Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1176 failed!

The first ax is just showing, this burly man second ax is immediately coming.

The same gesture is iv, do not give the sword unparalleled opportunity.

The sword is unparalleled, the sky, the first ax, the burly man, is already extremely tasty, when the second ax is clever, he only has to force the blood peak sword before ...


A big sound, accompanied by a sword, there is a sword.

The shape of the sword has been flied directly. In the way, his body has rolled down, and the half-rang will stop.

And the burly man is standing in the dark void, the giant ax has been put back, and the eyes closed again.

"I lost!"

The sword is unparalleled, looking at the burly man in front of the front, but the bottom is still an incredible.

He knew the ultimate test of this Star Island, which was very difficult, but did not expect it, it would be difficult to make this.

You know, this ultimate test is aimed at the level of Tianzun, but he is the truth of the price.

As a result, the battle of the trend is, in which it has not been able to take the two axes of the burly man.

"Obviously, it is only for the test of Tianzun, but it is a general truth. I will think about it. I want to have a test, I am afraid that I have to have a lead power of the world." The sword was unparalleled.

Just a short confrontation, the sword is unparalleled to the strength of the war, and it is barely understand.

The strength of the war should have reached the level of the trendy peak, and it is unneaked in the battlefield.

"Do you make a day, defeat the peak?" The sword didn't double the cold, and the bottom of the heart was also secretly praised. "It is a test of the star founders, this test content is really harsh."

"Seeing, unusual genius, it is impossible to pass this test, or it is impossible to enter the main star."

There are two disciples who choose from Stars.

One is an ordinary disciple, just a black tower is enough, like a sword is unparalleled and there is only a general disciple.

The other is a disciple of Xingchen Palace. If you want to be a disciple of Starong, you have to pass this ultimate test.

The sword is unpaired. It is also the existence of a hegemony in the vast chaotic world, and the stars can enter the disciples of the main star Chenchen Palace, but less pitiful, if you are very common genius, you can enter the main star Palace. The disciple of Xingchen Palace is not full of streets?

"My current strength, I will be able to reach the world, and I am far away from the peaks. It is still far away. I want to pass this ultimate test in a short time." The sword is unparalleled. " Then I went out from this ultimate test.

Outside the Black Tower, many milms trapped in Star Island are all waiting, and one is a strong expectation and desire.

They were trapped in this Star Island for a long time, I thought it was too much.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled from the black tower.


"This is just entering it? How can I come out?"

"That is the ultimate test, is it over?"

A large number of warrises have flocked directly.

"Blood peak!"

"Blood peak!"

Exquisite, Qian Yu, Zidong, and Kong Ming Road, Qianshui Road and others are waiting to look at the sword unparalleled.

"Sorry, let you be disappointed." The sword is unparalleled.

When I heard this, the two men played in the field changed, and I already know the results.

"That's after all, the ultimate test of Xingchen Road, I want to go, it is not easy." The Qianshui Road first opened the first opening, revived: "All, we can't worry too much, you have to come slowly."

"Blood Peak, this time you can't get it, but I want to see the difficulty of the ultimate test, I have a little bit of gas?" Qia Water Road asked.

"Fathure?" The sword has no double one, watching the surroundings, I can't help you suck the tone, solemnly: "There is still some of the air, the ultimate test is very difficult, but I want to go in the past, It's not a way, just need some time. "

"Haha, there is hope, as for time, I have been waiting for it for so long, don't care about this time, how long have you needed? Is it 10,000 years?" Qianshui Road respected.

"I don't know." The sword is unparalleled, "I will try my best, I will try my best."

I heard the words, the Qianshui Road is waiting to face each other, and then the Qianshui Road is honored: "Don't have too much pressure, sometimes, the more pressure, the more it is,"

"Everything, we are also scattered."

"Blood Peak, you have worked hard, if there is anything we help, despite the opening, wait for you to prepare this ultimate test,"

The Qianshui said that it left directly after a sentence.

Those of the people on Star Island also left.

On the way, the sword is unparalleled can see the displacement of the entrained in these people.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled, and he can't make any promises in addition to doing your best.

After all people leave.

"Blood Peak, do you really grasp the ultimate test?" The friend of the sword is unsatisfactory.

"It is some." The sword nodded.

Grasping, he is indeed.

Although the ultimate test is very difficult, it is incredible, but the sword is unparalleled to himself or a confident.

"Trending the peak power ... I am still very far away, but as long as I give me time, I can reach." The sword is unparalleled.

Now, he still has a great improvement room.

Don't say anything else, single in the sword ... Trying that he is just one of the swords, it is only the strongest level.

As for speed swords, yin and yang swords still stay in the granular level, these two swords, he still improves.

As long as these two swords, any of his strength will naturally rise again. In addition, his ancient gods have already reached the topmost of Samsung, and the sword is unparalleled. It is not long. It can break through Dacted four star ancient gods.

Once the four-star god, his strength will greatly improve, and the overall strength will naturally follow.

"Now, I only need to upgrade the speed sword or the yin and yang swordway to the strongest level, and the power of the ancient gods will break through the four-star ancient god. My war should reach the peak of the world. There is possible possibility of being in the ultimate test! "

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and it is a horrible effort.

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