence, then I don't know if I can learn one or two." A gentle voice suddenly sounded, and it was a old man wearing a gray robes. He still stands next to this gray robe. At the body, the body has reached the level of the road.

On Star Island, a total of five major roads, obviously have already arrived.

"This is?" The sword was unparalleled to look at the elderly.

"This is a Qian Shuo Road, which is the oldest and most powerful in Xingchen Island." Kong Mingdao said.

"Oh?" The sword was unbeded.

"The strength is the strongest fake in the five roads. However, in this way, the old man is still eligible for the ultimate test." The elderly aquarium said: "Since Xiaoyou is rushing The ultimate test, that is in strength, inevitably be better than the old man, I don't know if the child can have such energy? "

"Since I am interested in Qianshui Road, then I am not satisfied, please." The sword is unparalleled.

"Xiaoyou is careful."

The Qianshui Road reminded a sentence, then he saw a thick spiritual force, the spirit of spiritual strength, far more than ordinary three-way peak, but also stronger, but compared with Tianzun It is a difference.

Under the vastness of the vast, Millenate Taoist's old palm lightning shot.

Instantly, a hustleur mountain, directly in the sword.

The strong power is absolutely reaching the threshold of Tianzun.

"It is only a road to be respectful, but the strength can be comparable to Tianzun. The strength of this Qianshui Zun is not weak." The sword was unparalleled. When the mountain is about to shock in front of him, he slowly reached out the finger, One-handed one hand.

It's that simple one, it seems that the speed is also slow, and I have never had a slight force.

It can be hitting the mountain, but it has been cracking from the middle, and a lot of spiritual power is crazy.

The thousands of waterways have a sharp turn, but the swords have already done his body directly.

~~~ The figure of Qianshui Zun has quickly returned to normal.

He stood there and stared at the sword and was unparalleled, but it took a shock.

Everyone around the battle is also an incredible expression.

Qian Shui Road is full of effort, and the sword is unparalleled, but the sword has not been pulled out. At will, he will defeat the Qianshui Road.

If it is not very special on this Star Island, you can't die, Qianshui Road has just died.

Between the two, the strength gap, this is this?

"Qianshui Road, the contract." The sword was unhappy smiled.

"His hopes, there is absolutely hope!" Qianshui said that the old figure trembled.

Obviously be defeated by the sword, but he is not only an angry, but it is more surprised.

The people around the surrounding war have become very unusually enthusiastic.

The sword is unparalleled is to challenge the ultimate test of Star Island. The strength is naturally, the better.

Now I saw that he was so taking a stupid, defeating the Qianshui Road, and its facts have got their affirmation.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is absolutely hope to have the ultimate test.

"Great, great!"

"For so many years, is it going to see a hopes?"

"This blood peak, there is absolutely hope to have the ultimate test, control the entire Star Island, when he is willing, you can let us leave."

Everyone on Star Island is also excited.

"Blood Peak." A indifferent voice sounded.

Everyone turned to see, but saw a beautiful, and the shape of the shaped red woman was standing in the void.

People on Star Island have exposed a fear.

"Lien Island." The sword is unparalleled to show a smile.

"You come with me." Lien Island said, then turned around.

The sword is unparalleled and immediately followed.

Not long after, the sword is unparalleled to follow the Lenin Island to come to a palace.

"sit down."

Liangyu Lord waved, the sword is unparalleled to sit down next to the case.

"I didn't expect this to be less than two thousand years. You have already broken through the road, returning to this Star Island? This speed, it is enough to look at the sword. Unparalleled.

"Good luck." The sword was unparalleled and smiled.

"Breakthrough, not luck, let alone you still reverse it." Liangyin Island is indifferent, "Yes, Kings, let him come out, I really want to see, re-recognize you After the Lord, this old guy became what it was. "

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, and the king of the king will climb out from him.


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