Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 119, War out! ! !

Jin Guo's old nest, the deepest in the Mian Palace, a red-haired cold young red snow king, and several of the golden countries gathered together.

"Red Snow, your injury has been repaired?" Jin Yan Wang said.

"Well." Huang Xue Wang nodded, but it is a great man, "The sword is unparalleled, it is really embarrassing!"

In the beginning, the golden country, the four kings assassinated the sword, and finally the sword was unparalleled. It will be in the wind, and the blood is completely broke out. Although he is lucky to escape the life, he also suffered from hitting.

In these years, Hong Xuewang has been staying in this retracted restoration, and now it is completely repaired.

"The injury is restored, just the main army of my golden country, but also arrived!"

Red Snow King, licking his lips, flashing over a silk.

Several other bounds next to them are also excited.

They have been waiting for too long.

"Five million years!"

"I waited for five million years in this battlefield, I finally gave the big people to everyone!"

"Haha ~~~ The big army of the National Lands, will inevitably destroy, and the green fire house includes the green fire world to completely cover, this giant battlefield will be completely attributed to my gold!"

"This day, finally came!"

The Jinko's tribute, all of which burst rich light, and there was a low snoring in the mouth.

They stayed in this battlefield for five million years, and they are also very precious, unfortunately, because of the existence of the green fire, they have been thoroughly wiped out. Go.

But there is no ability.

Five million years ago, they tried it once and failed.

After that failure, Golden Guo did not give up the occupation of this battlefield, the Golden Guo Lord led the main force of the golden country, and it had already set out in this battlefield in five million years ago.

However, this battlefield position is too unique. The land of the golden country of the Golden Guo, which spends great strength, and locks here, and then uses a long time, paying a big price, plus Hong Xuewang They responded internally to finalize this space channel.

If the geographical environment of this battlefield is too unique, the main army leading the Golden Guo Lord, in fact, it has already arrived.

"These years, I waited in this battlefield, I have already made a foundation. Only the facts of the country's adults lead the main army, this battle, there is different battles, this battle is different, this time, I Jin Guo Preparing, there are many foundations, and it is also the reality of the National Labor, and the strong is more, the green palace, there is no anti-pit force. "

"This battle, I will win!"

Red Snow is excited to roar.

These trees are also prepared, just waiting for the main strength of Golden countries.

It is at this time ...


The horrible scary explosion came.

In an instant, the entire golden nest was shaken, and the King of Hong Xuewei, and the first time I was in the first time.


A lot of figure is on the sky, appearing above the empty space.

Red Snow King is the most central standing in the crowd, looking at everything in front, the face is incapacitated.

"The surrounding anti-drug array is happened?" Hong Xue Wang's eye is shrinking.

The main army of Golden Guo is about to come, this time, the ban on the golden nest is bombarded?

"It's a green palace, they want to be alone, I want to ruin the foundation of Jin Guo in this battlefield." Hong Xue Wang immediately understood.

Sure enough, after the ban was completely broken, the golden nest of the golden country was completely exposed to the world, and the fading of the front of the front, the plungered figures were already killed.

These shapes, Her Kong is the main road of the temple, the void hall, Tang Huang, Xuri Jian Di four major palace owners, plus the five-pride of the hidden level.

Football, the nine big life, the pen is straight.

"I want to be alone, I will have a good life. How easy, I will stop them!" Red Snow Wang burst.

He has a scarlet hole in his hand, and the horrible breath is venting, the first one greeted.

After the Red Snow King, it is the seven major chaces of Jinyan King, Skywang, and the Kingdom of Jinguo.

Wars, instantly broke out.

The Returning Temple is wearing the black armor. This paint black armor is a lot of effort to cover his whole body, covering all his mouth noses, leaving a pair of eyes outside, horror killing breath Black war armor is spread.

The round temple of the black armor is covered, and it is already a long-awaited tail, which has a darkness like a blade.

He is rolling on heritage, and the time is collided with the red Snow King.

"Break me!"

Red Snow Wangmu Zhong Li Mang has a flash, wrist movement, long guns, such as dragons, out.

The peripheral void immediately has a snowflakes, and these snowflakes show a strange blood color.

The whole world has become ice-cold.


The main roll of the temple, the body of the black war armor has skyrocketed, as the real peer-to-beast, it doesn't care, the fierce bun, is still a fierce, with his own huge body Dynasty scarlet gun, there is also a red snow king hit the past, and it was very horizontal.


This hit, so that the scarlet sword of the Red Snow King hit the strange bending, and the main body of the round temple was only partially impeded, and then he continued to hit the body of the Red Snow King.

Red Snow King issued a boring,

At this time, the palm of the Temple of the Temple is covered with the black armor.

~~~ Lightning-like claws, this claw is easy to tear open.

The red snow is shaped, the scarlet gun is like a vicious saver, and the radius appears in front of this claw.


Both burn off.

"Give me!"

The round temple is an angry, and after him, it is like a blade-shaped dark tail, but it is directly exhausted. If the war knife is smashed, it appears in front of the Red Snow King.

Red Snow Wang is shocked, only to put your long guns in the chest.


The Red Snow is shame, and the whole person is broken into the rear of the stream.

Surremming, it can actually happen between electric firms.

Just a moment of kung fu, the fierce shock, Hong Xue king, has been repeated.

This scene, the sword hidden in the darkness, could not be shocked.

"The Red Snow King really didn't die, and the strength has returned to the peak."

"However, although it returned to the peak state, he worked with the back of the temple, but it was obviously a big difference than the round temple!"

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