Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1187 Active

If you hear the reincarnation of the temple, the sword is unbolded and has become unusually difficult.

"The sword is unparalleled, if it is said according to this round of the temple, the golden main force arrived, and the power of your green palace is very difficult to resist." The voice of King is also in the sword. Rang.

"Don't say anything else, single golden national owner, your green palace can be able to compete, just with him, you can clean you all the strong people in your green palace."

The sword is not boundless.

The round temple is correct, this sharp change, it is indeed worthy of life and death in the entire fire world.

"All the position, isn't that the fire in the green world doesn't have a good power?" The sword asked without a double.

"The power of resistance? Of course, there is." The main voice of the temple is cold, "5 million years ago, the golden country strong, the power of the camp is also far more than my blue-fire palace, but later I am green palace The power of the entire fire industry is not the same, is it like to resist their offensive? "

"This time, although it is more dangerous than the last time, it is not a little bit of vitality. I only need to wait for my heart to work together. I am working together in the green circles, and I also hope to spend this crisis."

If the wheel is back, it is nodded in a few people.

They represent the highest power of the green fire industry, at this moment, the enemy is coming, if there is no confidence in their heart, the green fire is really no hope.

"That Golden Main Crossing is still within the space channel, my green palace is in the big paratroy of the void, and will do their best to hinder its front, although it can't completely stop it. Come down, you can also delay for decades, and even the time of the hundred years, this also gives us the time to prepare. "The wheel back the temple.

"In addition, we have negotiated with several palace owners, and set a plan. Now it is called the sword. You will be involved in it."

"Plan? What plan?" The sword was unparalleled.

"This plan is that the main force of the Golden State has not yet lost, and the power of the golden defending the battlefield, including the foundation of them, all destroyed!" Returned to the main voice of the temple.

"Take the initiative to attack?" The sword was unparalleled, but he was also looking forward to it.

Indeed, if it is waited until the gold main strength, then the golden struggle of the battlefield is left in this battlefield, there is a foundation that the strong, and the golden protector will start, inevitably destroy.

If you are destroying all the foundations, Golden countries will do their hand, and it is not that convenient.

Others don't say, those special places that are controlled by the golden country, all of which are ruined, and it is enough to let the actions of the Golden Country are extremely limited.

"This program is good, but it is not easy to implement it."

The sword is unparalleled: "Golden Guo stayed in this battlefield, although there is a lot of killing of my green fire palace, but now there are still many strong people to sit in the town, like respect Strong, still have several good times, and it is still stronger than my green palace. "

"In addition, Golden Guo also built a old nest in this battlefield, the ban on the law, we want to completely curse their roots, you have to kill their old nest, what is easy?"

"What you said, we have also negotiated before." Tang Huang said, "Now Jin Guo stayed in this battlefield, it is indeed more powerful than me, and may even be more stronger. It is also the case where I am not willing to die! "

"The sword is unparalleled, you are too small to look at my green palace, I have a green palace in this battlefield for more than 40 million years, its heritage, is it more than five million years? "

"Don't say something else, single world is honored, I am strong than the golden country!"

"What?" The sword is unparalleled.

It is insiscible that the golden country has nine kings, which is the nine big ride, and the strong people of the Red Snow King.

On the green palace, only five palace owners, but also the five big rings, but the Tang Huang said that the truth of the Qinglu Palace is better than the golden country.

"The sword is unparalleled, you see." The void hall laughed, but immediately waved, next to him, immediately appeared in the figure of scarlet armor.

"Is this?" The sword watched this scarlet armor man, and I found out the latter's identity.

"The war?" The sword is unparalleled, "but also the battle of the world?"

"Yes, it is the battle of the world." The void palace smiles, "" Similar to such a war, I have five feet in the Qinglu Palace. "

The sword is nothing-eyed.

He saw that this battle in front of him, should be only the common world of the tribute, the war that can be exploded, should be the ordinary truth.

With him in Star Island, I have to be a lot of peaks in the peak of the peak.

Such a battle in the greenhouse, but there is a five-pronged five, which is equivalent to the five major functions.

"On the battle force, my green fire palace has been stronger than the golden country, and before the golden Tianying Wang is chasing your process, it is killed by you, and then we have a trap through the gold ax. I killed them, they lost two big tributes, which made my green palace in this battle, it is already enough to completely crush the golden country! "

"As for those banned laws in Jin Guo's nest, we naturally have a way to break!" Take back to the temple, "before, I didn't make too much grasp of the power of gold in this battlefield before. Fall, so I have been never erotic, I have never burst out the battle. "

"But now, critical juncture, even if there is no absolute grasp, you must also do it!"

"This is the golden country, forced us to do it!"

"Before the main force of the golden country, I must find a roots of Jin Guo in the battlefield, including those golden powers, all the foundations on this battlefield, all erased out ! "

When I heard the word of the temple, the people in the scene were cold, and the heart was killing.

Treating the golden country, such as unsatisfied, no one will be closed.

"This time, you must be a hit, don't give any reaction to the golden country, so I will be full of efforts to go all out, swords are unparalleled, you are also the palace of the Qinglu Palace, and there is also a battle force, This battle, you are also involved. "The round temple looked at the sword.

"No problem." The sword has no double heart, and the palm is also tight.

No need to prepare too much, very fast, the palace owners of the Green Palace include the sword and unparalleled, and set off directly.


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