Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1185 Quickback!

On the Star Island, the sword was unparalleled.

"This is the power of the stars?" The sword is unparalleled to feel the unique power in his body.

The power of the stock is the first volume of the secret surgery of the stars, and the cultivation of the cultivation is accumulated.

"That is the power of such a little, I need to spend ten years, and once it is used, I can only let me squander ten breathing, that is, after I will show a stars secretation, I have to be ten years Can you use the second time? This is just the first volume. "The sword is unparalleled.

In the first volume, ten years can only be displayed.

But the second volume, the strength of the accumulated star must be more, the time is sure, and there is less than a hundred years, and even thousands of years can be displayed.

The sword is unparalleled, and the idea is moving, I saw a burly figure directly appeared in front of him.

"Master." Come respectfully.

This is burly, carrying the giant ax, and it is the ultimate test in the ultimate test, the burly man with the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, there is a stars, everything in the stars is regulated by him, including many treasures in the sea.

Although the treasures of the stars in the sea, there are many little girls left by the star owners, if they have not seen the green firepoints, these treasures may be sufficient to make the sword.

But now, this star in the sea is in the sea, but there is no double pay too much. Although this treasure is more precious, it is really useful for swords, but there is no.

The only sword is more surprised, it is the existence of the burly man in front of him.

This burly man is itself a battle, and it is still this star in the sea, the highest level of the battle, the strength is comparable to the peak.

"Can you have a name?" The sword did not ask.

"My name is ax." The burly man.

"Ax one?" The sword has no double nod, "from today, you will follow me."

"Yes." The burly man respects.

"Lingyin Island." The sword was unparalleled and said.

Suddenly Ling Island is in front of the sword.

"Star secrets have already been made, I should see those people on Star Island, they are afraid that they have been waiting." The sword was laughing.

Immediately, the sword is unparalleled with Liangxin Island on the highest aest of Star Island.

"Everyone came over." The sword didn't open the mouth, but the sound spread, raised in the entire star island.

There are many martial arts in Xingchen Island, heard the sword unparalleled voice, and casual shadow immediately rushed.

For short moments, the sword is unparalleled.

A few friends of the sword, including Kong Mingdao, Qianshui Lu Zun and others, all came there, and a look was unparalleled with enthusiasm.

As early as ten years ago, they have learned that the sword is unparalleled with the ultimate test.

It's just that the sword has no double cultivation star secrets, and it is delayed for ten years.

Ten years, these people don't care, as long as the sword is unparalleled, this is enough.


The sword is unparalleled, and the sound is magnificent. "This star is sea, now in my control, the resources on the Star Island will be completely open, if you want to stay, you can continue to stay, think To leave ... "

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a space in love with a space.

"This space is in a cave, and it is a starry sea. You can go directly through this spatial insect hole." The sword is unparalleled.

When I heard this, the crowd below immediately enthusiastically, and one of them emerged.

These people have been trapped in Star Island, and they have been held here with prisoners.

Many people have long been distorted, crazy, and they are also desperate.

Now, they can finally leave here.


Every one has an unprecedented ecstasy.

At the same time, there is no double, full of gratitude.

"Blood peak!"

"Blood peak!"

The crowd below is staring at the sword and unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled. The ultimate test is to let him come out. For them, it is definitely a great kindness.

Seeing a scene below, the sword is unparalleled but smile.

at this time……

"Sword is unparalleled!"

A message is directly delivered, and it is a turn-back temple of the five major palace owners of the Qinglu Palace.

The content of the message is very simple, only two words.

"reply ASAP!"

After receiving this message, the color of the sword has become immediately downs.

"The first five palace masters have been explained, let me break, as long as I don't easily expose the identity, before I become a green fire leader, unless you have a huge change, or they will not let me return to the Palace. , Now ... "

"problem occurs!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the eyes are also extremely cold.

When the sword is unparalleled, there is no idea to continue in this green fire.

"The Lenin Island." The sword was unparalleled, the Lord Lord, "I have an urgent matter, you must leave immediately."

"Oh?" Liangyin is the primary god color.

"I have closed the ban on the star sea. In the future, this Star Island is open to the outside. Anyone can get enough to get the chair of Star Island." Sword is not double-sized, "as for the Liangyin Island, you, If you are willing, you can continue to stay, this star island is still in your control, if you don't want, you can go directly. "

"I stayed in this star is for so many years. I have already been delivered. Now I am not easy to free, I don't want to continue to stay here, this way, my this is to leave the stars, the sea go to this world, so Just stayed on Star Island, taking you with Star Island for you. "The Lingyin Island said.

"Then there is Lao Island, you are." The sword is unparalleled.

Immediately, the sword is unparalleled with a king, bringing an ax, leaving the star marine.

Blue Piece.

If the sword is unparalleled, he is careful when he leaves the green palace. It is not discovered by anyone. Now it is back, and it is also quiet.

In that, several palace owners of the Qingquan Palace, including swords, unparalleled, have gathered together.

In addition to several palace owners, there is a white-haired old man.

"Yun Tianzun?" The sword was unparalleled to see this white-haired old man.

He also knows this white-haired old man, it is a very old Tianzun, ancient extent, and no one can compare.

Even if it is the two directions of the Temple of the Temple, theory, the age, than this Yun Tianzun, it has to be small.

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