Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1184 Stars Secrets

"This, you should be unfamiliar." Lenin is over.

"Is this a disciple of Xingchen Palace?" The sword laughed.

At the beginning, when he just became a common disciple of the star, he also got a disciple to make a disciple, and there was a unique star, and there was a unique and strong breath. But this stars and brothers disciples are more precious than that of the ordinary disciples.

After receiving the compass, the Lenin Island will handle the last secret to the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, this secret, is the star secretary of the Star Chen Palace, the stars, the stars, is the founder of the Stars." The Lenkin's main voice became downgly, "this The secret surgery, is one of the most a few secrets, very precious! "

"Star secret?" The sword is unparalleled.

The star has been named in the stars, and this secret is called Stars secret, and it is important to imagine this star secret to the star.

"I don't know if this is the secret?"

With a silk expectation, the sword is unparalleled, and the moment of flooding into this secret surgery, and the time, the time, and the sword has no double.

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled.

After browsing this secret message, he was completely shocked.

This is definitely an incomparable, and even the secret surgery of the sky.

"Star secrets, condense the power of the stars, integrate with their own spirit, can make itselves to attack the power in a short time!"

"Star secrets share three volumes, the first volume, improve ten times power, continue ten breathing!"

"Volume 2, improve 100 times power, continue a breathing!"

"Third volume, upgrade thousands of power, can display!"

Simply introduced, but the sword has set off the sky.

Directly enhance the secret of attacking power, he also cultivated fruit, like the stars of the ancient gods.

However, the secret of the Star River, that is the power amplitude secret, which is purely for power out, and once it is refined, there is no need to display any offensive, naturally his strength has burst, has been formed.

In the world of vital chaotic world, this kind of power amplitude secret surgery is very common, very common.

The general strong people have a secret motley that cultivates such a power amplitude, which is one hundred times, normal.

It is because almost everyone has cultivation, so this secret can not bring what big advantage is brought in the battle.

But this star secret, but it is different!

Star secrets, is the power of the stars, with the terrible secrets of the attack of powerfulness in attacking power.

The nature is almost similar to the .

But Taiyin God, even if it cultivates the highest level, it is not too big to improve the overall power, but this star secret, single first volume, it is enough to make him more than ten times!

This can be ten times.

An airtuality, if it is a one-time attack, it is enough to match the peak of the world, and even the peak is strong than the world.

The second volume increases 100 times power, and the third volume will increase thousand of power, but also metamorphosis!

However, it is clear that this increase is very short.

The first volume is ok, you can continue ten breathing time, it is a longer.

The second volume, but only one breath, the third volume can only display the hit?

"The stronger the power of the stars, the stronger, the longer the duration." The sword is unparalleled, and it can be accepted.

"The sword is unparalleled, how do you feel?" Liangyin Island's sword watched.

"It is indeed very terrible secret." The sword is unparalleled with hands, and there is also a rich variety.

"This star secrets are created by the Stars of Stars, single first volume, not too counter-sky, there are many top scorpions in the vital chaotic world to create that can make themselves We can skyrocket on the secret surgery, but the second volume follows the third volume, but there are absolutely few, but there are absolutely fewer chaotic worlds.

"This stars secret, I also know that the power of the stars that condense from the secret surgery is a unique force. Although I am a moon, the recovery ability is amazing, but I am not able to restore this star. The power. "King said.

"That is to say, if I cultivate the first volume of Stars, I will only continue ten breathing." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Yes." The Linger is nodded. "In addition, this star secret is united, once used it, it will be re-condensed, which will take time to re-condense, you can't re-condense. Show this secret. "

I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

This star secret is really terrible, it is incredible.

But this secret is limited but also.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are just a road level, although it is reversible, but the top more can only cultivate the first volume of this stars, and it is very boring, as for the second volume, in a short time, you don't I thought. "Lingyin Island said.

"It is not bad to practice the first volume." The sword was unparalleled, but the bottom is very content.

If he refines the first volume of Star Chen, it means that he has more than one base card. This card can make him have ten breathing time, and there is ten times the battle, such a brand, can not be small. .

"Just study this, I will protect your law with the king." The Lingyin Island said.

"Well." The sword is not a hyper point, and immediately sit in the palace in this palace, began to cultivate the stars secret.

Just in the sword, there is no double in the palace, cultivate the stars, and far outside the fire industry, the huge battlefield, the green palace.

A white-haired old man sitting alone before a pass of the pavilion, I was thinking about this disabled.

Suddenly ...

"Well?" This white-haired old man is moving, and the fierce stands up, and it is also a horrified color.

"The palace master, the palace master!"

This white-haired old man immediately gave the five palace main news.

Inside the palace, the five palace owners have gathered together, and the white-haired old man is standing next to it. This white-haired old man is another concern.

"Five Palace owners, you see."

A white-haired old man waved, and there was a picture immediately in front of the void.

In the picture, it is a vast dark void, this void is the most edge of this battlefield, but at this moment, this dark void, but I don't know when I have a huge space channel, in the space channel, It can be seen to see an old crossie.

Seeing this scene, the top of the five palace changes.

"I am worried about my green palace ... I finally happened!"


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