Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1175 Ultimate Test

"Haha, Kings, it is rare to see you like this." Liangyin is looking at the king of the crawling, can't help but laugh. "

When the king of the king is in the stars, it is a true hoe, enough to make anyone look up.

But now ...

"Hey." The king snorted, but he didn't want to say more.

Liangyin Island is shrugged, and the sword is unparalleled. "Blood peaks, you have been outside the time, can I have encountered the disciple of Star Island in 4 million years?"

"You said the star king?" The sword didn't have a double look, and immediately shook his head. "I didn't encounter a strong man named Xingwang in the green world. I also find someone to check, and could not find it."

The Star Island has so many years in the fire community. There is only two people to leave Star Island in history.

One of them is the sword is unparalleled, the other is the star king.

The star king was leaving in Star Island at 4 million years ago.

When the sword is unparalleled, it is indeed checked when the fire is swaying, but there is no drop of this star king.

"Since the star king can pass the test of Star Island, it is inevitable to be a true top genius, but the genius, but there is no name in the green industry, this is either fallen earlier, or it is Leaving the fire community. "The sword has no double.

In the green world, there is a lot of strong, in order to pursue a higher level of strength, after a breakthrough, I will choose to leave the green world, go to the vast chaotic world.

"What?" Liangyin is slightly nodded, but immediately smiled: "Forget it, no matter where he is, blood peak, you return to Xingchen Island, I want to come to the ultimate test, but the ultimate test can be general."

Donned, Lingyin Island continued: "The ultimate test of my Star Island, targeting Tianzun level, although you are just Dao Zun, but it is really qualified to accept the test, but this is just qualified to accept Test, you want to have it, it is not easy. "

"I know it is not easy, but no matter what, I have to try it." The sword didn't smile.

"That's good, I will take you in the past now." The main station of Liangyin is coming.

Under the leadership of Liangyin Island, the sword is unparalleled to come to the central government of Star Island, the four high black tower.

The four black tower, representing the four levels of test, where the last highest big, is the ultimate test of Star Island.

At this moment, the black tower is already already a hills of people.

All the priests trapped in Star Island have already gathered here. They have known the sword unparalleled for the ultimate test, so they all waiting here, the heart is full.

"It's coming, the blood is coming!"

"Blood peak!"

When the sword is unparalleled, the crowd immediately screamed, and the eyes of the sword were unparalleled.

"It's enough to be enthusiastic?" The sword was unbeded.

"These people have seen hope on you, I hope you can pass this ultimate test, bring them to leave, and naturally passionate to you." Liangyin Island laughed, "Okay, the ultimate test is there, yourself go in."


The sword didn't have a double point, and after I took a sigh of relief, I immediately got into the black tower where the ultimate test was in place under the gaze of many martial arts.

In the black tower, the sword is unparalleled immediately appeared in a dark void.

This dark void is boundless, even if it is the power of the sword, there is a unparalleled soul, and it does not feel the existence of the edge, so the vast void is enough to let the world to fight crazy and kill.

In this dark void's most central, it stands on a lack of the giant ax.

"He, is it the opponent I am in this ultimate test?" The sword was unparalleled, and I saw it directly in the city.

The burly figure, there is no life, obviously just a battle.

The sword is unparalleled before accepting this impact test, he asked some of the contents of the Linger's Lord about this ultimate test.

He knows that this ultimate test is different from other three black tower, and the test of three black tower is divided into three.

But this ultimate test, only one heavy test, his opponent, only one person, it is the war of the tremendous ax.

When the sword is unparalleled into this dark void, the calm stands in the dark void, but also opened his eyes.

His eyes showed a strange golden, opened the moment, a horrible suffocation immediately vented, so that the surrounding voids were trembled.

"If you have to do, you are defeating me!" The burly man who carries the giant ax, the voice is indifferent.

"Before defeating this battle, the test is passed? This ultimate test is simple, but the process is afraid of being not so simple." The sword is unparalleled, but the blood peeled sword has emerged in his hand.

"it has started!"

The burly man stared at the sword and unparalleled eyes, and he fierce it.


The voids under the foot of the burly man immediately collapsed, and his body is like a flow-ray to the sword unparalleled.

"So fast!" The sword was unbenhed.

Single speed, it is definitely a lot more fast than the ordinary boundaries.

In the moment of this burly man, he has been carrying the huge ax, and has already appeared in his hand.

The burly man holds the giant ax in his hands. The giant ax has a dazzling golden ray. The vast potential is condensed, there is no excessive flower, directly an ax is unparalleled, and the moment is in the moment. A beautiful bloody halo broke out.

The sword is unparalleled in front of that the giant ax. He only feels like a river beast, which is like a flood.

The great ax in the giant ax will make him feel away.


The sword is unparalleled, the weak soul of the sea is slightly trembled, the soul is swept away, forming a sharp soul spike, and the time will be hit by the burly man, directly hit it in burly The man's body did not enter his body.

The burled man's body is just a meal, follow the giant ax again.

"My soul attack, he didn't have an impact?"

The sword is unparalleled, followed by the vast power of the body, along the arm festival, all gathered in the blood peak sword.


The sword has no double eyeline, and it is full of efforts to show the strongest days of the attack.


The fierce burst in the void, the sword has no double tremor, the void under the foot is like the paper.

The burly man pumped back to the giant ax with his hands, followed by a ax.

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