Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1178 Time and Space!

The sword is unparalleled to enhance his speed swords to the strongest level. The next reference will be simpler.

Before the star, the sword has closed his eyes, and the brain is still recalling the sword of the squid.

That is unbearable, completely jumping out of a sword of time and space.

He is already calm, and it is careful.

Time and space, can be said to be the most mysterious power between heaven and earth.

This kind of power can be involved, and it is more difficult to master.

The sword is only just aunt, and there is also a self-known understanding. He doesn't dare to control the mysterious time and space, and he has never expected his swordsman to be generally usually, completely jumping out of time and space. It is not subject to time and space.

What he wants is just just a hierarchy that is enough to affect time and space.

Even just affecting a time and space, his swordsman will produce a mass change, which is the time and space of his seek!

It is easy to say, but it is actually, even just just affecting one, this is a difficult process.

The sword is unparalleled in the middle of the time and space swords, the time passed ...

The sword is unparalleled to the 133rd year of Star Island, and the sword in front of the stars and jade is unparalleled. Suddenly, the vast ancient gods are moving, these ancient gods The eyebrow is condensed, and it is finally condensed the fourth four-faced star.

Four-star ancient god, arrived!

Next, his flesh immediately started a change in the earth.

Four-star ancient gods, comparable to human Tianzun level, don't forget, swords are unparalleled, but the royal god, even if it is just a big break, you can make a single ancient god, it should be comparable to normal Tianzun big, even It is more stronger.

Combined with his spiritual force, plus the bloody will explode ten times power, simply in the power outbreak, and he can also compare with the normal boundaries.

It is important that the sword is unparalleled before the strength, but it is a lot of differences in the world. It is purely with some secret treasures, and the power can make up for the gap between the association.

But now, the power is sufficient to compare the normal life, his overall strength, naturally improved significantly.


One shock, the sword is unparalleled to this Star Island, there is already three hundred years.

Before the star jade, the sword had no eyes, and he glanced in the singular gloss, looked at the void in front.

He slowly reached his palm, and he took the void direct.

The swords and shadings visible to a naked eye instantly, in the moment of the blunt, there has been an impact on the time and space around, which is clearly a sword, and it has appeared in the void.

Seeing this scene, the sword was not looked up.

"Before, I master the speed sword, slowly combined, swordsman show, can only make people feel illusory, but now ... this illusion has formed a fact." The sword is unparalleled.

He just intentionally showed slowly swallowing, even if it was a sword slowly swallowed, once it affected the time and space, it was slightly reduced to the short-term restrictions on the sword, which was reduced, but this The sword broke out of ten times the speed.

If he is short-lived swordsmanship, it affects the time and space, and the speed of swords can also increase ten times!

"Time Spaceway, this is the strongest level of time and space swords!" The sword is unparalleled with hands, but the eyes are flashing and exciting.

Xingchen Yu, under the three hundred years, there is a picture of the ninth pattern, and he finally enlighten a slightly time and space, thus opening up a time and space sword!

At this time, the sky is also like the sword unparalleled, even if it is only affecting the time and space of a silk, this sword has reached the strongest level!

Since then, after returning a sword, he opened the strongest swords, time and space swords ... molded!

"Time and space, when I only understand a silk hair, I combined with swordsman to open up the strongest level of time and space, I really don't know, I have a complete time and space, what is the terrible?" The sword is unparalleled Admire.

He is now not a little guy who don't understand before.

He also has a certain eye.

I also know how old this world is.

He is also very clear that although he controls the time and space swords, but it is still insignificant to the whole time and space.

"Returning to a sword, time and space swords, only the last yin and yang swords left." The sword is not full of expectations.

He has now mastered two strongest swords, with a campaign level of the campaign, if it is normal, I have started to try the integration of swords, and the immortality broke through the sky.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is not anxious.

His ambition is great!

His three swords have the possibility of achieving the strongest swords, now just two swords.

He wants to put three swords, all upgrade to the strongest level, and then carry out swordsmanship ... Achievement of the fire world from the immortal manager!

This step, in other people's opinion, it is absolutely expected, it is impossible to achieve, but the sword is unparalleled.

He is reversible, this has unlimited possible.

He also woke up the strongest sword soul, and there is a great potential on the sword.

He can go to fight, go to it, even if it is not, it is only a waste of some time.

Once it succeeds ... The three strongest swords are integrated, the immortal achievement of achievements, how much?

Insightly, the Qinglu Palace has a rising Sun Jian Di, which has become the potential of leaders, is just two strongest swordsmanship, which also makes him a Tianzun to compete with the face, even stronger than the general truth, this is still Because the Rising Sword Emperor is just a general practitioner, it is not a reverse repair like a sword.

It can be said that once the sword is unparalleled, its strength is inevitably shocked.

However, this step can not be reached, but it is still unknown.

The second strongest sword has been opened, the power of the ancient gods has also improved to the four-star ancient gods, the sword has no double overall strength to skyrocket, next, the sword is unparalleled is now going to go to the ultimate test.

The sword is unparalleled to go to the ultimate test again. This thing passes through the mouth of Liangyin Island, soon spread throughout the Star Island. .

Before the black tower, Kong Mingdao Zun, Qianshui Road also has a few friends, and many milms of the West Island have already come over.

"Blood peak, when you go to this ultimate test, there is still a small gap between the test. Now it has been over three hundred years. Are you coming, is there a grasp?" Qianshui Road frowned asked.

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