Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1188 Trends to the peak?

The giant battlefield, above the ruins.

The sword is unparalleled, Tang Huang, Xuri Jian Di, the four people of the void hall station stood there quietly.

Not long, the round temple of the Temple rushed over to the Red Lotus Palace.

The Returning Temple is always in the battlefield. It is only the ideology of the two people before the green fire palace. Now it is the present.

"It's all right."

The void palace is around, "This time, the six palace owners of the Qinglu Palace shot at the same time, and I brought the five-pride warfare, and I can attack the golden nesh in the golden nest in one fell. The strong is all destroyed! "

"Well." Several other palace owners will look back.

Today, this battle, the green fire palace is ready, after all, the Qinghuo Palace is very early, I want to move the golden country in this battlefield, but unfortunately there is no absolute grasp.

"The sword is unparalleled." The main hall of the void hall didn't have a double. "When you leave the green palace, you have already have a border force, now a thousand eight hundred years, with your talent Some of the strength is also a matter of strength? "

The other four palace owners have also seen the swords.

"It is some progress." The sword has no double main point, "I should not be weak in the Red Snow King."

"What?" The five palace owners were shocked.

Although the sword is unparalleled, it can be at the bottom of these five palace, but it is a huge waves.

Red Snow, that is, it is the best in the peak, in the five people, in addition to the round temple, any other right, he is not grasped.

And the sword is unparalleled, one thousand eight hundred years ago, it is only a general truth.

Now that I have been in the world of the world now.

Is this possible?

"The sword is unparalleled, you said you now, can you compaider the Red Snow King?" The Round Temple took a tone of the tone asked.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled is incomparable.

This is even more surprised.

"Little guy, you are afraid that the real strength of the Red Snow King is not greatly understood. At the beginning of the battlefield, you only have to play hands with him, the red Snow King should not do our best, his true war is to play Come out, but the peak of the world is more than our four palace owners, but it has to be strong. "Tang Huang said.

"There is no hidden strength before the Red Snow, I don't know, but I have a definite self-confidence, and even the victory is also difficult." Sword is unparalleled.

"Oh? This is confident?" Tang Huang fir.

He is unparalleled to the sword. If the sword is unparalleled, it will never say the empty mouth. Now he has this self-confidence, then he has truthfully has that strength, but this progress, it is too much to think about it?

"The sword is unparalleled, since you are confident, it is not as good as I am here, I don't think, what do you think?" The main ring of the temple.

"Yes, this can you see the true strength of the sword." Honglian nodded, she was unparalleled to the sword, still very questioned.

"Although we have to do it for Golden Guo, it is not anxious to take this moment, but you will make you two hands-on." Xuri Jian Di also said.

As for the void hall, the Tang Dynasty nodded.

"The sword is unparalleled, what about you?" The Round Returning the Temple of the Temple.

"Since the turn returned to the Temple, I naturally won't refuse." The sword has no double smile.

He knows that these palace owners have a doubt about their own strength, which will let the round temples come to test.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled.

"Returning to the main, please." The sword was unparalleled smile, and the blood peak sword has appeared in his hand.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are careful." The Round returned the temple and laughed, but it has already gone a black flame.

This black flame contains terrible temperatures, and there is a crushing of the blanket, the sword is not a horrible power of this flame.


The round temple took the initiative. He directly stepped forward, and he had come to the sword.

The right hand is a punch, carrying endless dark flames, directly in the sword.

Simple and rude punches, can contain power, but it is enough to make the general truth.

The sword is unbounded in the bright spot, the power of the power is constantly incorporated into the hand, the blood peak sword, the power has skyrocketed.


The sword is unparalleled directly to the sky, and the front of the trendy of the Temple contains the front of the fist that contains black flames.


A loud sound, the flames swept around, so that the void is directly directly for a fire sea.

The shape of the Returning Temple is , directly fell back, and the half ramp will stabilize the body shape.

"The wheel is back to the main, I said that I am currently fighting, it will not be weak in Red Snow, so you don't have to leave." The sword is unparalleled.

He saw that this round of the temple should be worried that he will hurt him, this is reserved.

"Reincarnation, you have to be careful, just in the confrontation, the strength of the sword is indeed weak, how much you have, you have to play the spirit, but you can turn your boat in the ditch." Honglian is on the side Laugh.

"Return, use the whole force." Xuri Jian Di also said.

"Haha, I've been a little big, in this case, then I am going all right." The Round returned the hall laughed, and his hands were also a pair of ink gloves.


The Round returned the temple once again, this time is a punch for the palm, endless black flames, like a huge dark cloud, and the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unfast corner, the cold sword shadow suddenly stab, but it is just the most central center of the 'Wu Yun', which is the palm of the temple.

This black cloud is dissipated in an instant.

"It's so easy to resolve my trick?" The Round Temple is the color of the temple.

The sword is unparalleled again, this sword is extremely elegant, it looks a sword that is incomparable.

It can be such a simple sword, but when you pass out, it is affecting the time and space, and the moment is in front of the main point.

"So fast!"

The wheel will look back in the temple.

"This sword!" The Rising Sun Jie, which is next to him, is also shrinking.

As a strong strong, especially the Rising Sword Emperor is good at the swords, the eye is nature is not low, it can be very clear, the sword of the sword is unparalleled, affecting time and space.

"The sword can actually affect time and space?" Xuri Sword Emperor couldn't help but laughed.


The black flame of the round temple was hocked, and a fire dragon was formed, and the sword was wrapped, so that this sword was completely dissipated.

And the sword is unparalleled, and there is an in front of the main return.

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