Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1189 Breaking the Beads!

" " " " "

The sky is light, and the sword is unbeatted in his hands.

Every sword light is so lightning, and every road contains a huge power, and it has been crazy.

The back of the Temple is in the hands of the hand, and the black flame has skyrocketed again. Although these swords are shining, but the body shape is a few wolves.

"Almost, stop." The Tang Dynasty opened.

The sword in the sword is stopped, and the figure is also immediately returned to the side.

That round of the temple is relaxed, but it is showing a smile on his face.

"Haha ~~~" The turn is very happy.

Next to the other four palace owners, they also laughed.

"Return, this time, you are shameful!" Honglian smiled and smiled.

"No, I still worry that the sword is unparalleled. I deliberately leave the hand, but now it seems that this big is obviously myself." The round temple is laughing.

"You can forced the reincarnation to this point, there is no doubt that the strength of the sword has reached the level of the peak, and there are many more than us." The void palace is coming, and there are still some The quirky looks at the rising sun, "Rising Sun, your first sword in this green world, I am afraid that I can't keep it."

The Rising Sword Emperor is a bitter smile. "I know that the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is still intended. After the sword is unparalleled, after the sky is reached, I will fight with him, but I didn't expect, just road, His strength has exceeded me. "

"However, the stronger he is, the more the sky is, the greater the help of my green palace." Xuri Sword Emperor held his hands.

"Indeed." Several other palace owners will look back.

"The sword is unparalleled." The Round Returning the sword is unparalphed. "Your current strength, in my green palace, except for me, it should be the strongest, I am afraid how long I haven't used it, even I also Not your opponent. "

The sword is unparalleled.

He can hear it, and the reincarnation will now be confident, stronger than him.

"The Round Temple is the oldest palace master in my green house. The strength has always been deeply unable, although I just barely occupy some upper winds, but this is also the main reservation of the Temple, even if it is It is a golden trumpet of Golden Guo, and there are many treasures. The palace owner of the Qinglu Palace must have more, but when the reincarnation, when I have just handed out a chaotic odd layer. Gloves will. "

"He is definitely not to show many means." The sword was unparalleled.

Of course, the reincarnation of the Temple did not use full, he did not.

His swordstemed did not completely played out, the strongest trick he created, did not show it.

"In just a thousand eight hundred years ago, you can have such an incredible progress, I can now determine 100%, you must be a leader of my green palace, but unfortunately, my fire circle is not so Many times, let you grow slowly. "The round temple is light sigh.

Several other palace owners are also cold.

Indeed, the current situation, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no opportunity to grow slowly.

The main army of Golden Guo is coming, and the Golden Guo and the Qinglu Palace will have to break out. Once the battle, once the green fire, the whole green fire industry will disappear.

"No matter what, this battle, I am a green palace, I have to win!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, you must win!" The other five palace owners nodded.

"Okay, everything is ready, we will leave it directly." Rotating back to the main story.

Immediately, the six palace owners including the sword is unparalleled, they will go directly to the old nest on the battlefield.

After several days, six people have come to the voids in front of the golden nest.

"There, is the golden nest of the golden country?" The sword didn't straighten.

In front of him, it is a region covered by purple fog. This area is not huge, the sword is unparalleled, but it can't penetrate this purple fog. It is clear that the golden nest has been arranged. Before the ban.

"There is such a ban, how can we attack?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The method of attacking this ban is natural, you are." The main hall of the void Temple smiled slightly, but then took out a transparent bead.

This transparent light beads contain a gray mysterious force, and you can also see a thunder to beat it, a destruction of the breath spread from this transparent light.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"This is a broken bee, which is designed to break the array or ban. Many years ago, I was lucky when I was swaying in this battlefield, but although I got it, I was still the first today. Secondary. "

When I mentioned the anti-bumper, the king in the sword was also opened. "This breaks the bamboo, it is also good, in the vast chaotic world, the ordinary ban or the array, this broken boss can directly break directly Go, and the arrays around the golden nest are strong, but it is impossible to resist the impact of the beads, and I didn't guess the wrong, this void palace is probably not only one broken. Board. "

"On the battlefield, there is a good thing." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Everything is carried out in accordance with the previously arranged plan." The turn is the main opening, the sound is cold, "will let the beads throw away, and the ban on the surroundings around Jin Guo directly breaks, then I, Void, Tang Huang, Rising Sun Four People, with the Wuzijie Respect, will directly enter the golden nest, but also slaughter! "

"Honglian, you are staying here, showing the Jiufang field, suppressing the strong people of the Golden Country, cooperating with our slaughter, but also preventing the strong people from the Golden Country escape."

"Well." Honglian is looking back, but it is aware of the bloody bracelet that touched his hands in his hand.

The blood bracelet is a very gorgeous treasure.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The Round Temple is also in the sword. "You have a very strong, second only to me, and good at the swords, the speed is so fast, you are hidden in the dark, as a killing hand, if you find a good chance, you will take it directly It is best to bring to the greatest extent to the golden country, it is best to kill them one or two bounds! "

"Understand." The sword didn't have a double eyed cold, and he also killed his body.

"All the best, today, I am about the death of my fire industry. If this battle wins, the golden country is destroying all the foundations of this battlefield, and the main force of the golden country, there is also a line of life, But if this battle failed, then I am a green world, I will die! "

"For the line of life, this battle, it will never be allowed to fail!" The round temptation of the temple.

"This battle, you will win!"


The sword is unparalleled.


The Round Temple issued a low drink. The void palace next to it is to take the abbot of the hand, and the area facing the front of the purple mist.

The disabled beads broke into the area of ​​purple fog, and immediately broke out the radiant light, just like a sun.

It is tight, it is a horrible explosion.

boom! ! ! !

Tianshure crack.

The purple fog covered around the Nakada of the golden country, with the explosion, it is directly detached.


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