This Yun Tianzun was born in the oldest times that was born in the green circles.

Before the sword is unparalleled, I just heard this oldest Tianzun until today's first time I saw it.

"You are swords no double?"

Yun Tianzun took the goodwill of the sword without double, "Soon recently said that you were dead, then the old man also secretly secretly, but now, you are alive, and if you think about the golden country, It is definitely not light. "

"Yun Tianzun is ritual." The sword is unparalleled, and it is quite humble.

"Okay, the six palace owners of my green palace have arrived, let's talk about it." The round temple is the main opening, but the sound is very serious.

"What happened to" Several Palace Lords? "The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are a big killer of my green palace, if it is an ordinary thing, we naturally will not come to make your cultivation, but this matter, it is about my green palace, even the entire fire world. The life and death are divided. "The round temple is the main way.

"What is the death of life and death? So serious?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you see." The Yun Tianzun was slightly waved, and a picture immediately appeared immediately in the voids in the center of the temple.

That is a vast dark void, but the dark void has a huge space channel, in which the space channel, it can be seen an ancient cross-section spacecraft.

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled to look at the scenes in this picture.

"This is the void around the fire in this giant battlefield." The cloud is honored.

"The void around the battlefield?" The sword is unparalleled. "This void has a space channel? And there is a spacecraft that is driving in? It is hard to fight, the euchao chaotic world, there is another strong person coming? "

The sword is unparalleled, after birth from the hot community, this battlefield has come to the battlefield.

The first two came, all were discovered by the strong people of the Green Palace, and it was killed in time.

The third time, is the golden country.

And now the scenes in this picture, it is, there is another one of the other strong.

"Don't be strong?" The round temple is slowly shaking, "the sword is unparalleled, you may not know, the time and space of our battlefield, very special, is a huge time and space storm!"

"Time and Space Storm?" The sword is unparalleled, "our battlefield is uncomfortable, is it in the wrap of a huge time and space?"

"Yes." Turn back home, "is a time and space storm, but it is not small, but our green fire community, including this giant battlefield, in this time and space storm, it has been a good job."

"Time and Space Storm, the strong people of the vast chaotic world are all evading, who will find death into this time and space storm? So, long years, but some people can come to this giant battlefield."

"The strong, including the golden country, but also inadvertently built into the time and space in unintentional, and fortunately, this is coming to this battlefield."

"It turned out to be." The sword is nothing.

No wonder, such a huge battlefield, such a big treasure floats here, but for so many years, the chaotic world is unless. There is no real power to come here.

It turns out that this giant battlefield is in a spatant storm.

Time and space storm, in the vast chaotic world, it is equivalent to a disaster, who is suspected, will it take the initiative to come in?

"At this time, the storm is, in fact, in fact, it is equivalent to a heavy umbrella. The reason why my fireworks can occupy this battlefield is so long, and it is this time and space storm."

"And I have a strong hard work, I spent countless efforts and cost, combined with that time and space, a heavy giant array in the void cloth around this giant battlefield!"

"This, is the real relief of my green fire house, because there is this array of the existence, but someone has built into this battlefield, I can notice the first time, and let the other party even information If you can't transfer it, you will kill it. "

"It is also because of this, the strong people in my fireworks, can leave this time and spacestorm to go outside."

"And now, the crossover space in this picture, but directly open the space channel of this void and the outside world, so that the air boat can not be taken through the time and space storm, it is not hindered to come to this battlefield." Roundback The temple is mainly cold.

"I want to do this, I need not only the strength of the strong strength, the most important thing is that this type of void, but also have someone to arrange the array to take it."

"There is no one in the body." The sword has no double one, but the next moment is immediately reacted, "is a golden country!"

Several palace owners, including that clouds are unusual.

Green Palace, definitely not have strong people to spend so strong, go to guide the energetic chaos world to come to this battlefield.

In this way, this scene is caused, it can only be a golden country!

"That is to say, the ship is a branch of the Golden Guo!" The sword is unparalleled.

"It is a reinforcement, but it is precisely that it is the main force of Golden Guo!"

"Main force?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Golden Guo, in the world of chaotic world, is also a force, one party stands firmly, their golden national owner, is a super strong in the leadership level!" The main voice of the temple is low.

"Five million years ago, the golden country was coming, but these golden powers were only inadvertently built into the time and space, which came to this giant battlefield."

"After the fall, the Golden State discovered that this giant battlefield is a huge treasure, and you want to completely erase my green circle, and make this battlefield, but unfortunately, the strong who came to this battlefield is not too Many, that battle, my green palace is a fight, although I haven't got great victory, but I also resist the attack of Golden Guo. "

"And now, this interface is the main army!"

"This giant battlefield value is worthless, Jin Guo is in order to get this battlefield, this will inevitably, even their national owner, this time, this time, it will also come from person to come!"

"This is the biggest robbery in my green fire world. It is also the most worried thing in my green fire industry. I thought it was five million years. The gold should not find our position, or found a position, but there is time and space. The hindrance of the storm, they can't figure it out, I didn't think ... "

"Hey! No, it is still coming!"


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