Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1177, then watching the star Chen Yu

Put the speed of the sword or the yin and yang swords, improve to the strongest level.

Then the power of the ancient god broke through and reached four star gods.

These two steps, the second step is relatively simple, the power of the ancient gods in the sword is full, I can't take it for a long time.

The key is the first step, the promotion of the swords.

"Star Yu Yu!"

The sword has no bright light.

He knows that there are two major opportunities in this Star Island, and one, it is a star jade.

For a long time, when he was trapped in Star Island, he was carefully refreshing. At that time, Xingchen Yu gave him a great help, but he was too weak, and the truly Xuan Olympics in the star jade. Unreasonable.

But now, his strength has already been in the past, and there is something that can be seen.

Immediately, the sword is unparalleled, and immediately came to the star of Stars.

Many attackers, swords are unparalleled, and they have entered the loft of the swords.

When I entered the attic, the sword was unparalleled and immediately saw the jade on both sides of the hall.

Jade, engraved a vivid pattern, these patterns, every one is a sword to show swords, and the light is in the eyes, these patterns are exactly the same, see any difference.

But in fact, each of these patterns contains a thrilling sword.

The pattern on jade, there is a total of sixteen, there is spoken sword.

"When I first saw the swordsman in these patterns, I feel unfair, but I don't know what it is now?" The sword is unparalleled. .

The first pattern contained a middle-aged man wearing a wear, a middle-aged man wearing a fight, waving the sword, and a sword splits a huge lake into two half.

Surprisingly, Jian Guang, clearly opened the lake, but the lake in the lake, but did not rise to whit.

As if there is no power, the role is in the lake water.

"If you are so good, if you lose weight, this power is controlled," the sword is unparalleled.

He saw this picture many years ago, I only felt that a sword was deeply unspeakable, and now, this sword is still alive, but the sword is unparalleled, but some of the mystery is coming.

Tightly followed, the sword is unparalleled and looks to the second pattern.

As a pattern looks, the shock in his heart is getting more and more.

Today, his understanding of the sword is far more powerful. It is more, but the more you see, the more shocking him.

"This sword actually opened the sky, this is definitely mastering the strongest swords to show it."

"It seems like a holiday, like a dream, so strange sword."

The sword is unparalleled while watching it.

The sixteen swordsmanship in this pattern, every sword is deeply unable, all are not the sword.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, it has mastered a strongest sword, but he is absolutely not out of the horrible sword.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled to see the ninth picture.

This picture is still the middle-aged man wearing a snoring. He stands at the end of the dark void. In front of him, there are several black robes, and the breath of the black robe is deeply Mo, the sword is unparalleled.

At this time, the middle-aged man who worked with a mid-to-fight.

He will sway the sword with a distant distance.

Without any swords or swords, you can't live so quietly. The head of the black robe has thrown out.

The picture is scattered.

Before the star jade, the sword is unbentered.

"That sword ..."

The sword is unparalleled, recalls the long sword of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled with a sword.

"It's too fast, so that I will not catch the sword light, and those black robes are dead?"

"And the man of Shi Jian is clearly standing in the same place, and the figure is obviously no trace."

"How can it be so fast?"

The sword is unparalleled.

It's really too fast.

Fast incredible.

The sword is unparalleled. It is also very good at opening up the speed of swords. He is also very good at speed. If he is full of swords, you can make the general road to catch the sword, but his body must be close to the other side Row.

Men in the picture, but it is from a distant distance, swing in the emptyness.

After tens of thousands of miles away, a sword waved the sword, killing his opponent, but he did not capture swordscent?

"At the end of the day, how can I have a quick success?" The sword was unparalleled and frowned. He is full of shock.

Combining, the sword is unparalleled but continue to see the ninth pattern.

Before this, he had an eight-line pattern, he went to observe it, although the swordsman in the eight patterns made him very amazed, but he didn't look at the second time, but the ninth pattern He observed the second time.

And after the second time, the sword is not a double still can't see it, so I continue to watch the third time.

The fourth time, the fifth pass ...

Just a moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the picture of the ninth pattern is repeatedly observed.

After dozens of times carefully, the swords have finally found a strange place.

"Time and Space! Is time and time!"

The sword is unparalleled, and I can't help but grow up.

He carefully observed the ninth pattern picture of 10 times, and found a difference.

This is different, it is different from time and space.

"That sword, seems to be a very ordinary sword, but when the sword waves, it affects the whole time and space!"

"Impact time and space, it is precisely that it is not possible to affect it!"

"Not affected by the time and space, not being limited by time and space, this creates the incredible, let me capture the sword of Swordlight?"

The sword has no double-shaped eyes, and the body has begun to tremble.

"I understand! I understand !!!"

"I finally understand, what is over the speed, is time and space!"

"The speed is slow, it is subject to time and space, and the speed of the sword is the time and space!"

"Outside the time and space, you are not subject to time and space, you really get the speed!"

The sword has unprecedented light.

He has never understood that the speed of the sword has been very high, why is it just a hierarchy?

What strength is there on the speed?

Now, see the star jade, the picture of the ninth pattern, but he finally understood that over the speed of the speed!

Time and space, only to jump out of the limitations, is the truly perfect ultimate speed, that is really the strongest level ... time and space sword!

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